* Copyright 2019 - 2020 Huawei Technologies Co . , Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
# include "graph/operator_reg.h"
namespace ge {
* @ brief Adds all input tensors element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Dynamic inputs , including :
* @ li x : A list of Tensor objects , each with same shape and type . The supported types are :
* float16 , float32 , double , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , complex64 , int64 ,
* qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , uint16 , complex128 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same shape and type as the elements of " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AddN .
REG_OP ( AddN )
. DYNAMIC_INPUT ( x , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
* @ brief Calculates the reversed outputs of the function " maximum "
* @ par Inputs :
* Three inputs , including :
* @ li grads : A mutable Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float16 , float32 , int32 .
* @ li x1 : A mutable Tensor of the same type as " grads " .
* @ li x2 : A mutable Tensor of the same type as " grads " .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li grad_x : An optional bool . Defaults to " True " .
* If " True " , " y1 " will be output .
* If " False " , " y1 " will not be output .
* @ li grad_y : An optional bool . Defaults to " True " .
* If " True " , " y2 " will be output .
* If " False " , " y2 " will not be output .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y1 : A mutable Tensor . Has the same type as " grads " .
* @ li y2 : A mutable Tensor . Has the same type as " grads " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator MaximumGrad .
REG_OP ( MaximumGrad )
. INPUT ( grads , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. ATTR ( grad_x , Bool , true )
. ATTR ( grad_y , Bool , true )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( MaximumGrad )
* @ brief Calculates the reversed outputs of the function " minimum "
* @ par Inputs :
* Three inputs , including :
* @ li grads : A mutable Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float16 , float32 , int32 .
* @ li x1 : A mutable Tensor of the same type as " grads " .
* @ li x2 : A mutable Tensor of the same type as " grads " .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li grad_x : An optional bool . Defaults to " True " .
* If " True " , " y1 " will be output .
* If " False " , " y1 " will not be output .
* @ li grad_y : An optional bool . Defaults to " True " .
* If " True " , " y2 " will be output .
* If " False " , " y2 " will not be output .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y1 : A mutable Tensor . Has the same type as " grads " .
* @ li y2 : A mutable Tensor . Has the same type as " grads " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator MinimumGrad .
REG_OP ( MinimumGrad )
. INPUT ( grads , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. ATTR ( grad_x , Bool , true )
. ATTR ( grad_y , Bool , true )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( MinimumGrad )
* @ brief Cast a tensor form src data type to dst data type .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input :
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : bool , float16 , float , int8 , int32 , uint32 , uint8 ,
int64 , uint64 , int16 , uint16 , double , complex64 , complex128 , qint8 , quint8 , qint16 , quint16 , qint32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* dst_type : An required attribute of type int32 , specifying the dst data type .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as x .
REG_OP ( Cast )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_UINT32 , DT_UINT8 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_UINT32 , DT_UINT8 ,
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( dst_type , Int )
* @ brief Returns the truth value of ( x1 > = x2 ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 ,
* double , int32 , int8 , uint8 , int64 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator GreaterEqual .
REG_OP ( GreaterEqual )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( GreaterEqual )
* @ brief Returns the truth value of ( x1 < x2 ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , int32 ,
* uint8 , int16 , int8 , int64 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor with the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type bool .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Less .
REG_OP ( Less )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
* @ brief Returns x1 / x2 element - wise for real types .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , uint16 ,
int8 , uint8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , DT_COMPLEX128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , uint16 ,
int8 , uint8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , DT_COMPLEX128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type and format as input " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator RealDiv .
REG_OP ( RealDiv )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
* @ brief Computes square root of x element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , complex128 , complex64 , float64 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Sqrt .
REG_OP ( Sqrt )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType { ( DT_FLOAT . DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 ) } )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType { ( DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 ) } )
* @ brief Returns the max of " x " and " y " ( i . e . x > y ? x : y ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , int32 , int64 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Maximum .
REG_OP ( Maximum )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( Maximum )
* @ brief Returns the min of x and y ( i . e . x1 < x2 ? x1 : x2 ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , include :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float32 , float16 , double , int32 , int64 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Minimum .
REG_OP ( Minimum )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( Minimum )
* @ brief : Computes the reciprocal of " x " .
* @ par Inputs :
* One inputs , include :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 , int32 , int64 , double ,
* complex64 , complex128 . the format can be [ NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND , NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND ]
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor with same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Reciprocal .
REG_OP ( Reciprocal )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( Reciprocal )
* @ brief Returns x - y element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , uint8 , float64 ,
* float16 , float32 , complex128 , complex64 , uint16 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Subtract .
REG_OP ( Sub )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
* @ brief computes the absolute value of a tensor .
* @ par Inputs :
* One inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , int32 , int64 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Abs .
REG_OP ( Abs )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 } ) )
* @ brief Computes gradients for absolute operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li y : A tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ li dy : A tensor of the same type as " y " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* " dy " has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AbsGrad .
REG_OP ( AbsGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
* @ brief : Computes the sign of " x " .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : An ND Tensor of type float16 , float32 , int32 , int64 , double ,
* complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : An ND Tensor with same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Sign .
REG_OP ( Sign )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
* @ brief Returns ( x1 - x2 ) ( x1 - x2 ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including : \ n
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator SquaredDifference .
REG_OP ( SquaredDifference )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 ,
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( SquaredDifference )
* @ brief Computes cosine of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* the format can be [ NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND ]
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Cos .
REG_OP ( Cos )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Returns x1 / x2 element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float16 , float32 , int32 , int8 , uint8 , float64 , int64 , uint16 , int16 ,
* complex64 , complex128 , the format can be [ NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND ] .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Has the same type and format as input " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type and format as input " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Div .
REG_OP ( Div )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT32 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT32 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT32 ,
* @ brief : Returns the truth value of ( x = y ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float16 , float32 , int32 , int8 , uint8 , double , int16 , int64 , complex64 ,
* complex128 , quint8 , qint8 , qint32 , string , bool . the format can be
* [ NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND ]
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type and format as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type bool .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Equal .
REG_OP ( Equal )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
* @ brief Computes the exponential of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li base : An optional attribute of type float32 , specifying the base gamma . Defaults to " -1.0 " .
* @ li scale : An optional attribute of type float32 , specifying the scale alpha . Defaults to " 1.0 " .
* @ li shift : An optional attribute of type float32 , specifying the shift beta . Defaults to " 0.0 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Exp .
REG_OP ( Exp )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. ATTR ( base , Float , - 1.0 )
. ATTR ( scale , Float , 1.0 )
. ATTR ( shift , Float , 0.0 )
* @ brief Computes the exp ( x ) - 1 element - wise , y = e ^ x - 1.
* @ par Inputs :
* One input :
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Expm1 .
REG_OP ( Expm1 )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief : Computes the reciprocal of " x " .
* @ par Inputs : \ n
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int32 , int64 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Inv .
REG_OP ( Inv )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 } ) )
* @ brief : Computes " x " reciprocal grad , dx = - 1 * dy * y * y , where , " y = 1/x " , and " dy "
is the corresponding input gradient .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int32 , int8 .
* @ li grad : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor , Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator InvGrad .
REG_OP ( InvGrad )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 } ) )
. INPUT ( grad , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 } ) )
* @ brief : Returns the truth value of ( x < = y ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float32 , float64 ,
* int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , int64 , qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , uint16 ,
* float16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type bool .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator LessEqual .
REG_OP ( LessEqual )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LessEqual )
* @ brief Computes the logarithm of ( x + 1 ) element - wise , y = ln ( x + 1 ) .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Log1p .
REG_OP ( Log1p )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Returns element - wise remainder of division .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 ,
* int32 , int64 , int8 , uint8 , double .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Mod .
REG_OP ( Mod )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 ,
DT_INT64 , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 ,
DT_INT64 , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 ,
DT_INT64 , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
* @ brief : Returns the truth value of ( x ! = y ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int32 ,
* int8 , uint8 , double , int16 , int64 , uint16 , half , uint32 , uint64
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type bool .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator NotEqual .
REG_OP ( NotEqual )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
* @ brief Computes numerical negative value element - wise ( y = - x )
* @ par Inputs :
* One input :
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int32 ,
* int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type and format as input " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Neg .
REG_OP ( Neg )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Returns x1 / x2 element - wise for integer types .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 ,
* complex64 , int64 , qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , uint16 ,
* complex128 , float16 , uint32 , uint64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same data type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* Broadcasting is supported .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator TruncateDiv .
REG_OP ( TruncateDiv )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT32 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT32 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT32 ,
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( TruncateDiv )
* @ brief Computes x1 / x2 element - wise , if x1 = = 0 , return 0.
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 ,
* double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Xdivy .
REG_OP ( Xdivy )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Computes " x " multiplied by the logarithm of y element - wise ,
* if " x " = = 0 , return " 0 " .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 ,
* double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Xlogy .
REG_OP ( Xlogy )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Computes square of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Square .
REG_OP ( Square )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_DOUBLE , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_DOUBLE , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Computes reciprocal of square root of " x " element - wise : y = 1 / sqrt { x } .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : An ND or 5 HD tensor . Must be one of the following types : float , double , half ,
* complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : An ND or 5 HD tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Rsqrt .
REG_OP ( Rsqrt )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Computes the trignometric inverse sine of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Asin .
REG_OP ( Asin )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Computes gradients for Asin operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li y : A tensor of type float16 , float32 , float64 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li dy : A tensor of the same type as " y " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* " dy " has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AsinGrad .
REG_OP ( AsinGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Computes acos of x element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Acos .
REG_OP ( Acos )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE ,
DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX64 , DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Computes gradients for Acos operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li y : A tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ li dy : A tensor of the same type as " y " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* " dy " has the same shape as " y " .
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AcosGrad .
REG_OP ( AcosGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
* @ brief Computes inverse hyperbolic cosine of x element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ attention Constraints :
* x Given an input tensor , the function computes inverse hyperbolic cosine of every element . \ n
* Input range is [ 1 , inf ] .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Acosh .
REG_OP ( Acosh )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Computes gradients for Acosh operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li y : A tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ li dy : A tensor of the same type as " y " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* " dy " has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AcoshGrad .
REG_OP ( AcoshGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AcoshGrad )
* @ brief Returns the truth value of x1 OR x2 element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A tensor of type bool .
* @ li x2 : A tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* LogicalOr supports broadcasting .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator LogicalOr .
REG_OP ( LogicalOr )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LogicalOr )
* @ brief Returns the truth value of x1 AND x2 element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A tensor of type bool .
* @ li x2 : A tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* LogicalAnd supports broadcasting .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator LogicalAnd .
REG_OP ( LogicalAnd )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LogicalAnd )
* @ brief Computes the Bessel i0e function of " x " element - wise .
* Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of order 0
* defined as : bessel_i0e ( x ) = exp ( - abs ( x ) ) bessel_i0 ( x ) .
* This function is faster and numerically stabler than " bessel_i0(x) " .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor of type float16 , float32 , or float64 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator BesselI0e .
REG_OP ( BesselI0e )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( BesselI0e )
* @ brief Computes the Bessel i1e function of " x " element - wise .
* Exponentially scaled modified Bessel function of order 0
* defined as : bessel_i1e ( x ) = exp ( - abs ( x ) ) bessel_i1 ( x ) .
* This function is faster and numerically stabler than " bessel_i1(x) " .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor of type float16 , float32 , or float64 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator BesselI1e .
REG_OP ( BesselI1e )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( BesselI1e )
* @ brief Computes logarithm of x element - wise .
* y = log_base ( shift + scale * x ) , with " base " > 0.
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x : A Tensor of type complex64 , complex128 , float16 , float32 or double .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li base : An optional float32 , specifying the base " e " . Defaults to " -1.0 "
* @ li scale : An optional float32 , specifying the scale of input " x " . Defaults
* to " 1.0 "
* @ li shift : An optional float32 , specifying the shift . Defaults to " 0.0 "
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor has same type as " x " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li " base " is supposed to be greater than 0. Retaining the default
* value " -1 " sets " base " to " e " .
* @ li If the input value of operator Log is within the range ( 0 , 0.01 ] or
* [ 0.95 , 1.05 ] , the output accuracy is subject to change .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* @ li Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Log .
* @ li Compatible with the Caffe operator Log .
REG_OP ( Log )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. ATTR ( base , Float , - 1.0 )
. ATTR ( scale , Float , 1.0 )
. ATTR ( shift , Float , 0.0 )
* @ brief Returns x1 * x2 element - wise .
* y = x1 * x2
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 ,
* float64 , uint8 , int8 , uint16 , int16 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 ,
* float64 , uint8 , int8 , uint16 , int16 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 ,
* uint8 , int8 , uint16 , int16 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li " x1 " and " x2 " have incompatible shapes or types .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Multiply .
REG_OP ( Mul )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DI_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DI_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 ,
DI_UINT16 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
* @ brief Computes the gradient of the square root of " x " with regard to its
* input . grad = dy * 0.5 / y , where y = sqrt ( x ) , and " dy " is the corresponding
* input gradient .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li y : A Tensor of type float32 or float16 .
* @ li dy : A Tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A Tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* " dy " has the same shape and type as " y " .
REG_OP ( SqrtGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( UnaryDataType ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( UnaryDataType ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( UnaryDataType ) )
* @ brief Returns x + y element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , uint8 , float64 ,
* float16 , float32 , complex128 , complex64 , string .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Add .
REG_OP ( Add )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT16 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT16 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT16 ,
* @ brief Confuse broadcast , add and mul .
* @ par Inputs :
* Five inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int32 float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ li x3 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator LRN .
REG_OP ( FusedMulAdd )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. INPUT ( x3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FusedMulAdd )
* @ brief Returns x1 + x2 element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , uint8 , int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* AddV2 supports broadcasting .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AddV2 .
REG_OP ( AddV2 )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT16 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT16 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT16 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 } ) )
* @ brief Updates " ref " by adding " value " to it .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li ref : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , uint8 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li value : A Tensor of the same type as " ref " .
* @ par Attributes :
* use_locking : An optional bool . Defaults to " False " .
If " True " , the addition will be protected by a lock ;
otherwise the behavior is undefined , but may exhibit less contention .
* This attribute is reserved .
* @ par Outputs :
* ref : A Tensor that holds the new value of ref after the value has been added .
* @ attention Constraints :
* An input tensor of type int64 must have a shape with size 1.
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AssignAdd .
REG_OP ( AssignAdd )
. INPUT ( ref , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. INPUT ( value , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( ref , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. ATTR ( use_locking , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AssignAdd )
* @ brief Updates " ref " by assigning " value " to it .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li ref : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , uint8 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li value : A Tensor of the same type as " ref " .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li validate_shape : An optional bool . Defaults to " true " .
If " true " , the operation will validate that the shape of " value " matches the shape of the Tensor being assigned to .
* If " false " , " ref " will take on the shape of " value " .
* This attribute is reserved .
* @ li use_locking : An optional bool . Defaults to True .
If True , the assignment will be protected by a lock ;
otherwise the behavior is undefined , but may exhibit less contention .
* This attribute is reserved .
* @ par Outputs :
* ref : A Tensor that holds the new value of ref after the value has been assigned .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Assign .
REG_OP ( Assign )
. INPUT ( ref , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. INPUT ( value , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( ref , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. ATTR ( validate_shape , Bool , true )
. ATTR ( use_locking , Bool , false )
* @ brief Updates " var " by subtracting " value " from it . \ n
* This operation outputs " var " after the update is done . \ n
* This makes it easier to chain operations that need to use the reset value .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li var : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , complex64 , int64 , qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , uint16 , complex128 , uint32 , uint64
* @ li value : A tensor of the same type as " var " .
* @ par Attributes :
* use_locking : An optional bool . Defaults to " False " . If " True " , the subtraction will be protected \ n
* by a lock ; otherwise the behavior is undefined , but may exhibit less contention .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " var " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AssignSub .
REG_OP ( AssignSub )
. INPUT ( var , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( value , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( var , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. ATTR ( use_locking , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AssignSub )
* @ brief : Computes the backpropagation of the square root operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li y : An NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND Tensor . Must be one of the following types : \
* float , int32 , int8 , double , complex64 , complex128 , half .
* @ li dy : A Tensor of the same type and format as " y " .
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A Tensor of the same type and format as " y " .
* @ see Matmul ( ) | Rsqrt ( )
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator RsqrtGrad .
REG_OP ( RsqrtGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( { UnaryDataType , int32 , int8 } ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( { UnaryDataType , int32 , int8 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( { UnaryDataType , int32 , int8 } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( RsqrtGrad )
* @ brief Computes hyperbolic sine of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : An NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , or ND Tensor of type float , double , complex64 ,
* complex128 , half .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , or ND Tensor of type float , double , complex64 ,
* complex128 , half .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Sinh .
REG_OP ( Sinh )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief : Clips tensor values to a specified min and max .
* @ par Inputs :
* Three inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor of type float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , complex64 , int64 ,
* qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , uint16 , complex128 , float16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li clip_value_min : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ li clip_value_max : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator ClipByValue .
REG_OP ( ClipByValue )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( clip_value_min , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( clip_value_max , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ClipByValue )
* @ brief Computes cosine of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* the format can be [ NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND ] .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Cosh .
REG_OP ( Cosh )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief : Returns 0 if the denominator is zero , else , like Div .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int32 ,
* int8 , uint8 , double , the format can be [ NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND ] .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator DivNoNan .
REG_OP ( DivNoNan )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 ,
* @ brief Reverses specific dimensions of a tensor .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : A Tensor , Must be one of the following types :
* int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , int64 , int64 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 ,
* and format can be [ NCHW , NC1HWC0 , NHWC , ND ]
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type and format as " x "
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Invert .
REG_OP ( Invert )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Returns a tensor of the same shape and type with all elements set to one .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int8 , uint8 ,
* int16 , uint16 , int32 , int64 , complex128 , bool .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator OnesLike .
REG_OP ( OnesLike )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT8 , DT_INT16 , DI_UINT16 , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX128 , DT_BOOL } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT8 ,
DT_UINT8 , DT_INT16 , DI_UINT16 , DT_INT32 ,
DT_INT64 , DT_COMPLEX128 , DT_BOOL } ) )
* @ brief Computes the gradient for the inverse of " x " with regard its input .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li input_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float , double ,
* complex64 , complex128 , half .
* @ li input_dy : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float , double ,
* complex64 , complex128 , half .
* @ par Outputs :
* output_data : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float , double ,
* complex64 , complex128 , half .
* @ attention Constraints :
* " input_dy " has the same shape and type as " input_y " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator reciprocal_grad .
REG_OP ( ReciprocalGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ReciprocalGrad )
* @ brief Returns the truth value of ( x1 > x2 ) element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 , double , int64 , int32 , int16 , int8 ,
* uint8 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same data type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type bool .
* @ attention Constraints :
* Broadcasting is supported .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Greater .
REG_OP ( Greater )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : RealNumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( Greater )
* @ brief Returns a tensor of the same type and shape as the input tensor with all elements set to zero .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 ,
* complex64 , int64 , qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , qint16 , quint16 , uint16 ,
* complex128 , float16 , uint32 , uint64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same data type as " x " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* The output has the same shape and type as the input .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator zeros_like .
REG_OP ( ZerosLike )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : BasicType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ZerosLike )
* @ brief Returns the truth value of NOT " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type bool .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type bool .
* @ attention Constraints :
* The input and output values are " 1 " or " 0 " , corresponding to bool values " true " and " false " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator logical_not .
