PaddleOCR aims to create rich, leading, and practical OCR tools that help users train better models and apply them into practice.
**Live stream on coming day**: July 21, 2020 at 8 pm BiliBili station live stream
**Recent updates**
- 2020.7.23, Release the playback and PPT of live class on BiliBili station, PaddleOCR Introduction, [address](
- 2020.7.15, Add mobile App demo , support both iOS and Android ( based on easyedge and Paddle Lite)
- 2020.7.15, Improve the deployment ability, add the C + + inference , serving deployment. In addtion, the benchmarks of the ultra-lightweight OCR model are provided.
- 2020.7.15, Add several related datasets, data annotation and synthesis tools.
@ -214,3 +212,4 @@ We welcome all the contributions to PaddleOCR and appreciate for your feedback v
- Many thanks to [lyl120117]( for contributing the code for printing the network structure.
- Thanks [xiangyubo]( for contributing the handwritten Chinese OCR datasets.
- Thanks [authorfu]( for contributing Android demo and [xiadeye]( contributing iOS demo, respectively.
- Thanks [BeyondYourself]( for contributing many great suggestions and simplifying part of the code style.
PaddleOCR在Windows 平台下基于`Visual Studio 2019 Community` 进行了测试。微软从`Visual Studio 2017`开始即支持直接管理`CMake`跨平台编译项目,但是直到`2019`才提供了稳定和完全的支持,所以如果你想使用CMake管理项目编译构建,我们推荐你使用`Visual Studio 2019`环境下构建。
## 前置条件
* Visual Studio 2019
* CUDA 9.0 / CUDA 10.0,cudnn 7+ (仅在使用GPU版本的预测库时需要)
* CMake 3.0+
**下面所有示例以工作目录为 `D:\projects`演示**。
### Step1: 下载PaddlePaddle C++ 预测库 fluid_inference
PaddlePaddle C++ 预测库针对不同的`CPU`和`CUDA`版本提供了不同的预编译版本,请根据实际情况下载: [C++预测库下载列表](