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# Service deployment
PaddleOCR provides 2 service deployment methods:
- Based on **HubServing**Has been integrated into PaddleOCR ([code]( Please follow this tutorial.
- Based on **PaddleServing**See PaddleServing official website for details ([demo]( Follow-up will also be integrated into PaddleOCR.
The service deployment directory includes three service packages: detection, recognition, and two-stage series connection. Select the corresponding service package to install and start service according to your needs. The directory is as follows:
└─ ocr_det detection module service package
└─ ocr_rec recognition module service package
└─ ocr_system two-stage series connection service package
Each service pack contains 3 files. Take the 2-stage series connection service package as an example, the directory is as follows:
└─ Empty file, required
└─ config.json Configuration file, optional, passed in as a parameter when using configuration to start the service
└─ Main module file, required, contains the complete logic of the service
└─ Parameter file, required, including parameters such as model path, pre- and post-processing parameters
## Quick start service
The following steps take the 2-stage series service as an example. If only the detection service or recognition service is needed, replace the corresponding file path.
### 1. Prepare the environment
# Install paddlehub
pip3 install paddlehub --upgrade -i
# Set environment variables
### 2. Install Service Module
PaddleOCR provides 3 kinds of service modules, install the required modules according to your needs. Such as:
Install the detection service module:
hub install deploy/hubserving/ocr_det/
Or, install the recognition service module:
hub install deploy/hubserving/ocr_rec/
Or, install the 2-stage series service module:
hub install deploy/hubserving/ocr_system/
### 3. Start service
#### Way 1. Start with command line parameters (CPU only)
**start command**
$ hub serving start --modules [Module1==Version1, Module2==Version2, ...] \
--port XXXX \
--use_multiprocess \
--workers \
|--modules/-m|PaddleHub Serving pre-installed model, listed in the form of multiple Module==Version key-value pairs<br>*`When Version is not specified, the latest version is selected by default`*|
|--port/-p|Service port, default is 8866|
|--use_multiprocess|Enable concurrent mode, the default is single-process mode, this mode is recommended for multi-core CPU machines<br>*`Windows operating system only supports single-process mode`*|
|--workers|The number of concurrent tasks specified in concurrent mode, the default is `2*cpu_count-1`, where `cpu_count` is the number of CPU cores|
For example, start the 2-stage series service:
hub serving start -m ocr_system
This completes the deployment of a service API, using the default port number 8866.
#### Way 2. Start with configuration fileCPU、GPU
**start command**
hub serving start --config/-c config.json
Wherein, the format of `config.json` is as follows:
"modules_info": {
"ocr_system": {
"init_args": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"use_gpu": true
"predict_args": {
"port": 8868,
"use_multiprocess": false,
"workers": 2
- The configurable parameters in `init_args` are consistent with the `_initialize` function interface in ``. Among them, **when `use_gpu` is `true`, it means that the GPU is used to start the service**.
- The configurable parameters in `predict_args` are consistent with the `predict` function interface in ``.
- When using the configuration file to start the service, other parameters will be ignored.
- If you use GPU prediction (that is, `use_gpu` is set to `true`), you need to set the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES before starting the service, such as: ```export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0```, otherwise you do not need to set it.
- **`use_gpu` and `use_multiprocess` cannot be `true` at the same time.**
For example, use GPU card No. 3 to start the 2-stage series service:
hub serving start -c deploy/hubserving/ocr_system/config.json
## Send prediction requests
After the service starts, you can use the following command to send a prediction request to obtain the prediction result:
python tools/ server_url image_path
Two parameters need to be passed to the script:
- **server_url**service addressformat of which is
For example, if the detection, recognition and 2-stage serial services are started with provided configuration files, the respective `server_url` would be:
- **image_path**Test image path, can be a single image path or an image directory path
python tools/ ./doc/imgs/
## Returned result format
The returned result is a list. Each item in the list is a dict. The dict may contain three fields. The information is as follows:
|field name|data type|description|
|text|str|text content|
|confidence|float|text recognition confidence|
|text_region|list|text location coordinates|
The fields returned by different modules are different. For example, the results returned by the text recognition service module do not contain `text_region`. The details are as follows:
|field name/module name|ocr_det|ocr_rec|ocr_system|
**Note** If you need to add, delete or modify the returned fields, you can modify the file `` of the corresponding module. For the complete process, refer to the user-defined modification service module in the next section.
## User defined service module modification
If you need to modify the service logic, the following steps are generally required (take the modification of `ocr_system` for example):
- 1. Stop service
hub serving stop --port/-p XXXX
- 2. Modify the code in the corresponding files, like `` and ``, according to the actual needs.
For example, if you need to replace the model used by the deployed service, you need to modify model path parameters `det_model_dir` and `rec_model_dir` in ``. Of course, other related parameters may need to be modified at the same time. Please modify and debug according to the actual situation. It is suggested to run `` directly for debugging after modification before starting the service test.
- 3. Uninstall old service module
hub uninstall ocr_system
- 4. Install modified service module
hub install deploy/hubserving/ocr_system/
- 5. Restart service
hub serving start -m ocr_system