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289 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/array.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/assert.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/hostdevice.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
// Statically sized, statically indexed dimension
template <int D>
class Dim : public Array<int64_t, D> {
static_assert(D >= 0, "D must be not less than 0");
static constexpr int kRank = D;
using BaseClass = Array<int64_t, D>;
inline Dim(int64_t head, const Dim<D - 1>& tail) {
(*this)[0] = head;
new (this->GetMutable() + 1) Dim<D - 1>(tail);
template <typename... Args>
HOSTDEVICE explicit Dim(int64_t head, Args... args)
: BaseClass(head, args...) {}
/** Construct a Dim from a linear index and size. Uses Fortran order
* indexing. */
HOSTDEVICE Dim(int64_t idx, const Dim<D>& size);
/** Construct a Dim with each dimension set to the given index */
HOSTDEVICE explicit Dim(int64_t idx) { this->Fill(idx); }
HOSTDEVICE Dim() = default;
HOST std::string to_string() const;
namespace detail {
template <int kStart, int kEnd, bool kStop>
struct FortranOrderIndexingConstructorFunctor {
HOSTDEVICE inline static void Run(const int64_t* in, int64_t* idx,
int64_t* out) {
out[kStart] = (*idx) % in[kStart];
(*idx) /= in[kStart];
FortranOrderIndexingConstructorFunctor<kStart + 1, kEnd,
kStart + 1 == kEnd>::Run(in, idx,
template <int kStart, int kEnd>
struct FortranOrderIndexingConstructorFunctor<kStart, kEnd, true> {
HOSTDEVICE inline static void Run(const int64_t* in, int64_t* idx,
int64_t* out) {}
} // namespace detail
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE Dim<D>::Dim(int64_t idx, const Dim<D>& size) {
detail::FortranOrderIndexingConstructorFunctor<0, D, D == 0>::Run(
size.Get(), &idx, this->GetMutable());
template <int idx, int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline int64_t get(const Dim<D>& dim) {
return dim[idx];
template <int idx, int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline int64_t& get(Dim<D>& dim) { // NOLINT
return dim[idx];
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline int64_t get(const Dim<D>& dim, int idx) {
return dim[idx];
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline int64_t& get(Dim<D>& dim, int idx) { // NOLINT
return dim[idx];
// Dot product of two dims
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline int64_t linearize(const Dim<D>& a, const Dim<D>& b) {
return UnrollProduct<D>::Run(a.Get(), b.Get());
// Product of a Dim
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline int64_t product(const Dim<D>& a) {
return UnrollProduct<D>::Run(a.Get());
// Is 0 <= idx_i < size_i for all i?
namespace detail {
template <int kStart, int kEnd, bool kStop>
struct ContainedFunctor {
HOSTDEVICE static inline bool Run(const int64_t* idx, const int64_t* size) {
return (idx[kStart] >= 0 && idx[kStart] < size[kStart]) &&
ContainedFunctor<kStart + 1, kEnd, kStart + 1 == kEnd>::Run(idx,
template <int kStart, int kEnd>
struct ContainedFunctor<kStart, kEnd, true> {
HOSTDEVICE static constexpr inline bool Run(const int64_t* idx,
const int64_t* size) {
return true;
} // namespace detail
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline bool contained(const Dim<D>& idx, const Dim<D>& size) {
return detail::ContainedFunctor<0, D, D == 0>::Run(idx.Get(), size.Get());
* \brief Compute exclusive prefix-multiply of a Dim.
namespace detail {
template <int kStart, int kEnd, bool kStop>
struct ExPrefixMulFunctor {
HOSTDEVICE static inline void Run(const int64_t* in, int64_t* out) {
kStart == 0 ? out[kStart] = 1 : out[kStart] =
out[kStart - 1] * in[kStart - 1];
detail::ExPrefixMulFunctor<kStart + 1, kEnd, kStart + 1 == kEnd>::Run(in,
template <int kStart, int kEnd>
struct ExPrefixMulFunctor<kStart, kEnd, true> {
HOSTDEVICE static inline void Run(const int64_t* in, int64_t* out) {}
} // namespace detail
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline Dim<D> ex_prefix_mul(const Dim<D>& src) {
Dim<D> ret;
detail::ExPrefixMulFunctor<0, D, D == 0>::Run(src.Get(), ret.GetMutable());
return ret;
* Add two dimensions together
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline Dim<D> dim_plus(const Dim<D>& a, const Dim<D>& b) {
Dim<D> ret;
UnrollAdd<D>::Run(a.Get(), b.Get(), ret.GetMutable());
return ret;
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline Dim<D> operator+(const Dim<D>& lhs, const Dim<D>& rhs) {
return dim_plus(lhs, rhs);
* Multiply two dimensions together
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE inline Dim<D> dim_mult(const Dim<D>& a, const Dim<D>& b) {
Dim<D> ret;
UnrollMul<D>::Run(a.Get(), b.Get(), ret.GetMutable());
return ret;
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE Dim<D> operator*(const Dim<D>& lhs, const Dim<D>& rhs) {
return dim_mult(lhs, rhs);
* \brief Normalize strides to ensure any dimension with extent 1
* has stride 0.
* \param size Dim object containing the size of an array
* \param stride Dim object containing stride of an array
* \return Dim object the same size as \p size with normalized strides
namespace detail {
template <int kStart, int kEnd, bool kStop>
struct NormalizeStridesFunctor {
HOSTDEVICE static void Run(const int64_t* size, const int64_t* stride,
int64_t* ret) {
ret[kStart] = (size[kStart] == 1 ? 0 : stride[kStart]);
NormalizeStridesFunctor<kStart + 1, kEnd, kStart + 1 == kEnd>::Run(
size, stride, ret);
template <int kStart, int kEnd>
struct NormalizeStridesFunctor<kStart, kEnd, true> {
HOSTDEVICE static void Run(const int64_t* size, const int64_t* stride,
int64_t* ret) {}
} // namespace detail
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE Dim<D> normalize_strides(const Dim<D>& size, const Dim<D>& stride) {
Dim<D> ret;
detail::NormalizeStridesFunctor<0, D, D == 0>::Run(size.Get(), stride.Get(),
return ret;
* Helper function to create a Dim
* \param idxes The type of Dim constructed depends on the number of params
template <typename... Args>
HOSTDEVICE inline Dim<sizeof...(Args)> make_dim(Args... idxes) {
return Dim<sizeof...(Args)>(idxes...);
// Allows us to output a Dim
template <int D>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Dim<D>& d) {
os << d[0];
for (int i = 1; i < D; ++i) {
os << ", " << d[i];
return os;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Dim<0>& d) {
return os;
template <int D>
HOST std::string Dim<D>::to_string() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << *this;
return stream.str();
template <int D>
HOSTDEVICE Dim<D> linear_to_dimension(int linear_index, const Dim<D>& extents) {
Dim<D> result;
for (int i = 0; i < D - 1; ++i) {
result[i] = linear_index % extents[i];
linear_index /= extents[i];
result[D - 1] = linear_index;
return result;
template <int D, typename T1, typename T2>
inline void static_dim_assign(const T1* in, T2* out) {
UnrollAssign<D>::Run(in, out);
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle