@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ For use of [LSVT](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/develop/doc/doc
* Note: For the training and evaluation of the above DB model, post-processing parameters box_thresh=0.6 and unclip_ratio=1.5 need to be set. If using different datasets and different models for training, these two parameters can be adjusted for better result.
For the training guide and use of PaddleOCR text detection algorithms, please refer to the document [Text detection model training/evaluation/prediction](./doc/doc_en/detection_en.)
For the training guide and use of PaddleOCR text detection algorithms, please refer to the document [Text detection model training/evaluation/prediction](./doc/doc_en/detection_en.md)