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# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import cPickle
import logging
import collections
import functools
import itertools
logging.basicConfig(format="[%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s]"
" %(message)s")
class SequenceType(object):
# TODO(yuyang18): Add string data type here.
class DataType(object):
Dense = 0
SparseNonValue = 1
SparseValue = 2
Index = 3
class CacheType(object):
NO_CACHE = 0 # No cache at all
# First pass, read data from python. And store them in memory. Read from
# memory during rest passes.
class InputType(object):
__slots__ = ['dim', 'seq_type', 'type']
def __init__(self, dim, seq_type, tp):
self.dim = dim
self.seq_type = seq_type
self.type = tp
def dense_slot(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.NO_SEQUENCE):
return InputType(dim, seq_type, DataType.Dense)
def sparse_non_value_slot(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.NO_SEQUENCE):
return InputType(dim, seq_type, DataType.SparseNonValue)
def sparse_value_slot(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.NO_SEQUENCE):
return InputType(dim, seq_type, DataType.SparseValue)
def index_slot(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.NO_SEQUENCE):
return InputType(dim, seq_type, DataType.Index)
dense_vector = dense_slot
sparse_binary_vector = sparse_non_value_slot
sparse_vector = sparse_value_slot
integer_value = index_slot
def dense_vector_sequence(dim):
return dense_vector(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SEQUENCE)
def dense_vector_sub_sequence(dim):
return dense_vector(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SUB_SEQUENCE)
def sparse_binary_vector_sequence(dim):
return sparse_binary_vector(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SEQUENCE)
def sparse_binary_vector_sub_sequence(dim):
return sparse_binary_vector(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SUB_SEQUENCE)
def sparse_vector_sequence(dim):
return sparse_vector(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SEQUENCE)
def sparse_vector_sub_sequence(dim):
return sparse_vector(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SUB_SEQUENCE)
def integer_value_sequence(dim):
return integer_value(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SEQUENCE)
def integer_value_sub_sequence(dim):
return integer_value(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SUB_SEQUENCE)
def integer_sequence(dim):
return index_slot(dim, seq_type=SequenceType.SEQUENCE)
class SingleSlotWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, generator):
self.generator = generator
def __call__(self, obj, filename):
for item in self.generator(obj, filename):
if isinstance(item, dict):
yield item
yield [item]
class InputOrderWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, generator, input_order):
self.generator = generator
self.input_order = input_order
def __call__(self, obj, filename):
for item in self.generator(obj, filename):
if isinstance(item, dict):
yield [
item.get(input_name, None)
for input_name in self.input_order
yield item
class CheckWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, generator, input_types, check_fail_continue, logger):
self.generator = generator
self.input_types = input_types
self.check_fail_continue = check_fail_continue
self.logger = logger
def __call__(self, obj, filename):
for items in self.generator(obj, filename):
assert len(items) == len(self.input_types)
assert len(filter(lambda x: x is None, items)) == 0
for item, input_type in itertools.izip(items, self.input_types):
callback = functools.partial(CheckWrapper.loop_callback,
for _ in xrange(input_type.seq_type):
callback = functools.partial(CheckWrapper.loop_check,
yield items
except AssertionError as e:
"Item (%s) is not fit the input type with error %s" %
(repr(item), repr(e)))
if self.check_fail_continue:
def loop_callback(input_type, each):
assert isinstance(input_type, InputType)
if input_type.type == DataType.Dense:
assert isinstance(each, collections.Sequence)
for d in each:
assert isinstance(d, float)
assert len(each, input_type.dim)
elif input_type.type == DataType.Index:
assert isinstance(each, int)
assert each < input_type.dim
elif input_type.type == DataType.SparseNonValue \
or input_type.type == DataType.SparseValue:
assert isinstance(each, collections.Sequence)
sparse_id = set()
for k in each:
if input_type.type == DataType.SparseValue:
k, v = k
assert isinstance(v, float)
assert isinstance(k, int)
assert k < input_type.dim
assert len(sparse_id) == len(each)
raise RuntimeError("Not support input type")
def loop_check(callback, item):
for each in item:
class CheckInputTypeWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, generator, input_types, logger):
self.generator = generator
self.input_types = input_types
self.logger = logger
def __call__(self, obj, filename):
for items in self.generator(obj, filename):
# dict type is required for input_types when item is dict type
assert (isinstance(items, dict) and \
not isinstance(self.input_types, dict))==False
yield items
except AssertionError as e:
"%s type is required for input type but got %s" %
(repr(type(items)), repr(type(self.input_types))))
def provider(input_types=None,
Provider decorator. Use it to make a function into PyDataProvider2 object.
