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/* Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#pragma once
#include "Layer.h"
#include "paddle/math/MathUtils.h"
namespace paddle {
* @brief A Base Convolution Layer, which convolves the input image
* with learned filters and (optionally) adds biases.
class ConvBaseLayer : public Layer {
typedef std::vector<int> IntV;
/// True if it's convolution layer, false if it's deconv layer
bool isConv_;
/// The number of filters.
int numFilters_;
/// The x dimension of the padding.
IntV padding_;
/// The y dimension of the padding.
IntV paddingY_;
/// The x dimension of the stride.
IntV stride_;
/// The y dimension of the stride.
IntV strideY_;
/// The x dimension of a filter kernel.
IntV filterSize_;
/// The y dimension of a filter kernel.
IntV filterSizeY_;
/// The spatial dimensions of the convolution input.
IntV channels_;
/// The spatial dimensions of input feature map height.
IntV imgSizeH_;
/// The spatial dimensions of input feature map width.
IntV imgSizeW_;
/// filterPixels_ = filterSizeX_ * filterSizeY_.
IntV filterPixels_;
/// filterChannels_ = channels_/groups_.
IntV filterChannels_;
/// The spatial dimensions of output feature map height.
IntV outputH_;
/// The spatial dimensions of output feature map width.
IntV outputW_;
/// Group size, refer to grouped convolution in
/// Alex Krizhevsky's paper: when group=2, the first half of the
/// filters are only connected to the first half of the input channels,
/// and the second half only connected to the second half.
IntV groups_;
/// Whether the bias is shared for feature in each channel.
bool sharedBiases_;
/// shape of weight: (numChannels * filterPixels_, numFilters)
WeightList weights_;
/// If shared_biases is false shape of bias: (numFilters_, 1)
/// If shared_biases is ture shape of bias:
/// (numFilters_ * outputX * outputY, 1)
std::unique_ptr<Weight> biases_;
/// True by default. The only difference is the calculation
/// of output size.
bool caffeMode_;
/*The expandInput_ and transOutValue_ are used for CPU expand conv calc*/
/// Expand one sample at a time. shape:
/// (numChannels * filterPixels_, outputSizeH * outputSizeW)
MatrixPtr expandInput_;
/// The transpose of output, which is an auxiliary matrix.
MatrixPtr transOutValue_;
explicit ConvBaseLayer(const LayerConfig& config) : Layer(config) {}
virtual bool init(const LayerMap& layerMap, const ParameterMap& parameterMap);
* imgSizeH_ and imgSizeW_ will be set according to the previous input layers
* in this function. Then it will calculate outputH_ and outputW_ and set them
* into output argument.
virtual size_t calOutputSize();
Weight& getWeight(int idx) { return *weights_[idx]; }
* Calculate output size based on caffeMode_.
* - input(+padding): 0123456789
* - imageSize(+padding) = 10;
* - filterSize = 3;
* - stride = 2;
* - caffeMode_ is true:
- output: (012), (234), (456), (678)
- outputSize = 4;
* - caffeMode_ is false:
* - output: (012), (234), (456), (678), (9)
* - outputSize = 5;
int outputSize(int imageSize, int filterSize, int padding, int stride) {
int outputSize;
if (!caffeMode_) {
outputSize =
(imageSize - filterSize + 2 * padding + stride - 1) / stride + 1;
} else {
outputSize = (imageSize - filterSize + 2 * padding) / stride + 1;
CHECK_GE(outputSize, 1);
return outputSize;
int imageSize(int outputSize, int filterSize, int padding, int stride) {
int imageSize;
if (!caffeMode_) {
imageSize =
(outputSize - 1) * stride + filterSize - 2 * padding - stride + 1;
} else {
imageSize = (outputSize - 1) * stride + filterSize - 2 * padding;
CHECK_GE(imageSize, 1);
return imageSize;
* Create or resize expandInput_.
void resetExpandInput(size_t height, size_t width);
* Create or resize transOutValue_.
void resetConvOutput(size_t batchSize, int inIdx);
* Add shared bias.
void addSharedBias();
* Add unshared bias.
void addUnsharedBias();
} // namespace paddle