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293 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import six
import paddle.fluid.core as core
import paddle.fluid.proto.framework_pb2 as framework_pb2
def get_all_op_protos():
Get all registered op proto from PaddlePaddle C++ end.
:return: A list of registered OpProto.
protostrs = core.get_all_op_protos()
ret_values = []
for pbstr in protostrs:
op_proto = framework_pb2.OpProto.FromString(six.binary_type(pbstr))
return ret_values
def is_str(s):
return isinstance(s, six.string_types)
class OpDescCreationMethod(object):
Convert the user's input(only keyword arguments are supported) to OpDesc
based on the OpProto.
:param op_proto: The OpProto object.
:type op_proto: op_proto_pb2.OpProto
def __init__(self, op_proto):
if not isinstance(op_proto, framework_pb2.OpProto):
raise TypeError(
"Type of op_proto should be OpProto in PaddlePaddle.")
self.__op_proto__ = op_proto
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Convert user's input to OpDesc. Only keyword arguments are supported.
:return: The OpDesc based on user input.
:rtype: op_desc_pb2.OpDesc
if len(args) != 0:
raise ValueError("Only keyword arguments are supported.")
op_desc = framework_pb2.OpDesc()
for input_parameter in self.__op_proto__.inputs:
input_arguments = kwargs.get(input_parameter.name, [])
if is_str(input_arguments):
input_arguments = [input_arguments]
if not input_parameter.duplicable and len(input_arguments) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Input %s expects only one input, but %d are given." %
(input_parameter.name, len(input_arguments)))
ipt = op_desc.inputs.add()
ipt.parameter = input_parameter.name
for output_parameter in self.__op_proto__.outputs:
output_arguments = kwargs.get(output_parameter.name, [])
if is_str(output_arguments):
output_arguments = [output_arguments]
if not output_parameter.duplicable and len(output_arguments) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Output %s expects only one output, but %d are given." %
(output_parameter.name, len(output_arguments)))
out = op_desc.outputs.add()
out.parameter = output_parameter.name
# Types
op_desc.type = self.__op_proto__.type
# Attrs
for attr in self.__op_proto__.attrs:
if attr.generated:
user_defined_attr = kwargs.get(attr.name, None)
if user_defined_attr is not None:
new_attr = op_desc.attrs.add()
new_attr.name = attr.name
new_attr.type = attr.type
if isinstance(user_defined_attr, np.ndarray):
user_defined_attr = user_defined_attr.tolist()
if attr.type == framework_pb2.INT:
new_attr.i = user_defined_attr
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.FLOAT:
new_attr.f = user_defined_attr
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.LONG:
new_attr.l = user_defined_attr
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.STRING:
new_attr.s = user_defined_attr
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.BOOLEAN:
new_attr.b = user_defined_attr
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.INTS:
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.FLOATS:
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.STRINGS:
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.BOOLEANS:
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.LONGS:
elif attr.type == framework_pb2.INT_PAIRS:
for p in user_defined_attr:
pair = new_attr.int_pairs.add()
pair.first = p[0]
pair.second = p[1]
raise NotImplementedError(
"A not supported attribute type: %s." % (
return op_desc
def any_is_true(generator):
Reduce a boolean array to a single boolean parameter. If any element in
the array is True, this function will return True, otherwise False.
for flag in generator:
if flag:
return True
return False
class OpInfo(object):
def __init__(self, name, method, inputs, outputs, attrs):
self.name = name
self.method = method
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs
self.attrs = attrs
def create_op_creation_method(op_proto):
Generate op creation method for an OpProto.
method = OpDescCreationMethod(op_proto)
def __impl__(*args, **kwargs):
opdesc = method(*args, **kwargs)
return core.Operator.create(opdesc.SerializeToString())
return OpInfo(
inputs=[(var.name, var.duplicable) for var in op_proto.inputs],
outputs=[(var.name, var.duplicable) for var in op_proto.outputs],
attrs=[attr.name for attr in op_proto.attrs])
class OperatorFactory(object):
def __init__(self):
self.op_methods = dict()
for op_proto in get_all_op_protos():
method = create_op_creation_method(op_proto)
self.op_methods[method.name] = method
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if "type" in kwargs:
if len(args) != 0:
raise ValueError(
"Except the argument \"type\","
"all of the other arguments should be keyword arguments.")
t = kwargs.pop("type")
if len(args) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Except the argument \"type\","
"all of the other arguments should be keyword arguments.")
t = args[0]
return self.get_op_info(t).method(**kwargs)
def types(self):
return list(self.op_methods.keys())
def get_op_info(self, t):
if t not in self.op_methods:
raise ValueError("The operator: %s is not registered." % t)
return self.op_methods.get(t)
def get_op_input_names(self, type):
return [x[0] for x in self.get_op_info(type).inputs]
def get_op_inputs(self, type):
return self.get_op_info(type).inputs
def get_op_output_names(self, type):
return [x[0] for x in self.get_op_info(type).outputs]
def get_op_outputs(self, type):
return self.get_op_info(type).outputs
def get_op_attr_names(self, type):
return self.get_op_info(type).attrs
class __RecurrentOp__(object):
__proto__ = None
type = "recurrent"
def __init__(self):
# cache recurrent_op's proto
if self.__proto__ is None:
for op_proto in get_all_op_protos():
if op_proto.type == self.type:
self.__proto__ = op_proto
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.type not in args and "type" not in kwargs:
kwargs["type"] = self.type
# create proto
create_method = OpDescCreationMethod(self.__proto__)
proto = create_method(*args, **kwargs)
# create rnnop
return core.RecurrentOp.create(proto.SerializeToString())
class __DynamicRecurrentOp__(object):
__proto__ = None
type = "dynamic_recurrent"
def __init__(self):
# cache recurrent_op's proto
if self.__proto__ is None:
for op_proto in get_all_op_protos():
if op_proto.type == self.type:
self.__proto__ = op_proto
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.type not in args and "type" not in kwargs:
kwargs["type"] = self.type
# create proto
create_method = OpDescCreationMethod(self.__proto__)
proto = create_method(*args, **kwargs)
# create rnnop
return core.DynamicRecurrentOp.create(proto.SerializeToString())
class __CondOp__(object):
__proto__ = None
type = "cond"
def __init__(self):
# cache recurrent_op's proto
if self.__proto__ is None:
for op_proto in get_all_op_protos():
if op_proto.type == self.type:
self.__proto__ = op_proto
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.type not in args and "type" not in kwargs:
kwargs["type"] = self.type
# create proto
create_method = OpDescCreationMethod(self.__proto__)
proto = create_method(*args, **kwargs)
# create condop
return core.CondOp.create(proto.SerializeToString())
Operator = OperatorFactory() # The default global factory
RecurrentOp = __RecurrentOp__()
DynamicRecurrentOp = __DynamicRecurrentOp__()
CondOp = __CondOp__()