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// Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/distributed/service/brpc_ps_server.h"
#include <thread> // NOLINT
#include "Eigen/Dense"
#include "butil/endpoint.h"
#include "iomanip"
#include "paddle/fluid/distributed/table/table.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/archive.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/profiler.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace distributed {
int32_t BrpcPsServer::initialize() {
auto &service_config = _config.downpour_server_param().service_param();
if (!service_config.has_service_class()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "miss service_class in ServerServiceParameter";
return -1;
auto *service = CREATE_CLASS(PsBaseService, service_config.service_class());
if (service == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "service is unregistered, service_name:"
<< service_config.service_class();
return -1;
if (service->configure(this) != 0 || service->initialize() != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "service initialize failed, service_name:"
<< service_config.service_class();
return -1;
if (_server.AddService(service, brpc::SERVER_DOESNT_OWN_SERVICE) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "service add to brpc failed, service:"
<< service_config.service_class();
return -1;
return 0;
uint64_t BrpcPsServer::start(const std::string &ip, uint32_t port) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
std::string ip_port = ip + ":" + std::to_string(port);
VLOG(3) << "server of rank " << _rank << " starts at " << ip_port;
int num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
brpc::ServerOptions options;
options.num_threads = num_threads;
if (_server.Start(ip_port.c_str(), &options) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "BrpcPsServer start failed, ip_port=" << ip_port;
return 0;
VLOG(0) << "BrpcPsServer::start registe_ps_server";
_environment->registe_ps_server(ip, port, _rank);
VLOG(0) << "BrpcPsServer::start wait";
cv_.wait(lock, [&] { return stoped_; });
PSHost host;
host.ip = ip;
host.port = port;
host.rank = _rank;
VLOG(0) << "BrpcPsServer::start return host.rank";
return host.rank;
int32_t BrpcPsServer::port() { return _server.listen_address().port; }
int32_t PsService::initialize() {
_is_initialize_shard_info = false;
_service_handler_map[PS_STOP_SERVER] = &PsService::stop_server;
_service_handler_map[PS_PULL_DENSE_TABLE] = &PsService::pull_dense;
_service_handler_map[PS_PUSH_DENSE_TABLE] = &PsService::push_dense;
_service_handler_map[PS_PULL_SPARSE_TABLE] = &PsService::pull_sparse;
_service_handler_map[PS_PUSH_SPARSE_TABLE] = &PsService::push_sparse;
_service_handler_map[PS_SAVE_ONE_TABLE] = &PsService::save_one_table;
_service_handler_map[PS_SAVE_ALL_TABLE] = &PsService::save_all_table;
_service_handler_map[PS_SHRINK_TABLE] = &PsService::shrink_table;
_service_handler_map[PS_LOAD_ONE_TABLE] = &PsService::load_one_table;
_service_handler_map[PS_LOAD_ALL_TABLE] = &PsService::load_all_table;
_service_handler_map[PS_CLEAR_ONE_TABLE] = &PsService::clear_one_table;
_service_handler_map[PS_CLEAR_ALL_TABLE] = &PsService::clear_all_table;
_service_handler_map[PS_PUSH_DENSE_PARAM] = &PsService::push_dense_param;
_service_handler_map[PS_PRINT_TABLE_STAT] = &PsService::print_table_stat;
_service_handler_map[PS_PULL_GEO_PARAM] = &PsService::pull_geo_param;
_service_handler_map[PS_PUSH_SPARSE_PARAM] = &PsService::push_sparse_param;
_service_handler_map[PS_BARRIER] = &PsService::barrier;
_service_handler_map[PS_START_PROFILER] = &PsService::start_profiler;
_service_handler_map[PS_STOP_PROFILER] = &PsService::stop_profiler;
// shard初始化,server启动后才可从env获取到server_list的shard信息
return 0;
#define CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response) \
if (table == NULL) { \
std::string err_msg("table not found with table_id:"); \
err_msg.append(std::to_string(request.table_id())); \
set_response_code(response, -1, err_msg.c_str()); \
return -1; \
int32_t PsService::initialize_shard_info() {
if (!_is_initialize_shard_info) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(_initialize_shard_mutex);
if (_is_initialize_shard_info) {
return 0;
size_t shard_num = _server->environment()->get_ps_servers().size();
auto &table_map = *(_server->table());
for (auto itr : table_map) {
itr.second->set_shard(_rank, shard_num);
_is_initialize_shard_info = true;
return 0;
void PsService::service(google::protobuf::RpcController *cntl_base,
const PsRequestMessage *request,
PsResponseMessage *response,
google::protobuf::Closure *done) {
brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
std::string log_label("ReceiveCmd-");
if (!request->has_table_id()) {
set_response_code(*response, -1, "PsRequestMessage.tabel_id is required");
