@ -128,9 +128,6 @@ static std::map<std::string, ge::DataType> output_type_str_to_datatype = {
{"UINT32", ge::DT_UINT32}, {"UINT64", ge::DT_UINT64}, {"DOUBLE", ge::DT_DOUBLE}};
const char *const kMbatchSwitchnName = "mbatch-switch-name";
const char *const kConstError1 = "Const is invalid scalar tensor.";
const char *const kConstError2 = "Const is invalid vector scalar.";
const char *const kConstError3 = "Const input data size is not equal with tensor desc shape";
// the size of user defined output datatype or format string after split by ":".
const size_t kUserDefinedElementCount = 2;
@ -1063,9 +1060,8 @@ Status GraphPrepare::CheckRefInputNode(const NodePtr &node, const std::string &i
bool is_acceptable = (acceptable_types.find(input_type) != acceptable_types.end());
if (!is_acceptable) {
"E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"},
{op_desc->GetName(), "format[" + TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(old_format) + "]",
"E15005", {"opname", "optype", "opname1", "optype1"},
{op_desc->GetName(), node->GetType(), input_op_desc->GetName(), input_op_desc->GetType()});
GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "The ref input of ref node %s[%s] must be ref node or variable, but %s[%s]isn't.",
node->GetName().c_str(), node->GetType().c_str(), input_op_desc->GetName().c_str(),
@ -1558,18 +1554,19 @@ Status GraphPrepare::VerifyConstOp(const NodePtr &node) {
if (ge_tensor_desc.GetShape().GetDims().size() == 0) {
// shape = [], means it's a sclar tensor.
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(data_size / length == 1,
ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10043", {"reason"}, {kConstError1});
return PARAM_INVALID, kConstError1);
ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10043", {"reason"}, {"Const is invalid scalar tensor."});
return PARAM_INVALID, "Const is invalid scalar tensor.");
} else {
// shape = [x, y, 0,...], means it's a vector tensor that value is [].
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(data_size == 0,
ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10043", {"reason"}, {kConstError2});
ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10043", {"reason"}, {"Const is invalid vector scalar."});
return PARAM_INVALID, kConstError2);
} else {
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(data_size == static_cast<size_t>(shape_size * length) && data_size != 0,
ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10043", {"reason"}, {kConstError3});
return PARAM_INVALID, kConstError3);
"E10043", {"reason"}, {"Const input data size is not equal with tensor desc shape"});
return PARAM_INVALID, "Const input data size is not equal with tensor desc shape");
return SUCCESS;