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digraph ImageBatchNormForkGragh {
subgraph cluster_before {
Prev [label="...", shape=plaintext];
Rnn [label="rnn_op", shape=box];
BatchNorm [label="batch_norm_op", shape=box];
Fc [label="fc_op", shape=box];
After [label="...", shape=plaintext];
Prev -> Rnn -> BatchNorm -> Fc -> After;
subgraph cluster_after {
Prev2 [label="...", shape=plaintext];
Rnn2 [label="rnn_op", shape=box];
BatchNorm2_1 [label="train_batch_norm_op", shape=box];
BatchNorm2_2 [label="infer_batch_norm_op", shape=box];
Fc2_1 [label="fc_op", shape=box];
Fc2_2 [label="fc_op", shape=box];
After2_1 [label="...", shape=plaintext];
After2_2 [label="...", shape=plaintext];
Prev2 -> Rnn2 -> BatchNorm2_1 -> Fc2_1 -> After2_1;
Rnn2 -> BatchNorm2_2 ->Fc2_2 ->After2_2