You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
from paddle.proto.ParameterConfig_pb2 import ParameterConfig
import paddle.trainer.config_parser as cp
import struct
import tarfile
import cStringIO
from topology import Topology
__all__ = ['Parameters', 'create']
def create(layers):
Create parameter pool by topology.
:param layers:
topology = Topology(layers)
pool = Parameters()
initializers = cp.g_parameter_initializer_map
for param in topology.proto().parameters:
if in initializers:
pool[] = initializers[](
return pool
class Parameters(object):
Parameters is a dictionary contains Paddle's parameter. The key of
Parameters is the name of parameter. The value of Parameters is a plain
:code:`numpy.ndarry` .
Basically usage is
.. code-block:: python
data =
out = paddle.layers.fc(...)
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(out)
parameter_names = parameters.names()
fc_mat = parameters.get('fc')
print fc_mat
def __init__(self):
self.__param_conf__ = dict()
self.__gradient_machines__ = []
self.__tmp_params__ = dict()
def __append_config__(self, param_conf):
Append a parameter configuration. It used to initialize Parameters and
should be invoked only in paddle.parameters.create
:param param_conf: The parameter configuration in protobuf
:type param_conf: ParameterConfig
:return: Nothing
if not isinstance(param_conf, ParameterConfig):
raise ValueError("param_conf must be paddle.proto.ParameterConfig")
if in self.__param_conf__:
raise ValueError("duplicated parameter %s" %
self.__param_conf__[] = param_conf
def keys(self):
keys are the names of each parameter.
:return: list of parameter name
:rtype: list
return self.__param_conf__.keys()
def names(self):
names of each parameter.
:return: list of parameter name
:rtype: list
return self.keys()
def has_key(self, key):
has_key return true if there are such parameter name == key
:param key: Parameter name
:type key: basestring
:return: True if contains such key
return key in self.__param_conf__.keys()
def __iter__(self):
Return an iterator of parameter name. It is used by `for loop`
or `in` operator.
.. code-block:: python
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(...)
if "fc_param" in parameters:
print 'OK'
:return: an iterator of parameter name
:rtype: iterator
return iter(self.__param_conf__)
def __getter_inner(self, key, param_type):
import py_paddle.swig_paddle as api
shape = self.get_shape(key)
if len(self.__gradient_machines__) == 0:
# create new parameter in python numpy.
if key in self.__tmp_params__:
return self.__tmp_params__[key]
return np.ndarray(shape=shape, dtype=np.float32)
for each_gradient_machine in self.__gradient_machines__:
param = __get_parameter_in_gradient_machine__(
each_gradient_machine, key)
# for simplify implementation now, we always copy from C++
assert isinstance(param, api.Parameter)
val = param.getBuf(param_type)
assert isinstance(val, api.Vector)
val = val.copyToNumpyArray()
return val
# else continue
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected branch")
def __getitem__(self, key):
Get parameter by parameter name. It uses Python dict syntax.
:note: It will always copy the parameter from C++ side.
:param key: Parameter name
:type key: basestring
:return: parameter value
:rtype: np.ndarray
import py_paddle.swig_paddle as api
return self.__getter_inner(key, api.PARAMETER_VALUE)
def get_shape(self, key):
get shape of the parameter.
:param key: parameter name
:type key: basestring
:return: parameter's shape
:rtype: tuple
if not isinstance(key, basestring):
raise ValueError("parameter name should be string")
if not self.has_key(key):
raise ValueError("No such parameter %s" % key)
conf = self.__param_conf__[key]
dims = conf.dims if conf.dims else (1, conf.size)
return tuple(map(int, dims))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Set parameter by parameter name & value. It use Python dict syntax.
:note: It will always copy the parameter to C++ side.
:param key: Parameter name
:type key: basestring
:param value: Parameter matrix.
:type value: np.ndarray
:return: Nothing
if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("Must return ndarray")
value = value.astype(dtype=np.float32)
shape = self.get_shape(key)
if value.shape != shape:
raise ValueError("Value shape mismatch, expect %s, should %s" %
(shape, value.shape))
if len(self.__gradient_machines__) == 0:
self.__tmp_params__[key] = value
for each_gradient_machine in self.__gradient_machines__:
key, value)
def get(self, parameter_name):
Get parameter by parameter name.
