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5 years ago
* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
5 years ago
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "graph/passes/merge_pass.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h"
#include "common/ge/ge_util.h"
#include "graph/common/omg_util.h"
#include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h"
#include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h"
#include "graph/passes/pass_utils.h"
namespace ge {
const int kValueIndexOutputIndex = 1;
const size_t kCaseNoInput = 0;
const size_t kCaseOneInput = 1;
5 years ago
Status MergePass::Run(NodePtr &node) {
GELOGD("MergePass running");
if (node == nullptr) {
GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "param [node] must not be null.");
std::string op_type;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetOriginalType(node, op_type), "get original type failed");
if (op_type != MERGE) {
5 years ago
return SUCCESS;
if (node->GetAllOutDataAnchors().empty()) {
5 years ago
GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[%s] Merge node output anchor is empty", node->GetName().c_str());
const auto &in_data_nodes = node->GetInDataNodes();
5 years ago
switch (in_data_nodes.size()) {
case kCaseNoInput: {
5 years ago
/// Case A: input_count = 0, the output of merge node is inactive as well
/// In which case the output branch can be removed
/// until another merge node is met
std::vector<NodePtr> del_nodes;
std::vector<NodePtr> end_nodes;
Status ret = PassUtils::RemoveBranch(node, del_nodes, end_nodes);
for (auto &end_node : end_nodes) {
for (const auto &delete_node : del_nodes) {
5 years ago
return ret;
case kCaseOneInput: { // Case B: input_count = 1, the merge node can be optimized out
5 years ago
std::vector<int> merge_io_map = {PassUtils::GetUniqueInDataAnchorIndex(node), -1};
if (merge_io_map[0] != -1 && IsNeedChangeIndexToConstant(node)) {
int index = merge_io_map[0];
if (ChangeIndexToConstant(node, index) != SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "[%s] Change value index to be Constant failed.", node->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
auto in_node =;
if (IsMergeInputNeedOptimized(in_node)) {
if (IsolateAndDeleteNode(in_node, {0}) != SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Isolate and delete node %s failed.", in_node->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
5 years ago
return IsolateAndDeleteNode(node, merge_io_map);
default: {
// Case C: input_count > 1, the merge node can not be optimized
return SUCCESS;
bool MergePass::IsNeedChangeIndexToConstant(NodePtr &node) const {
/// value_index is the index 1 output of the Merge
/// value_index link to other node, change it to be Constant
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(node == nullptr, GELOGW("Node is nullptr"); return false);
auto out_anchor = node->GetOutDataAnchor(kValueIndexOutputIndex);
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(out_anchor == nullptr, GELOGW("Out_anchor is nullptr"); return false);
for (const auto &peer_in_anchor : out_anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors()) {
if (peer_in_anchor != nullptr && peer_in_anchor->GetOwnerNode() != nullptr) {
5 years ago
"[%s] MergePass, value_index link to other node, "
"change it to be Constant.",
5 years ago
return true;
return false;
Status MergePass::ChangeIndexToConstant(NodePtr &node, int &value_index) {
ComputeGraphPtr graph = node->GetOwnerComputeGraph();
if (graph == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "[%s] The owner graph must not be null.", node->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
OpDescPtr constant_op_desc = nullptr;
if (CreateConstByValue(node, value_index, constant_op_desc) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
NodePtr const_node = graph->AddNode(constant_op_desc);
if (const_node == nullptr) {
return FAILED;
// Change peer in anchors from value_index to new Constant node
if (GraphUtils::ReplaceNodeAnchors(const_node, node, {}, {1}) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "[%s] ReplaceNodeAnchors failed.", node->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
auto out_control_anchor = node->GetOutControlAnchor();
// Add control anchor between Merge and Constant
if (out_control_anchor->LinkTo(const_node->GetInControlAnchor()) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
Status MergePass::CreateConstByValue(NodePtr &node, int value_index, OpDescPtr &op_desc) {
std::string constant_name = node->GetName() + "_value_index";
// 1. create Constant OpDesc
op_desc = MakeShared<OpDesc>(constant_name, CONSTANT);
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "[%s] Make shared of Constant op desc failed.", constant_name.c_str());
return FAILED;
// 2. get OpDesc of output number one of Merge(value_index)
OpDescPtr original_op_desc = node->GetOpDesc();
if (original_op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "[%s] Op desc must not be null.", constant_name.c_str());
return FAILED;
GeTensorDesc original_out_tensor_desc = original_op_desc->GetOutputDesc(1);
// 3. create attr value of Constant, is a tensor
GeTensorPtr const_tensor_ptr =
5 years ago
MakeShared<GeTensor>(original_out_tensor_desc, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&value_index), sizeof(int));
5 years ago
if (const_tensor_ptr == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "[%s] Make shared of Constant tensor failed.", constant_name.c_str());
return FAILED;
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!AttrUtils::SetTensor(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_WEIGHTS, const_tensor_ptr),
5 years ago
5 years ago
// 4. set Constant output desc
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(op_desc->AddOutputDesc(original_out_tensor_desc), "add out put desc failed");
return SUCCESS;
bool MergePass::IsMergeInputNeedOptimized(NodePtr &node) const {
if (node == nullptr) {
return false;
// node is not inserted by MergeInputMemcpyPass
if ((node->GetType() != MEMCPYASYNC) && (node->GetType() != MEMCPYADDRASYNC)) {
return false;
if (node->GetInDataNodes().size() != 1) {
return false;
auto in_node = node->GetInDataNodes().at(0);
if (in_node == nullptr) {
return false;
// in_node may be global_step var
if ((in_node->GetType() == VARIABLE) || (in_node->GetType() == VARIABLEV2)) {
return false;
return true;
5 years ago
} // namespace ge