@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package ge.proto;
enum DataType
DT_UNDEFINED = 0; // Used to indicate a DataType field has not been set.
DT_FLOAT = 1; // float type
DT_FLOAT16 = 2; // fp16 type
DT_INT8 = 3; // int8 type
DT_UINT8 = 4; // uint8 type
DT_INT16 = 5; // int16 type
DT_UINT16 = 6; // uint16 type
DT_INT32 = 7; //
DT_INT64 = 8; // int64 type
DT_UINT32 = 9; // unsigned int32
DT_UINT64 = 10; // unsigned int64
DT_BOOL = 11; // bool type
DT_DOUBLE = 12; // double type
DT_STRING = 13; // string type
DT_DUAL_SUB_INT8 = 14; /**< dual output int8 type */
DT_DUAL_SUB_UINT8 = 15; /**< dual output uint8 type */
DT_COMPLEX64 = 16; // complex64 type
DT_COMPLEX128 = 17; // complex128 type
DT_QINT8 = 18; // qint8 type
DT_QINT16 = 19; // qint16 type
DT_QINT32 = 20; // qint32 type
DT_QUINT8 = 21; // quint8 type
DT_QUINT16 = 22; // quint16 type
DT_RESOURCE = 23; // resource type
DT_STRING_REF = 24; // string_ref type
DT_DUAL = 25; /**< dual output type */
message AttrDef
message ListValue
enum ListValueType{
repeated bytes s = 2; // "list(string)"
repeated int64 i = 3; // "list(int)"
repeated float f = 4; // "list(float)"
repeated bool b = 5; // "list(bool)"
repeated bytes bt = 7;
repeated TensorDescriptor td = 8;
repeated TensorDef t = 9;
repeated GraphDef g = 10;
repeated NamedAttrs na = 11;
repeated int64 dt = 12; // list ge::DataType
ListValueType val_type = 20;
message ListListInt{
message ListInt{
repeated int64 list_i = 1; // list int
repeated ListInt list_list_i = 1; // list list int
oneof value
bytes s = 2; // "string"
int64 i = 3; // "int"
float f = 4; // "float"
bool b = 5; // "bool"
bytes bt = 7;
ListValue list = 1; // any "list(...)"
NamedAttrs func = 10; // Used to support attr nesting
TensorDescriptor td = 11; // GeTensorDesc type
TensorDef t = 12; // GeTensor type
GraphDef g = 13; // Graph type
ListListInt list_list_int = 14; // List List Int type
int64 dt = 15; // ge::DataType
// A list of attr names and their values. The whole list is attached
// with a string name. E.g., MatMul[T=float].
message NamedAttrs
string name = 1;
map<string, AttrDef> attr = 2;
// Shape / dimension description, using row-major order
message ShapeDef
repeated int64 dim = 1; // Size of each dimension
// Multidimensional data description
message TensorDescriptor
string name = 1; // Optional parameter, tensor name
DataType dtype = 2; // tensor datatype
ShapeDef shape = 3; // Shape / dimension
string layout = 4; // Tensor format, eg: "NCHW", "NHWC", "CHW", "ND"
bool has_out_attr = 9;
int64 size = 10;
int64 weight_size = 11;
bool reuse_input = 12;
bool output_tensor = 13;
string device_type = 14;
bool input_tensor =15;
int64 real_dim_cnt = 16;
int64 reuse_input_index = 17;
int64 data_offset = 18;
int64 cmps_size = 19;
string cmps_tab = 20;
int64 cmps_tab_offset = 21;
map<string, AttrDef> attr = 5; // Set of extra parameter fields
// GeTensor definition
message TensorDef
TensorDescriptor desc = 1; // Tensor description
bytes data = 2; // Tensor data
// Operator description
message OpDef
string name = 1; // name
string type = 2; // type
repeated string input = 5; // input original op name + outgoing index. op_name:index
map<string, AttrDef> attr = 10; // Set of operator parameter fields
bool has_out_attr = 20;
int64 id = 21;
int64 stream_id =22;
repeated string input_name = 23;
repeated string src_name = 24;
repeated int64 src_index = 25;
repeated string dst_name = 26;
repeated int64 dst_index = 27;
repeated int64 input_i = 28;
repeated int64 output_i = 29;
repeated int64 workspace = 30;
repeated int64 workspace_bytes = 31;
repeated bool is_input_const = 32;
repeated TensorDescriptor input_desc = 33;
repeated TensorDescriptor output_desc = 34;
repeated string subgraph_name = 35;
// Graph definition
message GraphDef
string name = 1; // name
repeated string input = 4; // Graph input
repeated string output = 5; // Graph output
repeated OpDef op = 6; // List of operators
map<string, AttrDef> attr = 11; // Extended field
// model definition
message ModelDef
string name = 1; // name
uint32 version = 2; // IR Proto verion
string custom_version = 3; // User model version number, passed in by user
repeated GraphDef graph = 7; // Graph definition,graph[0] represents the main diagram in modeldef
map<string, AttrDef> attr = 11; // Extended field