auto *table = _server->table(request->table_id());
brpc::Controller *cntl = static_cast<brpc::Controller *>(cntl_base);
auto itr = _service_handler_map.find(request->cmd_id());
if (itr == _service_handler_map.end()) {
std::string err_msg(
"undefined cmd_id, should match PsCmdID in ps.proto, cmd_id:");
set_response_code(*response, -1, err_msg.c_str());
serviceHandlerFunc handler_func = itr->second;
int service_ret = (this->*handler_func)(table, *request, *response, cntl);
if (service_ret != 0) {
response->set_err_msg("server internal error");
int32_t PsService::pull_dense(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
platform::RecordEvent record_event("PsService->pull_dense");
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
if (request.params_size() < 1) {
response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.datas is requeired at least 1 for num of dense");
return 0;
uint32_t num = *(const uint32_t *)request.params(0).c_str();
if (num < 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.datas[0] is invalid, num must >= 0");
return 0;
std::vector<float> res_data;
res_data.resize(num * table->value_accesor()->select_size() / sizeof(float));
table->pull_dense(, num);
cntl->response_attachment().append((char *),
res_data.size() * sizeof(float));
return 0;
int32_t PsService::push_dense_param(Table *table,
const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
platform::RecordEvent record_event("PsService->push_dense_param");
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
thread_local std::string push_buffer;
auto &req_io_buffer = cntl->request_attachment();
auto req_buffer_size = req_io_buffer.size();
if (req_buffer_size < 1) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "req attachment is empty");
return 0;
const char *data = (const char *)cntl->request_attachment().fetch(
const_cast<char *>(, req_buffer_size);
uint32_t num = *(const uint32_t *)data;
const float *values = (const float *)(data + sizeof(uint32_t));
if (table->push_dense_param(values, num) != 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "push_dense_param failed");
return 0;
int32_t PsService::push_dense(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
platform::RecordEvent record_event("PsService->push_dense");
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
auto req_buffer_size =;
if (req_buffer_size < 1) {
// set_response_code(response, 0, "push dense data is empty");
return 0;
Push Content:
uint32_t num = *(const uint32_t *)(;
const float *values =
(const float *)( + sizeof(uint32_t));
if (table->push_dense(values, num) != 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "push_dense failed");
return 0;
int32_t PsService::barrier(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
if (request.params_size() < 1) {
set_response_code(response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.params is requeired at "
"least 1 for num of sparse_key");
return 0;
auto trainer_id = request.client_id();
auto barrier_type = request.params(0);
table->barrier(trainer_id, barrier_type);
return 0;
int32_t PsService::push_sparse_param(Table *table,
const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
platform::RecordEvent record_event("PsService->push_sparse_param");
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
auto &push_data =;
if (push_data.size() < 1) {
// set_response_code(response, 0, "push sparse data is empty");
return 0;
if (request.params_size() < 1) {
set_response_code(response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.params is requeired at "
"least 1 for num of sparse_key");
return 0;
uint32_t num = *(uint32_t *)(request.params(0).c_str());
Push Content:
const uint64_t *keys = (const uint64_t *);
const float *values =
(const float *)( + sizeof(uint64_t) * num);
if (table->push_sparse_param(keys, values, num) != 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "push_sparse_param error");
return 0;
int32_t PsService::pull_geo_param(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
platform::RecordEvent record_event("PsService->pull_geo_param");
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
thread_local std::string push_sparse_request_buffer;
auto trainer_id = request.client_id();
std::vector<float> values;
std::vector<uint64_t> ids;
table->pull_geo_param(trainer_id, &values, &ids);
uint32_t num = ids.size();
cntl->response_attachment().append((char *)(&num), sizeof(uint32_t));
cntl->response_attachment().append((char *),
ids.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
cntl->response_attachment().append((char *),
values.size() * sizeof(float));
return 0;
int32_t PsService::pull_sparse(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
platform::RecordEvent record_event("PsService->pull_sparse");
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
