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Xi Chen d44895e679
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7 years ago
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AWS benchmark testing tool

This is an automation tool for deploying paddlepaddle benchmark testing to AWS.


  • subnet creation to fit just the amount of ec2 instances required.
  • pserver and trainer ec2 instances allocation, and instance state verification
  • nvidia-docker ready for GPU training
  • Instances and network element garbage collection when a task is accomplished or an error occurred
  • Test log is collected in realtime
  • Web service for checking log or tearing down the testing setup
  • No testing code change needed
  • Lots of optional configuration options



  • You have a working AWS account
  • You have AWS Command Line Interface installed
  • Your AWS cli is bind with a account which has AmazonEC2FullAccess permission, and it's set as default credential.
  • You have key pair created and pem file downloaded.
  • You have a default VPC in the region you want to run the test.
  • You have a Security Group created for the VPC mentioned above, which allows port 22 and the port you want to expose your control web service (5436 by default)
  • If your test is supposed to run in a GPU machine, especially a multi card GPU machine (p2, p3 series), you might need to contact amazon to raise the limit which allows no more than 1 GPU instance at a time.

Start a benchmark test

Create training image

What to expect in this step:

You will have your training logic packed with paddle runtime in a docker image, and be able to be picked up by AWS instance for training.

Training python script and PaddlePaddle runtime are supposed to be packed into one docker image. Use PaddlePaddle production images as base image and create the training images with the docker file as follows:

FROM paddlepaddle/paddle:latest-gpu

ENV HOME /root
COPY ./ /root/
RUN pip install -r /root/requirements.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]

Please Note Training nodes will run your ENTRYPOINT script with the following environment variables:

  • TASK_NAME: unique name to identify this training process.
  • TRAINING_ROLE: current node's role in this training process, either "PSERVER" or "TRAINER"
  • PSERVER_HOSTS: comma separated value of pserver end points, I.E. ","
  • TRAINER_INDEX: an integer to identify the index of current trainer

Now we have a working distributed training script which takes advantage of node environment variables and docker file to generate the training image. Run the following command:

docker build -t myreponname/paddle_benchmark .

Now you have the image built and tagged with myreponame/paddle_benchmark, let's push it to dockerhub so that it can be picked up by out AWS instance.

docker push myreponame/paddle_benchmark

Create instances and start training

What to expect in this step

you will be asked to provide some basic settings to config your training, and this tool will have your training started and monitored

Now let's start the training process:

docker run -i -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -v <full path to your pem file>:/<key pare name>.pem \
putcn/paddle_aws_client \
--action create \
--key_name <your key pare name> \
--security_group_id <your security group id>

Now just wait until you see this:

master server finished init process, visit http://XXX:XXX/status to check master log

That means you can turn off your laptop and your cluster is creating instances, starting training process, collecting logs and eventually shut all pservers and trainers down when training is finished.

Post creation operations

To access the master log:

docker run -i -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -v <full path to your pem file>:/<key pare name>.pem \
putcn/paddle_aws_client \
--action status \
--master_server_public_ip <master ip> \
--master_server_port <master port>

To tear down the training setup:

docker run -i -v $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws -v <full path to your pem file>:/<key pare name>.pem \
putcn/paddle_aws_client \
--action cleanup \
--master_server_public_ip <master ip> \
--master_server_port <master port>

To retrieve training logs TBD

Tech details

What to expect in this step

You will understand what is happening behind the scene, and how to check the training log, how to tear down the training on the fly, etc.

Let's understand what is happening under the hood when you run above command in your laptop


There are 4 roles in the figure above:

  • client: your laptop
  • master: who tasks to aws api server to create/tear down instances, and monitor training process
  • AWS api server: the one who actually creates and manages instances
  • pservers and trainers: training instances

When you run the docker run command above, what it actually does is to ask aws api service to create a subnet (step 1) and a master instance (step 2), and pass all the parameters the client collected or generated (step 3). The master is kept as minimum hardware config to keep the running cost low.

Then when the master is up and running, it will ask the aws api server to create the heavy lifting training instances who are expensive to run (step 4). And the master will start training process as soon as they are done initializing (step 5).

Meanwhile, the master will expose a web service for client to check training log or even tear the training setup down by a web service call.

if you are creating the training with client docker container, and also monitoring your aws dashboard, you will initially see a instance tagged with ROLE=MASTER and TASK_NAME=<yourtask name>_master starts, then you will see several instances tagged with ROLE=PSERVER and ROLE=TRAINER starts. When the training is finished, pservers and trainers will be terminated. All their logs are kept in master node's docker env.

Master exposes 4 major services:

  • GET /status: return master log
  • GET /list_logs: return list of log file names
  • GET /log/<logfile name>: return a particular log by log file name
  • POST /cleanup: teardown the whole setup


TBD, please refer to client/ for now

Trouble shooting