REG_OP ( LogicalNot )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LogicalNot )
* @ brief Computes inverse hyperbolic sine of x element - wise .
* Given an input tensor , this function computes inverse hyperbolic sine for every element in the tensor .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Asinh .
REG_OP ( Asinh )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Computes gradients for Asinh operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li y : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li dy : A tensor of the same type as " y "
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AsinhGrad .
REG_OP ( AsinhGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AsinhGrad )
* @ brief Computes inverse hyperbolic tangent of x element - wise . \ n
* Given an input tensor , this function computes inverse hyperbolic tangent for every element in the tensor . \ n Input range is [ - 1 , 1 ] and output range is [ - inf , inf ] . If input is - 1 , \ n output will be - inf and if the input is 1 , output will be inf . \ n Values outside the range will have nan as output .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Atanh .
REG_OP ( Atanh )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Computes the trignometric inverse tangent of x element - wise .
* The atan operation returns the inverse of tan , such that if y = tan ( x ) then , x = atan ( y ) .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64 , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " . The output of atan will lie within the invertible range of tan , i . e ( - pi / 2 , pi / 2 ) .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Atan .
REG_OP ( Atan )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Computes gradients for Atan operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li y : A tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ li dy : A tensor of the same type as " y "
* @ par Outputs :
* z : A tensor . Has the same type as " y " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AtanGrad .
REG_OP ( AtanGrad )
. INPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( dy , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( z , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
* @ brief Computes arctangent of x1 / x2 element - wise , respecting signs of the arguments .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , float64
* @ li x2 : A tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Atan2 .
REG_OP ( Atan2 )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Returns the truth value of abs ( x1 - x2 ) < tolerance element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , complex64 , int64 , qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , uint16 , complex128 , float16 , uint32 , uint64
* @ li x2 : A tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Attributes :
* tolerance : Defaults to " 1e-05 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor of type bool .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator ApproximateEqual .
REG_OP ( ApproximateEqual )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_BOOL } ) )
. ATTR ( tolerance , Float , 1e-5 )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ApproximateEqual )
* @ brief Returns the element - wise sum of a list of tensors . \ n
* AccumulateNV2 performs the same operation as AddN , but does not wait for all of its inputs to be ready before beginning to sum . \ n This can save memory if inputs are ready at different times , \ n since minimum temporary storage is proportional to the output size rather than the inputs size . \ n Returns a Tensor of same shape and type as the elements of inputs .
* @ par Inputs :
* Dynamic inputs , including :
* x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , complex64 , int64 , \ n qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , uint16 , complex128 , float16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Attributes :
* N : the size of x .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator AccumulateNV2 .
REG_OP ( AccumulateNV2 )
. DYNAMIC_INPUT ( x , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AccumulateNV2 )
* @ brief Fake - quantizes the input Tensor , type float to output a Tensor of same type .
* [ min , max ] define the clamping range for the " inputs " data . \ n
* the values of " x " are quantized into the quantization range ( [ 0 , 2 ^ num_bits - 1 ] \ n
* when " narrow_range " is " false " or [ 1 , 2 ^ num_bits - 1 ] when it is " true " ) and \ n
* then de - quantized and output as float32 in [ min ; max ] interval . \ n
* num_bits is the bit width of the quantization , between 2 and 16 , inclusive . \ n
* Quantization is called fake since the output is still in floating point . \ n
* @ par Inputs :
* One input :
* x : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li min : An optional attribute . Defaults to " -6.0 " .
* @ li max : An optional attribute . Defaults to " 6.0 " .
* @ li num_bits : An optional attribute . Defaults to " 8 " .
* @ li narrow_range : An optional bool . Defaults to " false " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same shape and type of " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs .
REG_OP ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( min , Float , - 6.0 )
. ATTR ( max , Float , 6.0 )
. ATTR ( num_bits , Int , 8 )
. ATTR ( narrow_range , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs )
* @ brief Computes gradients for a FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including : \ n
* @ li gradients : A Tensor of type float32 . Backpropagated gradients above the FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs operation .
* @ li x : A Tensor of type float32 . Has the same type and format as " gradients " . \ n
* This is the input Tensor of the FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs operator . \ n
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li min : An optional attribute . Defaults to " -6.0 " .
* @ li max : An optional attribute . Defaults to " 6.0 " .
* @ li num_bits : An optional attribute . Defaults to " 8 " .
* @ li narrow_range : An optional bool . Defaults to " False " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient .
REG_OP ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient )
. INPUT ( gradients , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( min , Float , - 6.0 )
. ATTR ( max , Float , 6.0 )
. ATTR ( num_bits , Int , 8 )
. ATTR ( narrow_range , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient )
* @ brief Fake - quantize the ' inputs ' tensor of type float via global float scalars .
* @ par Inputs :
* Three inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li min : A Tensor of type float32 . Has the same type and format as " x " .
* @ li max : A Tensor of type float32 . Has the same type and format as " x " . \ n
* [ min ; max ] define the clamping range for the inputs data
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li num_bits : An optional attribute . Defaults to " 8 " .
* @ li narrow_range : An optional bool . Defaults to " False " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars .
REG_OP ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( min , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( max , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( num_bits , Int , 8 )
. ATTR ( narrow_range , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars )
* @ brief Computes gradients for a FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* Four inputs , including :
* @ li gradients : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li x : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li min : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li max : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li num_bits : An integer specifying the quantization bit width . Defaults to " 8 " .
* @ li narrow_range : A Boolean specifying whether to use a narrow range for quantization . Defaults to " False " .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li backprops_wrt_x : A Tensor . Has the same type as input " x " .
* @ li backprops_wrt_min : A Tensor . Has the same type as input " min " .
* @ li backprops_wrt_max : A Tensor . Has the same type as input " max " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li " gradients " has the same shape as " x " .
* @ li " min " and " max " are scalars .
* @ li " num_bits " is between 2 and 16
* @ see Region ( )
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the operator FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient .
REG_OP ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient )
. INPUT ( gradients , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( min , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( max , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( backprops_wrt_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( backprops_wrt_min , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( backprops_wrt_max , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( num_bits , Int , 8 )
. ATTR ( narrow_range , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient )
* @ brief Fake - quantizes the " inputs " tensor of type float
via per - channel floats min and max of shape [ d ] to " outputs " \ n
tensor of same shape as inputs
* @ par Inputs :
* Three inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li min : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li max : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li num_bits : An integer specifying the quantization bit width . Defaults to " 8 " .
* @ li narrow_range : A Boolean specifying whether to use a narrow range for quantization . Defaults to " False " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as input " x " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li " min " and " max " have one - dimensional shapes .
