* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define MSVP_PROF_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "prof_reporter.h"
* @file prof_engine.h
* @defgroup ModuleJobConfig the ModuleJobConfig group
* This is the ModuleJobConfig group
namespace Msprof {
namespace Engine {
* @ingroup ModuleJobConfig
* @brief struct ModuleJobConfig
* record config info
struct ModuleJobConfig {
std::map<std::string, std::string> switches; /**< key is the config name, value is the config value(on or off) */
* @defgroup PluginIntf the pluginInf group
* This is the pluginInf group
* @ingroup PluginIntf
* @brief class PluginIntf
class MSVP_PROF_API PluginIntf {
virtual ~PluginIntf() {}
* @ingroup PluginIntf
* @name : Init
* @brief : API of user plugin, libmsporf call this API to send a Reporter to user plugin
* @par description :
* API of user plugin, libmsporf call this API to send a Reporter to user plugin.
* @param reporter [IN] const Reporter* the Reporter from libmsprof
* @retval PROFILING_SUCCESS 0 (success)
* @retval PROFILING_FAILED -1 (failed)
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
* @see UnInit
virtual int Init(const Reporter *reporter) = 0;
* @ingroup PluginIntf
* @name : OnNewConfig
* @brief : API of user plugin, libmsprof call this API to send config info to user plugin \n
If the user plugin needn't config, no need to redefine this function
* @param config [IN] const ModuleJobConfig * the config from libmsprof
* @retval PROFILING_SUCCESS 0 (success)
* @retval PROFILING_FAILED -1 (failed)
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
* @see Init | UnInit
virtual int OnNewConfig(const ModuleJobConfig *config) { return 0; }
* @ingroup PluginIntf
* @name : UnInit
* @brief : API of user plugin, libmsprof call this API to notify plugin stop to send data
* @retval PROFILING_SUCCESS 0 (success)
* @retval PROFILING_FAILED -1 (failed)
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
* @see Init
virtual int UnInit() = 0;
* @defgroup EngineIntf the EngineIntf group
* This is the EngineIntf group
* @ingroup EngineIntf
* @brief class EngineIntf
class MSVP_PROF_API EngineIntf {
virtual ~EngineIntf() {}
* @ingroup EngineIntf
* @name : CreatePlugin
* @brief : API of user engine, libmsporf call this API to get a plugin
* @retval PluginIntf * The pointer of the new plugin
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
* @see ReleasePlugin
virtual PluginIntf *CreatePlugin() = 0;
* @ingroup EngineIntf
* @name : ReleasePlugin
* @brief : API of user engine, libmsprof call this API to release a plugin
* @param plugin [IN] PluginIntf * the plugin to release
* @retval PROFILING_SUCCESS 0 (success)
* @retval PROFILING_FAILED -1 (failed)
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
* @see CreatePlugin
virtual int ReleasePlugin(PluginIntf *plugin) = 0;
* @defgroup EngineMgr the EngineMgr group
* This is the EngineMgr group
* @ingroup EngineMgr
* @name : RegisterEngine
* @brief : API of libmsprof, register an engine with a name
* @param module [IN] const std::string the name of plugin
* @param engine [IN] const EngineIntf* the plugin
* @retval PROFILING_SUCCESS 0 (success)
* @retval PROFILING_FAILED -1 (failed)
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
MSVP_PROF_API int RegisterEngine(const std::string &module, const EngineIntf *engine);
* @ingroup EngineMgr
* @name : Init
* @brief : API of libmsprof, init an engine with a name
* @param module [IN] const std::string the name of plugin
* @param module [IN] const EngineIntf* the plugin
* @retval PROFILING_SUCCESS 0 (success)
* @retval PROFILING_FAILED -1 (failed)
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
* @see UnInit
MSVP_PROF_API int Init(const std::string &module, const EngineIntf *engine);
* @ingroup EngineMgr
* @name : Init
* @brief : API of libmsprof, uninit an engine with a name
* @param module [IN] const std::string the name of plugin
* @retval PROFILING_SUCCESS 0 (success)
* @retval PROFILING_FAILED -1 (failed)
* @par depend:
* @li libmsprof
* @li prof_engine.h
* @since c60
* @see Init
MSVP_PROF_API int UnInit(const std::string &module);
} // namespace Engine
} // namespace Msprof