thread_local std::string push_sparse_request_buffer;
auto &req_io_buffer = cntl->request_attachment();
auto req_buffer_size = req_io_buffer.size();
if (req_buffer_size < 1) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "req attachment is empty");
return 0;
if (request.params_size() < 1) {
set_response_code(response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.params is requeired at "
"least 1 for num of sparse_key");
return 0;
uint32_t num = *(uint32_t *)(request.params(0).c_str());
const char *data = (const char *)cntl->request_attachment().fetch(
const_cast<char *>(, req_buffer_size);
Attachment Content:
const uint64_t *keys = (const uint64_t *)data;
std::vector<float> res_data;
res_data.resize(num * table->value_accesor()->select_size() / sizeof(float));
table->pull_sparse(, keys, num);
cntl->response_attachment().append((char *),
res_data.size() * sizeof(float));
return 0;
int32_t PsService::push_sparse(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
platform::RecordEvent record_event("PsService->push_sparse");
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
auto &push_data =;
if (push_data.size() < 1) {
// set_response_code(response, 0, "push sparse data is empty");
return 0;
if (request.params_size() < 1) {
set_response_code(response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.params is requeired at "
"least 1 for num of sparse_key");
return 0;
uint32_t num = *(uint32_t *)(request.params(0).c_str());
Push Content:
const uint64_t *keys = (const uint64_t *);
const float *values =
(const float *)( + sizeof(uint64_t) * num);
if (table->push_sparse(keys, values, num) != 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "push_sparse error");
return 0;
int32_t PsService::print_table_stat(Table *table,
const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> ret = table->print_table_stat();
paddle::framework::BinaryArchive ar;
ar << ret.first << ret.second;
std::string table_info(ar.Buffer(), ar.Length());
return 0;
int32_t PsService::load_one_table(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
if (request.params_size() < 2) {
response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.datas is requeired at least 2 for path & load_param");
return -1;
if (table->load(request.params(0), request.params(1)) != 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "table load failed");
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t PsService::load_all_table(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
auto &table_map = *(_server->table());
for (auto &itr : table_map) {
if (load_one_table(itr.second.get(), request, response, cntl) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "load table[" << itr.first << "] failed";
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t PsService::save_one_table(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
if (request.params_size() < 2) {
response, -1,
"PsRequestMessage.datas is requeired at least 2, path&mode");
return -1;
int32_t feasign_size = 0;
feasign_size = table->save(request.params(0), request.params(1));
if (feasign_size < 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "table save failed");
return -1;
return feasign_size;
int32_t PsService::save_all_table(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
auto &table_map = *(_server->table());
int32_t all_feasign_size = 0;
int32_t feasign_size = 0;
for (auto &itr : table_map) {
feasign_size = save_one_table(itr.second.get(), request, response, cntl);
if (feasign_size < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "save table[" << itr.first << "] failed";
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t PsService::shrink_table(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
if (table->shrink() != 0) {
set_response_code(response, -1, "table shrink failed");
return 0;
int32_t PsService::clear_one_table(Table *table,
const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
CHECK_TABLE_EXIST(table, request, response)
return 0;
int32_t PsService::clear_all_table(Table *table,
const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
auto &table_map = *(_server->table());
for (auto &itr : table_map) {
if (clear_one_table(itr.second.get(), request, response, cntl) != 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
int32_t PsService::stop_server(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
auto *p_server = _server;
std::thread t_stop([p_server]() {
LOG(INFO) << "Server Stoped";
return 0;
int32_t PsService::stop_profiler(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
string::Sprintf("server_%s_profile", _rank));
return 0;
int32_t PsService::start_profiler(Table *table, const PsRequestMessage &request,
PsResponseMessage &response,
brpc::Controller *cntl) {
return 0;
} // namespace distributed
} // namespace paddle