!55 Add Chinese README

Merge pull request !55 from TuDouNi/master
mindspore-ci-bot 5 years ago committed by Gitee
commit 4857e79fe7

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
GraphEngine(GE) is a sub-module of MindSpore connecting the front end and devices which was designed by the researches and engineers within Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. GE is implemented via C++. It takes the graph of front end as its input and a series of graph operations are carried out to adapt the graph to a certain form which can be effectively operated on devices. GE is specifically designed for an efficient operation on Ascend Chips. GE is automatically called without any exposure to the users. GE mainly consists of two parts, i.e. GE API and GE Core. The architecture diagram of GE is illustrated as follows
@ -10,25 +12,21 @@
GE Core acts as the core module of GE and is responsible for graph processing operations. It consist of six parts, i.e. graph preparation, graph partition, graph optimization, graph compilation, graph loading and graph execution. These six parts are performed in series and all together complete the complicated graph processing operations.
- Graph preparation
- Graph preparation & Whole graph optimization
All the shapes of feature maps and variables in the graph are inferred in this stage for memory allocation later. Some aggregations of operators like allreduce are performed as well. Ascend Chips are heterogeneous chips including CPUs and vector calculation units, i.e. AICORE. Each operator in the graph is assigned to a certain operating cores according to the costs and supports. These two cores correspond to two different abstract engines in software.
All the shapes of feature maps and variables in the graph are inferred in this stage for memory allocation later. Some aggregations of operators like allreduce are performed as well.
- Graph partition
The whole graph is split into several sub-graphs based on the assigned engine in previous stage. Certain operators are added to the sub-graphs as the marks for graph edges. Such a partition enables an efficient optimization, compilation in next stages.
Ascend Chips are heterogeneous chips including CPUs and vector calculation units, i.e. AICORE. Each operator in the graph is assigned to a certain operating cores according to the costs and supports. These two cores correspond to two different abstract engines in software. The whole graph is split into several sub-graphs based on the assigned engine in previous stage. Certain operators are added to the sub-graphs as the marks for graph edges. Such a partition enables an efficient optimization, compilation in next stages.
- Graph optimization
- Subgraph optimization
Different optimizer interfaces are called due to different engines that each sub-graph belongs to. To thoroughly utilize the calculation ability of the CUBE module in AICORE, A novel data layout format for faster hardware fetch is applied and the transition between normal 4D to this special format is performed in this stage. Such an operation guarantees less data handling between RAMs and CUBEs. Certain combination of operators is fused into a single big operator to further reduce the computation costs. This fusion is carried out in this stage as well.
- Graph compilation
This stage can be divided into two parts, i.e. resources allocation and graph compilation. Memory allocation is completed considering memory reuse strategy in resources allocation stage. According to the graph information, the queue, event, stream resources are allocated. Each operator is compiled to a task bound to a certain stream. Tasks on the same stream are performed in series and task on different streams can be executed in parallel. This stream partition is completed in this stage.
- Graph loading
- Graph compilation & Graph loading
According to the engine information, the operators of graph are assigned to different engines and in this stage, the graph is loaded on the devices for running.
GraphEngine uses real-time operator compilation technology, i.e. the operator executable program is generated at real time according to the network structure. Meanwhile, Memory allocation is completed considering memory reuse strategy in resources allocation stage. According to the graph information, the queue, event, stream resources are allocated. Each operator is compiled to a task bound to a certain stream. Tasks on the same stream are performed in series and task on different streams can be executed in parallel. In the Graph Loading stage, the operators of graph are assigned to different engines according to the engine information, and the graph is loaded on the devices for running.
- Graph execution

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
[View English](./README.md)
图引擎模块(GE)是MindSpore的一个子模块其代码由C++实现位于前端模块ME和底层硬件之间起到承接作用。图引擎模块以ME下发的图作为输入然后进行一系列的深度图优化操作最后输出一张可以在底层硬件上高效运行的图。GE针对昇腾AI处理器的硬件结构特点做了特定的优化工作以此来充分发挥出昇腾AI处理器的强大算力。在进行模型训练/推理时GE会被自动调用而用户并不感知。GE主要由GE API和GE Core两部分组成详细的架构图如下所示。
GE API是连接前端模块ME和GE Core的接口负责GE Core中初始化、Session管理模块的接口支持运行环境初始化Session创建、销毁图添加执行。
- GE Core
GE Core是GE的核心模块负责整个训练过程中的图管理。GE Core中的图处理可细分为六大步骤分别是图准备、图拆分、图优化、图编译、图加载和图执行对于ME下发的每一张图都会经过这六个步骤的操作最终得到可以直接在底层硬件上高效执行的图。
- 图准备 & 整图优化
- 图拆分
- 子图优化
- 图编译 & 图加载
- 图执行
<!-- TOC -->
- [安装说明](#安装说明)
- [安装GE](#安装ge)
- [源码安装](#源码安装)
- [社区](#社区)
- [贡献](#贡献)
- [Release Notes](#release-notes)
- [License](#license)
<!-- /TOC -->
# 安装说明
## 安装GE
## 源码安装
GE也支持由源码编译进行源码编译前首先确保你有昇腾910 AI处理器的环境同时系统满足以下要求
- GCC >= 7.3.0
- CMake >= 3.14.0
- Autoconf >= 2.64
- Libtool >= 2.4.6
- Automake >= 1.15.1
1. 下载GE源码。
git clone https://gitee.com/mindspore/graphengine.git
cd graphengine
2. 在GE根目录下执行下列命令即可进行编译。
bash build.sh
> - 开始编译之前,请确保正确设置相关的环境变量。
> - 在`build.sh`的脚本中,会进行`git clone`操作请确保网络连接正常且git配置正确。
> - 在`build.sh`的脚本中默认会8线程编译如果机器性能较差可能会编译失败。可以通过`-j{线程数}`来控制线程数,如`bash build.sh j4`。
3. 完成编译后相应的动态库文件会生成在output文件夹中。
bash build.sh h
rm -rf build/ output/
bash build.sh
## 社区
- [MindSpore Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/mindspore/shared_invite/enQtOTcwMTIxMDI3NjM0LTNkMWM2MzI5NjIyZWU5ZWQ5M2EwMTQ5MWNiYzMxOGM4OWFhZjI4M2E5OGI2YTg3ODU1ODE2Njg1MThiNWI3YmQ) - 可以提问和找答案。
## 贡献
欢迎参与贡献,更多信息详见[Contributor Wiki](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)。
## Release Notes
Release Notes请参考[RELEASE](RELEASE.md).
## License
[Apache License 2.0](LICENSE)

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