* @ li " min " has the same last dimension size as " x " . " max " has the same last dimension size as " x " .
* @ li " num_bits " is between 2 and 16
* @ see Region ( )
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel .
REG_OP ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( min , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( max , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( num_bits , Int , 8 )
. ATTR ( narrow_range , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel )
* @ brief Computes gradients for a FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel operation .
* @ par Inputs :
* Four inputs , including :
* @ li gradients : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li x : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li min : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ li max : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li num_bits : An integer specifying the quantization bit width . Defaults to " 8 " .
* @ li narrow_range : A Boolean specifying whether to use a narrow range for quantization . Defaults to " False " .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li backprops_wrt_x : A Tensor . Has the same type as input " x " .
* @ li backprops_wrt_min : A Tensor . Has the same type as input " min " .
* @ li backprops_wrt_max : A Tensor . Has the same type as input " max " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li " gradients " has the same shape as " x " .
* @ li " min " and " max " have one - dimensional shapes .
* @ li " min " has the same last dimension size as " x " . " max " has the same last dimension size as " x " . " gradients " has the same last dimension size as " x " .
* @ li " num_bits " is between 2 and 16
* @ see Region ( )
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient .
REG_OP ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient )
. INPUT ( gradients , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( min , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( max , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( backprops_wrt_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( backprops_wrt_min , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( backprops_wrt_max , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( num_bits , Int , 8 )
. ATTR ( narrow_range , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient )
* @ brief Element - wise computes the bitwise AND of " x1 " and " x2 " .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int8 , int16 ,
* int32 , int64 , uint8 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 . Broadcasting is supported .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator BitwiseAnd .
REG_OP ( BitwiseAnd )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( BitwiseAnd )
* @ brief Element - wise computes the bitwise OR of " x1 " and " x2 " .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int8 , int16 ,
* int32 , int64 , uint8 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 . Broadcasting is supported .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator BitwiseOr .
REG_OP ( BitwiseOr )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( BitwiseOr )
* @ brief Elementwise computes the bitwise XOR of " x1 " and " x2 " .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , uint8 , uint16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* The format is NC1HWC0 or ND . Broadcasting is supported .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Has the same type and format as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : Output result . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator BitwiseXor .
REG_OP ( BitwiseXor )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( BitwiseXor )
* @ brief Returns element - wise smallest integer not less than " x " .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 or float32 or float64 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Ceil .
REG_OP ( Ceil )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Returns element - wise largest integer not greater than " x " .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 or double .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Floor .
REG_OP ( Floor )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : FloatingDataType ( ) )
* @ brief Divides " x1/x2 " element - wise , rounding toward the
* most negative integer .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int32 , int64 , int8 ,
* uint8 , int16 , uint16 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator FloorDiv .
REG_OP ( FloorDiv )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_UINT8 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_UINT8 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT8 , DT_INT32 , DT_UINT8 ,
* @ brief Returns element - wise remainder of division . Consistent with : floor ( x1 / x2 ) * x2 + mod ( x1 , x2 ) = x1 .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* int32 , int64 , float , float16 , double
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Must have the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : Result remainder .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator FloorMod .
REG_OP ( FloorMod )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 ,
* @ brief Computes the power of " x1 " to " x2 " .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float16 , float32 , int32 , int64 , int8 , uint8 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Pow .
REG_OP ( Pow )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_INT8 ,
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_INT8 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_INT8 ,
* @ brief Return element - wise integer closest to x .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input , include :
* x : A mutable Tensor . Must be one of the following types :
* float16 , float32 , double .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A mutable Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Rint .
REG_OP ( Rint )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
* @ brief Rounds the values of a tensor to the nearest integer , element - wise .
* Rounds half to even .
* @ par Inputs :
* Inputs including :
* x : A required ND Tensor of type float16 , float , int64 , double , complex64 ,
* complex128 or int32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A required ND Tensor . Has the same data type and shape as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator Round .
REG_OP ( Round )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 ,
* @ brief : Computes sine of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input :
* x : An ND Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double ,
* complex64 , complex128 , int32 , int64
* @ par Outputs :
* y : An ND Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Sin .
REG_OP ( Sin )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : UnaryDataType ( ) )
* @ brief : Computes tan of " x " element - wise .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input :
* x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , complex64 , complex128 , int32 , int64
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator Tan .
REG_OP ( Tan )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_DOUBLE , DT_COMPLEX64 ,
DT_COMPLEX128 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 } ) )
* @ brief Returns element - wise remainder of division .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 ,
* double , int32 , int64 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* @ li Compatible with the TensorFlow operator TruncateMod .
REG_OP ( TruncateMod )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT64 ,
DT_INT32 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT64 ,
DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE , DT_INT64 ,
DT_INT32 } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( TruncateMod )
* @ brief Adds ' bias ' to ' x ' .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor of type NumberType . Must be one of the following types : float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 ,
* int8 , complex64 , int64 , qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , bfloat16 , uint16 , complex128 , float16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* @ li bias : A 1 D Tensor with size the C dimension of value .
* @ par Attributes :
* data_format : An optional string . Defaults to " NHWC " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor with same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator BiasAdd .
REG_OP ( BiasAdd )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( bias , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. ATTR ( data_format , String , " NHWC " )
* @ brief Returns the index with the smallest value across dimensions of a tensor .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float32 , float64 , int32 , uint8 , int16 , int8 , complex64 , int64 , qint8 , quint8 , qint32 , bfloat16 , uint16 , complex128 , float16 , uint32 , uint64 .
* format is ND .
* @ li dimension : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int32 , int64 . Must be in the range [ - rank ( input x ) , rank ( input x ) ] . Describes which dimension of the input Tensor to reduce across .
* The format is ND .
* @ par Attributes :
* dtype : The output type , either " int32 " or " int64 " . Defaults to " int64 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type " dtype " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator ArgMin .
REG_OP ( ArgMin )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( dimension , TensorType : : IndexNumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 } ) )
. ATTR ( dtype , Type , DT_INT64 )
* @ brief Returns the index with the smallest value across dimensions of a tensor .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 or float32 in ND format .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li dimension : The dimension of the input Tensor to reduce across .
* @ li dtype : An optional attribute , specifying the output data type . Must be " int32 " . Defaults to " int64 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type dtype .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator ArgMin .
REG_OP ( ArgMinD )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( dimension , Int )
. ATTR ( dtype , Type , DT_INT64 )
* @ brief Returns the index with the largest value across axes of a tensor .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type float16 , float32 , or int16 .
* @ li dimension : A Scalar of type int32 , specifying the index with the largest value .
