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/* Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License. */
#ifndef HL_LSTM_OPS_CUH_
#define HL_LSTM_OPS_CUH_
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
#define INLINE __device__ inline
#define INLINE inline
namespace hppl {
namespace forward {
class lstm {
* @param valueIn input
* @param valueIg input gate
* @param valueFg forget gate
* @param valueOg output gate
* @param prevState previous state
* @param state current state
* @param stateAtv state active
* @param output output
* @param checkI check input gate
* @param checkF check forget gate
* @param checkO check output gate
* @param actInput forward function of input
* @param actGate forward function of gate
* @param actState forward function of state
INLINE void operator()(real &valueIn,
real &valueIg,
real &valueFg,
real &valueOg,
real &prevState,
real &state,
real &stateAtv,
real &output,
real &checkI,
real &checkF,
real &checkO,
Active<real>::forward actInput,
Active<real>::forward actGate,
Active<real>::forward actState) {
valueIn = actInput(valueIn);
valueIg = actGate(valueIg + prevState * checkI);
valueFg = actGate(valueFg + prevState * checkF);
state = valueIn * valueIg + prevState * valueFg;
valueOg = actGate(valueOg + state * checkO);
stateAtv = actState(state);
output = valueOg * stateAtv;
#ifndef __NVCC__
#ifndef __AVX__
static const bool avx = false;
static const bool avx = true;
INLINE void operator()(__m256 &valueIn,
__m256 &valueIg,
__m256 &valueFg,
__m256 &valueOg,
__m256 &prevState,
__m256 &state,
__m256 &stateAtv,
__m256 &output,
__m256 &checkI,
__m256 &checkF,
__m256 &checkO,
Active<__m256>::forward actInput,
Active<__m256>::forward actGate,
Active<__m256>::forward actState) {
valueIn = actInput(valueIn);
valueIg = actGate(
_mm256_add_ps(valueIg, _mm256_mul_ps(prevState, checkI)));
valueFg = actGate(
_mm256_add_ps(valueFg, _mm256_mul_ps(prevState, checkF)));
state = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(valueIn, valueIg)
, _mm256_mul_ps(prevState, valueFg));
valueOg = actGate(_mm256_add_ps(valueOg, _mm256_mul_ps(state, checkO)));
stateAtv = actState(state);
output = _mm256_mul_ps(valueOg, stateAtv);
} // namespace forward
namespace backward {
class lstm {
* @param valueIn input
* @param valueIg input gate
* @param valueFg forget gate
* @param valueOg output gate
* @param gradIn input grad
* @param gradIg input gate grad
* @param gradFg forget gate grad
* @param gradOg output gate grad
* @param prevState previous state value
* @param prevStateGrad previous state grad
* @param state current state value
* @param stateGrad current state grad
* @param stateAtv state active
* @param outputGrad output grad
* @param checkI check input gate
* @param checkF check forget gate
* @param checkO check output gate
* @param checkIGrad check input gate grad
* @param checkFGrad check forget gate grad
* @param checkOGrad check output gate grad
* @param actInput backward function of input
* @param actGate backward function of gate
* @param actState backward function of state
INLINE void operator()(real &valueIn,
real &valueIg,
real &valueFg,
real &valueOg,
real &gradIn,
real &gradIg,
real &gradFg,
real &gradOg,
real &prevState,
real &prevStateGrad,
real &state,
real &stateGrad,
real &stateAtv,
real &outputGrad,
real &checkI,
real &checkF,
real &checkO,
real &checkIGrad,
real &checkFGrad,
real &checkOGrad,
Active<real>::backward actInput,
Active<real>::backward actGate,
Active<real>::backward actState) {
gradOg = actGate(outputGrad * stateAtv, valueOg);
stateGrad += actState(outputGrad * valueOg, stateAtv) + gradOg * checkO;
gradIn = actInput(stateGrad * valueIg, valueIn);
gradIg = actGate(stateGrad * valueIn, valueIg);
gradFg = actGate(stateGrad * prevState, valueFg);
prevStateGrad = gradIg * checkI + gradFg * checkF + stateGrad * valueFg;
checkIGrad = gradIg * prevState;
checkFGrad = gradFg * prevState;
checkOGrad = gradOg * state;
#ifndef __NVCC__
#ifndef __AVX__
static const bool avx = false;
static const bool avx = true;
INLINE void operator()(__m256 &valueIn,
__m256 &valueIg,
__m256 &valueFg,
__m256 &valueOg,
__m256 &gradIn,
__m256 &gradIg,
__m256 &gradFg,
__m256 &gradOg,
__m256 &prevState,
__m256 &prevStateGrad,
__m256 &state,
__m256 &stateGrad,
__m256 &stateAtv,
__m256 &outputGrad,
__m256 &checkI,
__m256 &checkF,
__m256 &checkO,
__m256 &checkIGrad,
__m256 &checkFGrad,
__m256 &checkOGrad,
Active<__m256>::backward actInput,
Active<__m256>::backward actGate,
Active<__m256>::backward actState) {
gradOg = actGate(_mm256_mul_ps(outputGrad, stateAtv), valueOg);
stateGrad = _mm256_add_ps(
actState(_mm256_mul_ps(outputGrad, valueOg), stateAtv), stateGrad);
stateGrad = _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(gradOg, checkO), stateGrad);
gradIn = actInput(_mm256_mul_ps(stateGrad, valueIg), valueIn);
gradIg = actGate(_mm256_mul_ps(stateGrad, valueIn), valueIg);
gradFg = actGate(_mm256_mul_ps(stateGrad, prevState), valueFg);
prevStateGrad = _mm256_add_ps(
_mm256_mul_ps(gradIg, checkI), _mm256_mul_ps(gradFg, checkF));
prevStateGrad = _mm256_add_ps(
_mm256_mul_ps(stateGrad, valueFg), prevStateGrad);
checkIGrad = _mm256_mul_ps(gradIg, prevState);
checkFGrad = _mm256_mul_ps(gradFg, prevState);
checkOGrad = _mm256_mul_ps(gradOg, state);
} // namespace backward
} // namespace hppl
#endif /* HL_LSTM_OPS_CUH_ */