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import unittest
import numpy as np
from op_test import OpTest
def generate_compatible_shapes(dim_X, dim_Y, transpose_X, transpose_Y):
M = 3
N = 4
K = 5
if (dim_X == 1 and transpose_X) or (dim_Y == 1 and transpose_Y):
K = 1
if dim_X == 1:
if transpose_X:
shape_X = [M]
shape_X = [K]
if dim_Y == 1:
if transpose_Y:
shape_Y = [N]
shape_Y = [K]
if dim_X >= 2:
if transpose_X:
shape_X = [K, M]
shape_X = [M, K]
if dim_X == 3:
shape_X = [BATCH_SIZE] + shape_X
if dim_Y >= 2:
if transpose_Y:
shape_Y = [N, K]
shape_Y = [K, N]
if dim_Y == 3:
shape_Y = [BATCH_SIZE] + shape_Y
return shape_X, shape_Y
def reference_matmul(X, Y, transpose_X=False, transpose_Y=False):
"""Reference forward implementation using np.matmul."""
# np.matmul does not support the transpose flags, so we manually
# transpose X and Y appropriately.
if transpose_X:
if X.ndim == 1:
X = X.reshape((X.size, 1))
elif X.ndim == 2:
X = X.T
elif X.ndim == 3:
X = np.transpose(X, (0, 2, 1))
raise ValueError('X must have between 1 and 3 dimensions')
if transpose_Y:
if Y.ndim == 1:
Y = Y.reshape((1, Y.size))
elif Y.ndim == 2:
Y = Y.T
elif Y.ndim == 3:
Y = np.transpose(Y, (0, 2, 1))
raise ValueError('Y must have between 1 and 3 dimensions')
Out = np.matmul(X, Y)
if not Out.shape:
# We do not support 0-dimensional Tensors (scalars). So where
# np.matmul outputs a scalar, we must convert to a Tensor of
# shape (1, ) instead.
# Everywhere else, we are compatible with np.matmul.
Out = np.array([Out], dtype="float32")
return Out
class Generator(object):
def setUp(self):
self.op_type = "matmul"
X = np.random.random(self.shape_X).astype("float32")
Y = np.random.random(self.shape_Y).astype("float32")
Out = reference_matmul(X, Y, self.transpose_X, self.transpose_Y)
self.inputs = {'X': X, 'Y': Y}
self.attrs = {
'transpose_X': self.transpose_X,
'transpose_Y': self.transpose_Y
self.outputs = {'Out': Out}
def test_check_output(self):
def test_check_grad_normal(self):
self.check_grad(['X', 'Y'], 'Out', max_relative_error=0.5)
def test_check_grad_ignore_x(self):
['Y'], 'Out', max_relative_error=0.5, no_grad_set=set("X"))
def test_check_grad_ignore_y(self):
['X'], 'Out', max_relative_error=0.5, no_grad_set=set('Y'))
# Generate test cases for all possibilities
for dim_X in [1, 2, 3]:
for dim_Y in [1, 2, 3]:
for transpose_X in [False, True]:
for transpose_Y in [False, True]:
test_name = (
dim_X, dim_Y, transpose_X, transpose_Y))
shape_X, shape_Y = generate_compatible_shapes(
dim_X, dim_Y, transpose_X, transpose_Y)
test_class = type(test_name, (Generator, OpTest), {
'shape_X': shape_X,
'shape_Y': shape_Y,
'transpose_X': transpose_X,
'transpose_Y': transpose_Y,
globals()[test_name] = test_class
if __name__ == "__main__":