* @ par Attributes :
* dtype : The output type , either " int32 " or " int64 " . Defaults to " int64 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type int32 or int64 , specifying the index with the largest value . The dimension is one less than that of " x " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li x : If there are multiple maximum values , the index of the first maximum value is used .
* @ li The value range of " dimension " is [ - dims , dims - 1 ] . " dims " is the dimension length of " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator ArgMax .
REG_OP ( ArgMaxV2 )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( dimension , TensorType : : IndexNumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 } ) )
. ATTR ( dtype , Type , DT_INT64 )
* @ brief Returns the index with the largest value across axes of a tensor .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input , including :
* x : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type float16 , float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li dimension : An integer of type int32 , specifying the axis information of the index with the maximum value .
* @ li dtype : The output type , either " int32 " or " int64 " . Defaults to " int64 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type int32 , specifying the index with the largest value . The dimension is one less than that of " x " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li x : If there are multiple maximum values , the index of the first maximum value is used .
* @ li The value range of " dimension " is [ - dims , dims - 1 ] . " dims " is the dimension length of " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with TensorFlow operator ArgMax .
REG_OP ( ArgMaxD )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( dimension , Int )
. ATTR ( dtype , Type , DT_INT64 )
* @ brief Returns the maximum value of all elements in the input in the given
* dimension .
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li dimension : An integer of type int32 , specifying the axis information of
* the index with the maximum value .
* @ li keep_dims : A bool , specifying whether to keep dimensions for the output
* Tensor . Defaults to " false " .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li indice : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type int32 , specifying the index .
* ( If " keep_dims " is set to " false " , the output dimensions are reduced by
* " dimension " compared with that of " x " . Otherwise , the output has one fewer
* dimension than " x " . )
* @ li values : A Tensor , specifying the maximum value . Has the same dimensions
* as " indice " and the same type as " x " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li If there are multiple maximum values , the index of the first maximum
* value is used .
* @ li The value range of " dimension " is [ - dims , dims - 1 ] . " dims " is the
* dimension length of " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the two output scenarios of PyTorch operator Max ( the output
* sequence is opposite to that of PyTorch ) .
REG_OP ( ArgMaxWithValue )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( indice , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( values , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( dimension , Int )
. ATTR ( keep_dims , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ArgMaxWithValue )
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li dimension : An integer of type int32 , specifying the axis information of
* the index with the maximum value .
* @ li keep_dims : A bool , specifying whether to keep dimensions for the output
* Tensor . Defaults to " false " .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li indice : A multi - dimensional Tensor of type int32 , specifying the index .
* ( If " keep_dims " is set to " false " , the output dimensions are reduced by
* " dimension " compared with that of " x " . Otherwise , the output has one fewer
* dimension than " x " . )
* @ li values : A Tensor , specifying the minimum value . Has the same dimensions
* as " indice " and the same type as " x " .
* @ attention Constraints :
* @ li If there are multiple minimum values , the index of the first minimum
* value is used .
* @ li The value range of " dimension " is [ - dims , dims - 1 ] . " dims " is the
* dimension length of " x " .
* @ li Performing the ArgMinWithValue operation on the last axis of float32 data
* is not supported on a mini platform .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the two output scenarios of PyTorch operator Min ( the output
* sequence is opposite to that of PyTorch ) .
REG_OP ( ArgMinWithValue )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( indice , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( values , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( dimension , Int )
. ATTR ( keep_dims , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ArgMinWithValue )
* @ brief Compute elementwise modes , such as 0 : PRODUCT , 1 : SUM , 2 : MAX
* @ par Inputs :
* One input : \ n
* x : the list of input data , the type of element in Tensor should be same .
* the max size of x is 32.
* should met one of the following types : float16 , float32
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type and format as " x " .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li N : A required attribute . the number of input x , max size is 32. Type is int .
* @ li model : An optional attribute . Type is int . Defaults to " 1 " .
* " 0 " : product , " 1 " : sum , " 2 " : max .
* @ li coeff : A required attribute . Must met all of following rules :
* size of " coeff " must be equal to len ( " x " ) or is null .
* the absolute value of " coeff " must less than or equal to 1.
REG_OP ( Eltwise )
. DYNAMIC_INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( mode , Int , 1 )
. ATTR ( coeff , ListFloat , { } )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( Eltwise )
* @ brief Computes element - wise population count .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of type uint8 .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator PopulationCount .
REG_OP ( PopulationCount )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType : : IntegerDataType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_UINT8 } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( PopulationCount )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Thirteen inputs , including :
* @ li input_mul3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_realdiv1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_realdiv0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul4 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul0_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul1_sub : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul2_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul3_sub1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul4_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li add2_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* Four outputs , including :
* @ li y1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li y2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li y3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li y4 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
REG_OP ( LambNextMVWithDecay )
. INPUT ( input_mul3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_realdiv1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_realdiv0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul0_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul1_sub , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul2_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul3_sub1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul4_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( add2_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LambNextMVWithDecay )
* @ brief Confuse real_div , rsqrt , sqrt , maximum , minimum , sub and add .
* @ par Inputs :
* Thirteen inputs , including :
* @ li input_mul3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul2 : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li input_realdiv1 : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li input_mul1 : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li input_mul0 : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li input_realdiv0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul4 : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li mul0_x : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li mul1_sub : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li mul2_x : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li mul3_sub1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul4_x : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ li add2_y : A Tensor of the same type as " input1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* Four outputs , including :
* @ li y1 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " input_mul3 " .
* @ li y2 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " input_mul3 " .
* @ li y3 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " input_mul3 " .
* @ li y4 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " input_mul3 " .
REG_OP ( LambNextMV )
. INPUT ( input_mul3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_realdiv1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_realdiv0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul0_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul1_sub , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul2_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul3_sub1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul4_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( add2_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Six inputs , including :
* @ li input_square : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul2_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul3_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li truediv1_recip : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li add2_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* Two outputs , including :
* @ li y1 : A Tensor of the same type as " input_square " .
* @ li y2 : A Tensor of the same type as " input_square " .
REG_OP ( LambNextRight )
. INPUT ( input_square , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul2_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul3_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( truediv1_recip , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( add2_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LambNextRight )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Six inputs , including :
* @ li input_greater1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_greater_realdiv : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_realdiv : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_mul1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input_sub : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li greater_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li select_e : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li minimum_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " input_greater1 " .
REG_OP ( LambUpdateWithLr )
. INPUT ( input_greater1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_greater_realdiv , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_realdiv , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_mul1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input_sub , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( greater_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( select_e , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( minimum_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LambUpdateWithLr )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Seven inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li x3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li x4 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li x5 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li greater_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li select_e : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as input .