In this function, user only need to get each sample for some train/test
The basic usage is:
.. code-block:: python
@provider(some data provider config here...)
def process(settings, file_name):
while not at end of file_name:
sample = readOneSampleFromFile(file_name)
yield sample.
The configuration of data provider should be setup by\:
:param input_types: Specify the input types, can also be set in init_hook.
It could be a list of InputType object. For example,
input_types=[dense_vector(9), integer_value(2)]. Or user
can set a dict of InputType object, which key is
data_layer's name. For example, input_types=\
{'img': img_features, 'label': label}. when using dict of
InputType, user could yield a dict of feature values, which
key is also data_layer's name.
:type input_types: list|tuple|dict
:param should_shuffle: True if data should shuffle. Pass None means shuffle
when is training and not to shuffle when is testing.
:type should_shuffle: bool
:param pool_size: Max number of sample in data pool.
:type pool_size: int
:param min_pool_size: Set minimal sample in data pool. The PaddlePaddle will
random pick sample in pool. So the min_pool_size
effect the randomize of data.
:type min_pool_size: int
:param can_over_batch_size: True if paddle can return a mini-batch larger
than batch size in settings. It is useful when
custom calculate one sample's batch_size.
It is very danger to set it to false and use
calc_batch_size together. Default is false.
:type can_over_batch_size: bool
:param calc_batch_size: a method to calculate each sample's batch size.
Default each sample's batch size is 1. But to you
can customize each sample's batch size.
:type calc_batch_size: callable
:param cache: Cache strategy of Data Provider. Default is CacheType.NO_CACHE
:type cache: int
:param init_hook: Initialize hook. Useful when data provider need load some
external data like dictionary. The parameter is
(settings, file_list, \*\*kwargs).
- settings. It is the global settings object. User can set
settings.input_types here.
- file_list. All file names for passed to data provider.
- is_train. Is this data provider used for training or not.
- kwargs. Other keyword arguments passed from
trainer_config's args parameter.
:type init_hook: callable
:param check: Check the yield data format is as same as input_types. Enable
this will make data provide process slow but it is very useful
for debug. Default is disabled.
:type check: bool
:param check_fail_continue: Continue train or not when check failed. Just
drop the wrong format data when it is True. Has
no effect when check set to False.
:type check_fail_continue: bool
def __wrapper__(generator):
class DataProvider(object):
def __init__(self, file_list, **kwargs):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("")
self.input_types = None
if 'slots' in kwargs:
self.logger.warning('setting slots value is deprecated, '
'please use input_types instead.')
self.slots = kwargs['slots']
self.slots = input_types
self.should_shuffle = should_shuffle
true_table = [1, 't', 'true', 'on']
false_table = [0, 'f', 'false', 'off']
if not isinstance(self.should_shuffle, bool) and \
self.should_shuffle is not None:
if isinstance(self.should_shuffle, basestring):
self.should_shuffle = self.should_shuffle.lower()
if self.should_shuffle in true_table:
self.should_shuffle = True
elif self.should_shuffle in false_table:
self.should_shuffle = False
"Could not recognize should_shuffle (%s), "
"just use default value of should_shuffle."
" Please set should_shuffle to bool value or "
"something in %s" %
repr(true_table + false_table)))
self.should_shuffle = None
self.pool_size = pool_size
self.can_over_batch_size = can_over_batch_size
self.calc_batch_size = calc_batch_size
self.file_list = file_list
self.generator = generator
self.cache = cache
self.min_pool_size = min_pool_size
self.input_order = kwargs['input_order']
self.check = check
if init_hook is not None:
init_hook(self, file_list=file_list, **kwargs)
if self.input_types is not None:
self.slots = self.input_types
assert self.slots is not None
assert self.generator is not None
use_dynamic_order = False
if isinstance(self.slots, dict): # reorder input_types
self.slots = [self.slots[ipt] for ipt in self.input_order]
use_dynamic_order = True
if len(self.slots) == 1:
self.generator = SingleSlotWrapper(self.generator)
if use_dynamic_order:
self.generator = InputOrderWrapper(self.generator,
self.generator = CheckInputTypeWrapper(
self.generator, self.slots, self.logger)
if self.check:
self.generator = CheckWrapper(self.generator, self.slots,
return DataProvider
return __wrapper__
def deserialize_args(args):
Internal use only.
:param args:
return cPickle.loads(args)