* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include "external/ge/ge_api_error_codes.h"
#include "graph/compute_graph.h"
namespace ge {
namespace multibatch {
Status ProcessMultiBatch(ComputeGraphPtr &graph);
Status GetDynamicOutputShape(ComputeGraphPtr &graph);
enum NodeStatus {
enum DynamicType {
class MultiBatchGraphCopyer {
explicit MultiBatchGraphCopyer(ComputeGraphPtr &graph) : graph_(graph) {}
~MultiBatchGraphCopyer() = default;
void AddShape(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape) { shapes_.emplace_back(shape); }
void SetUserDesignateShape(const vector<pair<string, vector<int64_t>>> &designate_shape) {
user_designate_shape_ = designate_shape;
for (auto &item : designate_shape) {
void SetDynamicType(const DynamicType dynamic_type) {
dynamic_type_ = dynamic_type;
Status CopyGraph();
Status Init();
Status CheckArguments();
Status RelinkConstCtrlEdge();
Status ExtractUnchangedStructureOutofCycle();
Status GetEnterNodesGroupByFrame(std::map<std::string, std::vector<NodePtr>> &frame_enter);
Status GetNodeNeedExtract(const std::map<std::string, std::vector<NodePtr>> &frame_enter,
std::queue<NodePtr> &nodes_to_extract);
bool AllInDataNodesUnchangeAndNoMergeOut(const NodePtr &node);
Status MoveInEntersInDataAnchorDown(NodePtr &node, OpDescPtr &enter_desc);
Status InsertEnterAfterNode(NodePtr &node, const OpDescPtr &enter_desc, std::set<NodePtr> &out_nodes);
Status MoveCtrlEdgeToOutNodes(NodePtr &node, std::set<NodePtr> &out_nodes);
Status DeleteEnterWithoutDataOut();
// label status for origin_all_nodes_
Status LabelStatus();
Status LabelInBatchBranchStatus();
void LabelStatusForData(const NodePtr &data);
void LabelStatusForGetNextSink(const NodePtr &data);
void InitStatus(std::map<std::string, std::vector<NodePtr>> &frame_enters);
void ResetEnterStatus(std::map<std::string, std::vector<NodePtr>> &frame_enters, const NodePtr &node);
// add nodes functions
Status CreateNewNodes();
NodePtr InsertShapeDataNode();
NodePtr InsertGetDynamicDimsNode();
Status InsertSwitchNAndUpdateMaxShape(const NodePtr &node);
Status InsertSwitchNForData(const NodePtr &node, const size_t &out_anchor_index, const size_t &peer_in_anchor_index,
std::vector<std::pair<Node *, NodePtr>> &dynamic_out_to_switchn);
Status UpdateMaxShapeToData(const NodePtr &node, size_t out_anchor_index);
Status UpdateShapeOfShapeNode(const NodePtr &node, size_t out_anchor_index);
Status InsertMergeForEdgeNode(const NodePtr &node);
Status LinkGetDynamicDimsToNetOutput(const NodePtr &node);
/// Insert a merge node for src node `node` on output index `index`. The merge node will be used to merge all nodes
/// in batch-branch to one output to the node out of the batch-branch.
/// Cond 1: If the `index` is -1, then the src node link a data edge(at output 0) to the merge node,
/// Cond 2: In condition 1, if the src node does not have any data output, we create a const node after it,
/// the result like this:
/// src_node ---------> const_for_src_node --------> merge
/// control data
/// Cond 3: If the src node is a data-like node, the SwitchN after it will be link to the merge node.
/// @param node
/// @param index
/// @return
NodePtr InsertMergeNode(const NodePtr &node, int index);
Status CopyNodeInBatchBranch(const NodePtr &node);
// link edges functions
Status LinkEdges();
Status AddAttrForGetDynamicDims(const NodePtr &node);
Status AddLinkForGetDynamicDims(const NodePtr &node);
Status LinkDataToSwitchN(const NodePtr &data, const NodePtr &switchn, const int &out_index);
Status LinkToMerge(const NodePtr &node);
Status LinkToNodeInBranch(const NodePtr &node);
Status LinkToNodeOutBranch(const NodePtr &node);
Status LinkDataToMerge(const NodePtr &data, const NodePtr &merge, const NodePtr &switchn);
Status LinkNodeToMerge(const NodePtr &node, int out_index, const NodePtr &merge);
NodePtr FindSwitchnNodeForDataEdge(const OutDataAnchorPtr &data_out_anchor, const NodePtr &origin_node);
Status CopyInDataEdges(const NodePtr &origin_node, int batch_num, const NodePtr ©ed_node);
Status CopyInControlEdges(const NodePtr &node, int batch_num, const NodePtr ©ed_node);
Status CheckAndParseDynamicData();
bool IsInBatchBranch(const NodePtr &node);
NodeStatus GetNodeStatus(const NodePtr &node) { return origin_nodes_status_[node.get()]; };
Status CheckCopyResult(const std::vector<NodePtr> &start_nodes);
// arguments
ComputeGraphPtr graph_;
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> shapes_;
// the shape data node created
NodePtr shape_data_;
// all nodes in the origin graph
std::vector<NodePtr> origin_all_nodes_;
// all data nodes in the origin graph
std::vector<NodePtr> origin_data_nodes_;
// the nodes in-batch-branch, and the nodes copyed by shapes
std::map<Node *, std::vector<NodePtr>> nodes_to_batch_nodes_;
// the data nodes, and the SwitchN nodes inserted after it
std::map<Node *, NodePtr> data_nodes_to_switchn_;
// the getnext_sink nodes, and the SwitchN nodes inserted after it
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<Node *, NodePtr>>> getnext_nodes_to_switchn_;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>> outidx_inidx_mappings_;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> outidx_inidx_mapping_;
// the nodes on the in/out-batch-branch edge, and the merge nodes inserted after it
std::map<Node *, std::vector<NodePtr>> nodes_to_merge_nodes_;
// all nodes and their status
std::map<Node *, NodeStatus> origin_nodes_status_;
// user designate shape, decord the order of each input data
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<int64_t>>> user_designate_shape_;
std::vector<std::string> data_name_order_;
// each data's own dynamic info
map<string, vector<vector<int64_t>>> data_to_dynamic_info_;
// dynamic type : dynamic batch,, dynamic image size, dynamic dims.
DynamicType dynamic_type_ = DynamicType::kDynamicUnknown;
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> getnext_sink_dynamic_out_mapping_;
bool getnext_sink_dynamic_dims_ = false;
} // namespace multibatch
} // namespace ge