REG_OP ( LambUpdateWithLrV2 )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x5 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( greater_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( select_e , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( LambUpdateWithLrV2 )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Eleven inputs , including :
* @ li input0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input4 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul0_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul1_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul2_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul3_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul4_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li add2_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* Three outputs , including :
* @ li output0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
REG_OP ( AdamApplyOneWithDecay )
. INPUT ( input0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul0_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul1_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul2_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul3_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul4_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( add2_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AdamApplyOneWithDecay )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Ten inputs , including :
* @ li input0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input4 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul0_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul1_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul2_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul3_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li add2_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* Three outputs , including :
* @ li output0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
REG_OP ( AdamApplyOne )
. INPUT ( input0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul0_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul1_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul2_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul3_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( add2_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AdamApplyOne )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Eleven inputs , including :
* @ li input0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input4 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul0_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul1_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul2_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul3_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul4_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li add2_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* Three outputs , including :
* @ li output0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
REG_OP ( AdamApplyOneWithDecayAssign )
. INPUT ( input0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul0_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul1_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul2_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul3_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul4_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( add2_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AdamApplyOneWithDecayAssign )
* @ brief A fusion operator for bert lamb .
* @ par Inputs :
* Ten inputs , including :
* @ li input0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input3 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li input4 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul0_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul1_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul2_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li mul3_x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li add2_y : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* Three outputs , including :
* @ li output0 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li output2 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
REG_OP ( AdamApplyOneAssign )
. INPUT ( input0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input4 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul0_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul1_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul2_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( mul3_x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( add2_y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( AdamApplyOneAssign )
* @ brief Confuse select , maximum , greater and sqrt .
* @ par Inputs :
* Four inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li greater_zeros : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li select_ones : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ li maximum_ones : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor of the same type as " x " .
REG_OP ( ClipByNormNoDivSum )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( greater_zeros , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( select_ones , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( maximum_ones , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ClipByNormNoDivSum )
* @ brief Confuse reducesumd and square .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* Two attributes , including : \ n
* @ li axis : A optional listint , specifies the dimensions to reduce .
* @ li keep_dims : A bool , specifying whether to keep dimensions for the output Tensor . Defaults to " false " .
* @ par Outputs :
* Two outputs , including : \ n
* @ li y1 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ li y2 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
REG_OP ( SquareSumV2 )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( axis , ListInt )
. ATTR ( keep_dims , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( SquareSumV2 )
* @ brief Confuse reducesumd and square .
* @ par Inputs :
* x : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* Two attributes , including : \ n
* @ li axis : A optional listint , specifies the dimensions to reduce .
* @ li keep_dims : A bool , specifying whether to keep dimensions for the output Tensor . Defaults to " false " .
* @ par Outputs :
y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
REG_OP ( SquareSumV1 )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( axis , ListInt )
. ATTR ( keep_dims , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( SquareSumV1 )
* @ brief Calculate square of Tensor and then reducesum
* @ par Inputs :
* x1 : A Tensor of type float32 .
* x2 : A Tensor of type float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
y1 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " . The result of " x1 " .
y2 : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x2 " . The result of " x2 " .
REG_OP ( SquareSumAll )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( SquareSumAll )
* @ brief Confuse broadcast , addn and mul .
* @ par Inputs :
* Three inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int32 , int16 , float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ li x3 : A Tensor of the same type as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x1 " .
REG_OP ( FusedMulAddN )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT16 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT16 } ) )
. INPUT ( x3 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT16 } ) )
* @ brief Add ' bias ' to ' x ' .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x : An ND tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ li bias : An ND tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li axis : An optional int32 used to compute the shape of bias input from the online bottoms . Defaults to " 1 " .
* @ li num_axes : An optional int32 used to compute the shape of bias input from a Caffe model trained offline . Defaults to " 1 " .
* @ li bias_from_blob : An optional bool . If " true " , bias is input from a Caffe model trained offline . If " false " , bias is input from online bottoms . Defaults to " true " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : An ND tensor of type float16 or float32 .
* @ attention Constraints : \ n
* Assume that the shape length of " x " is " n " and that of " bias " is " m " .
* @ li " axis " is within the range [ - n , n - 1 ] . num_axes > = - 1.
* @ li If " bias_from_blob = true " , " num_axes = -1 " , and " axis >= 0 " , the ith axis of " bias " and the ( i + " axis " ) th axis of " x " must have the same size ( 0 < = i < n - axis ) . \ n
* If " axis < 0 " , the ith axis of " bias " and the ( i + n + " axis " ) th axis of " x " must have the same size ( 0 < = i < - axis ) .
* @ li If " bias_from_blob = true " and " num_axes = 0 " , " bias " is a scalar with shape length 1 and dimension size 1.
* @ li If " bias_from_blob = true " , " num_axes > 0, and " axis > = 0 " , " axis + num_axes " must be less than or equal to " n " and the ith axis of " bias " and the (i+ " axis " )th axis of " x " must have the same size (0 <= i < num_axes). \n
* If " axis < 0 " , " n + axis + num_axes " must be less than or equal to " n " and the ith axis of " bias " and the ( i + n + " axis " ) th axis of " x " must have the same size ( 0 < = i < num_axes ) .
* @ li If " bias_from_blob = false " , " bias " is not a scalar , and " axis >= 0 " , " axis + m " must be less than or equal to " n " and the ith axis of " bias " and the ( i + " axis " ) th axis of " x " must have the same size ( 0 < = i < m ) . \ n
* If " axis < 0 " , " n + axis + m " must be less than or equal to " n " and the ith axis of " bias " and the ( i + n + " axis " ) th axis of " x " must have the same size ( 0 < = i < m ) .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the Caffe operator Bias .
REG_OP ( Bias )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) ) /* "First operand." */
. INPUT ( bias , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) ) /* "Second operand." */
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) ) /* "Result, has same element type as x" */
. ATTR ( axis , Int , 1 )
. ATTR ( num_axes , Int , 1 )
. ATTR ( bias_from_blob , Bool , true )
* @ brief Function multiply gradients calculation . \ n
output0 is the result of which input0 dot multily input1 .
output1 is the result of which input0 dot multily input1 , then reducesum it .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li input0 : A Tensor of input of mul , and dtype supports float16 , float32 .
* @ li input1 : A Tensor of input of mul and mul_1 , and dtype supports float16 , float32 .