:note: It will always copy the parameter from C++ side.
:param parameter_name: parameter name
:type parameter_name: basestring
:return: The parameter matrix.
:rtype: np.ndarray
return self.__getitem__(key=parameter_name)
def get_grad(self, key):
Get grandient by parameter name.
:note: It will always copy the parameter from C++ side.
:param key: parameter name
:type key: basestring
:return: The grandient matrix.
:rtype: np.ndarray
import py_paddle.swig_paddle as api
return self.__getter_inner(key, api.PARAMETER_GRADIENT)
def set(self, parameter_name, value):
Set parameter by parameter name & matrix.
:param parameter_name: parameter name
:type parameter_name: basestring
:param value: parameter matrix
:type value: np.ndarray
:return: Nothing.
self.__setitem__(key=parameter_name, value=value)
def append_gradient_machine(self, gradient_machine):
append gradient machine to parameters. This method is used internally in
:param gradient_machine: Paddle C++ GradientMachine object.
:type gradient_machine: api.GradientMachine
import py_paddle.swig_paddle as api
if not isinstance(gradient_machine, api.GradientMachine):
raise ValueError("gradient_machine should be api.GradientMachine")
if len(self.__tmp_params__) != 0:
for name, val in self.__tmp_params__.iteritems():
name, val)
except ValueError:
# If no such parameter in gradient machine, then don't copy
def serialize(self, name, f):
:param name:
:param f:
:type f: file
param = self.get(name)
size = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, param.shape)
f.write(struct.pack("IIQ", 0, 4, size))
param = param.astype(np.float32)
s = param.tostring()
wrote_size = 0
buf = buffer(s, wrote_size, 65535)
while buf: # f.write crashes with big data blog.
wrote_size += 65535
buf = buffer(s, wrote_size, 65535)
def deserialize(self, name, f):
:param name:
:param f:
:type f: file
""" # header
arr = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.float32)
self.set(name, arr.reshape(self.get_shape(name)))
def to_tar(self, f):
tar = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=f, mode='w')
for nm in self.names():
buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
self.serialize(nm, buf)
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=nm)
tarinfo.size = len(buf.getvalue())
tar.addfile(tarinfo, buf)
conf = self.__param_conf__[nm]
confStr = conf.SerializeToString()
tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name="%s.protobuf" % nm)
tarinfo.size = len(confStr)
buf = cStringIO.StringIO(confStr)
tar.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=buf)
def from_tar(f):
Create a `Parameters` object from the given file. And
the `Parameters` only contains the parameters in this
file. It is adapted the parameters are same in the
defined network and the given file. For example, it
can be used in the inference.
:param f: the initialized model file.
:type f: tar file
:return: A Parameters object.
:rtype: Parameters.
params = Parameters()
tar = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=f, mode='r')
for finfo in tar:
assert isinstance(finfo, tarfile.TarInfo)
f = tar.extractfile(finfo)
conf = ParameterConfig()
for param_name in params.names():
f = tar.extractfile(param_name)
params.deserialize(param_name, f)
return params
def init_from_tar(self, f):
Different from `from_tar`, this interface can be used to
init partial network parameters from another saved model.
:param f: the initialized model file.
:type f: tar file
:return: Nothing.
tar_param = Parameters.from_tar(f)
for pname in tar_param.names():
if pname in self.names():
self.set(pname, tar_param.get(pname))
def __get_parameter_in_gradient_machine__(gradient_machine, name):
:param gradient_machine:
:type gradient_machine: api.GradientMachine
:param name:
:rtype: api.Parameter
params = filter(lambda p: p.getName() == name,
if len(params) == 0:
raise ValueError("No such parameter")
elif len(params) > 1:
raise ValueError("Unexpected branch")
return params[0]
def __copy_parameter_to_gradient_machine__(gradient_machine, name, arr):
Copy a python ndarray into the gradient machine.
:param gradient_machine:
:type gradient_machine: api.GradientMachine
:param name:
:param arr:
:type arr: np.ndarray
:rtype: api.Parameter
import py_paddle.swig_paddle as api
param = __get_parameter_in_gradient_machine__(gradient_machine, name)
vec = param.getBuf(api.PARAMETER_VALUE)
assert isinstance(vec, api.Vector)