@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Status FlowCtrlPass::CreateIterCtrlFalseBranch(ComputeGraphPtr &compute_graph, c
* loopCond
* |
* v
* switch --> Assign --> ModelExit
* switch --> Assign --> active --> ModelExit
* ^
* |
* loopReset
@ -347,21 +347,39 @@ Status FlowCtrlPass::CreateIterCtrlFalseBranch(ComputeGraphPtr &compute_graph, c
return FAILED;
// 2. Insert model exit node and add ctrl edge
if (CheckMultiDataSet(compute_graph)) {
GELOGI("Multi dataSae exist, model_exit node is need.");
// 2. Insert active node and add ctrl edge
string active_name = switch_node->GetName() + "_StreamExitActive";
NodePtr active_node = InsertOp(compute_graph, STREAMACTIVE, active_name, {}, {});
if (active_node == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Insert stream active node:%s for IterCtrlTrueStream failed.", active_name.c_str());
return FAILED;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetStreamLabel(active_node, switch_node->GetName()), "set stream label failed");
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!AttrUtils::SetBool(active_node->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_NAME_IS_LOOP_ACTIVE, true),
string model_exit_name = switch_node->GetName() + "_ModelExit";
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetActiveLabelList(active_node, { model_exit_name }), "set active label list failed");
add_ret = GraphUtils::AddEdge(assign_node->GetOutControlAnchor(), active_node->GetInControlAnchor());
if (add_ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Add assign_node to active_node ctrl edge failed, add_ret=%u.", add_ret);
return FAILED;
// 3. Insert model exit node and add ctrl edge
NodePtr model_exit_node = InsertOp(compute_graph, MODELEXIT, model_exit_name, {}, {});
if (model_exit_node == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Insert model_exit node:%s for IterCtrlTrueStream failed.", model_exit_name.c_str());
return FAILED;
// Must set same stream label with assign_node
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetStreamLabel(model_exit_node, switch_node->GetName()), "set stream label failed");
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetStreamLabel(model_exit_node, model_exit_name), "set stream label failed");
add_ret = GraphUtils::AddEdge(assign_node->GetOutControlAnchor(), model_exit_node->GetInControlAnchor());
add_ret = GraphUtils::AddEdge(active_node->GetOutControlAnchor(), model_exit_node->GetInControlAnchor());
if (add_ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Add assign_node to model_exit_node ctrl edge failed, add_ret=%u.", add_ret);
GELOGE(FAILED, "Add active_node to model_exit_node ctrl edge failed, add_ret=%u.", add_ret);
return FAILED;