* @ li input2 : A Tensor of input of mul_1 , and dtype supports float16 , float32 ' .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li axes : The dimensions to reduce . Default : ( ) , reduce all dimensions . \ n
Only constant value is allowed .
* @ li keep_dims : If true , keep these reduced dimensions and the length is 1. \ n
If false , don ’ t keep these dimensions . Default : False .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li output0 : A Tensor result of which input0 dot multily input1 .
* @ li output1 : A Tensor result of which input0 dot multily input1 , then reducesum it .
REG_OP ( ConfusionMulGrad )
. INPUT ( input0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. INPUT ( input2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output0 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OUTPUT ( output1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT } ) )
. ATTR ( axes , ListInt , { } )
. ATTR ( keep_dims , Bool , false )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( ConfusionMulGrad )
* @ brief Function fused multiply l2 loss calculation . \ n
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 .
* @ li x3 : A Tensor of type float16 , float32 .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y1 : A Tensor of shape and dtype of first output , which should have \ n
shape ( 1 , ) and dtype as input .
* @ li y2 : A Tensor of shape and dtype of second output , should be same shape and type as input .
REG_OP ( FusedMulAddNL2loss )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. INPUT ( x3 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y1 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OUTPUT ( y2 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( FusedMulAddNL2loss )
* @ brief Tests whether the input exceeds a threshold .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x : A Tensor with any format . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li threshold : A required float32 . Defaults to " 0.0 " . " x " is compared with " threshold " , outputs " 1 " for inputs above threshold ; " 0 " otherwise .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y : A Tensor with any format . Has the same type as the input . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the Caffe operator Threshold .
REG_OP ( Threshold )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. ATTR ( threshold , Float , 0.0 )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( Threshold ) ;
* @ brief Returns the index number corresponding to the maximum value entered .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x : A tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li axis : An optional int . Specify the axis to be cut at the input tensor . If this parameter is not provided , find the topk for each batch . Defaults to 10000
* @ li out_max_val : An optional bool . Whether to output the maximum value . If it is True , the maximum value and index are output , otherwise only the index is output .
* Defaults to False
* @ li topk : An optional int . It means the number of top tok in each axis ( the value is greater than or equal to 1 ) , and the value range must be in [ 1 , x . shape ( axis ) ] .
* Defaults to 1
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li indices : A tensor of type float16 , float32 , int32 . The index of the maximum value of the output .
* @ li values : A tensor of type float16 , float32 . Output tensor , including maximum index or maximum value .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the Caffe operator ArgMax .
REG_OP ( ArgMaxWithK )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( indices , TensorType ( { DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( values , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. ATTR ( axis , Int , 10000 )
. ATTR ( out_max_val , Bool , false )
. ATTR ( topk , Int , 1 )
* @ brief Multiply tensor with scale .
* @ par Inputs :
* Five inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int32 , int16 , float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A scale . Must be float .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y : A Tensor . Has the same type and shape as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the Pytorch operator muls .
REG_OP ( Muls )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( value , Float )
* @ brief Fill tensor with scale .
* @ par Inputs :
* Five inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int32 , int16 , float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A scale . Must be float .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y : A Tensor . Has the same type and shape as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the Pytorch operator fills .
REG_OP ( Fills )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( value , Float )
* @ brief Add tensor with scale .
* @ par Inputs :
* Five inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : int32 , int16 , float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A scale . Must be float .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y : A Tensor . Has the same type and shape as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the Pytorch operator adds .
REG_OP ( Adds )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( value , Float )
* @ brief Computes the product of x and y and returns 0 if the y is zero , even if x is NaN or infinite .
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , double , complex64 , complex128 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor . Has the same type and shape as " x1 " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type and shape as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the TensorFlow operator MulNoNan .
REG_OP ( MulNoNan )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) ) /* "First operand." */
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) ) /* "Second operand." */
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType : : NumberType ( ) ) /* "Result, has same element type as two inputs" */
* @ brief Add tensor with scale .
* @ par Inputs :
* Five inputs , including :
* @ li x1 : A Tensor dtype of int32 , float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A Tensor dtype of int32 , float16 , float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* alpha : Float scalar apply to x2 : x2 * alpha
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . should be same shape and type as " x1 " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility :
* Compatible with the Pytorch operator Axpy .
REG_OP ( Axpy )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_FLOAT16 } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( alpha , Float )
* @ brief Creates a criterion that measures the loss given input tensors x1 x2 and a Tensor label y with values 1 or - 1.
* @ par Inputs :
* @ li x1 : A ND Tensor with one of the following types : int8 , uint8 , int32 , float16 , float32 .
* @ li x2 : A ND Tensor with one of the following types : int8 , uint8 , int32 , float16 , float32 .
* @ li target : A ND Tensor with one of the following types : int8 , int32 , float16 , float32 .
* @ par Attributes :
* @ li margin : A optional float32 . Defaults to " 0.0 " .
* @ li reduction : A optional string . Defaults to " mean " .
* @ par Outputs :
* @ li y : A ND Tensor with Must be float32 .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the PyTorch operator CosineEmbeddingLoss .
REG_OP ( CosineEmbeddingLoss )
. INPUT ( x1 , TensorType ( { DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. INPUT ( x2 , TensorType ( { DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. INPUT ( target , TensorType ( { DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_INT16 , DT_INT32 , DT_INT64 , DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. ATTR ( margin , Float , 0 )
. ATTR ( reduction , String , " mean " )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( CosineEmbeddingLoss )
* @ brief Kullback - Leibler divergence .
* @ par Inputs :
* Two inputs , including :
* @ li x : Tensor of arbitrary shape .
* @ li target : Tensor of the same shape and dtype as x .
* @ par Attributes :
* reduction : An required " string " , Specifies the reduction to apply to the output ;
* Reduction only supports the two modes of " sum " and " batchmean " .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A ND Tensor of the same dtype as x .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
* Compatible with the PyTorch operator kl_div .
REG_OP ( KLDiv )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. INPUT ( target , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
. REQUIRED_ATTR ( reduction , String )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_DOUBLE } ) )
* @ brief copy data from x to y . .
* @ par Inputs :
* One inputs , including :
* @ li x : A Tensor . Must be one of the following types : float16 , float32 , int8 , uint8 , int32 , bool .
* @ par Outputs :
* y : A Tensor . Has the same type as " x " .
* @ par Third - party framework compatibility
REG_OP ( TensorMove )
. INPUT ( x , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_BOOL } ) )
. OUTPUT ( y , TensorType ( { DT_FLOAT16 , DT_FLOAT , DT_INT32 , DT_INT8 , DT_UINT8 , DT_BOOL } ) )
. OP_END_FACTORY_REG ( TensorMove )
} // namespace ge