syntax = "proto3";
package domi;
message InsertNewOps {
repeated AippOpParams aipp_op = 1;
repeated MultiShapeOpParams multi_shape_op = 2;
message AippOpParams {
enum InputFormat {
YUV420SP_U8 = 1;
XRGB8888_U8 = 2;
RGB888_U8 = 3;
YUV400_U8 = 4;
NC1HWC0DI_FP16 = 5;
NC1HWC0DI_S8 = 6;
ARGB8888_U8 = 7;
YUYV_U8 = 8;
YUV422SP_U8 = 9;
AYUV444_U8 = 10;
RAW10 = 11;
RAW12 = 12;
RAW16 = 13;
RAW24 = 14;
RGB16 = 15;
RGB20 = 16;
RGB24 = 17;
RGB8_IR = 18;
RGB16_IR = 19;
RGB24_IR = 20;
enum AippMode {
undefined = 0;
static = 1;
dynamic = 2;
// AIPP模式,区分静态AIPP和动态AIPP
AippMode aipp_mode = 1;
// related_input_rank参数为必填,类型为整型,配置范围>=0, <=输入Data算子的个数,默认值为0。
// 标识对模型的第几个输入做AIPP处理,例如模型有两个输入,需要对第2个输入做AIPP,则配置related_input_rank为1。
uint32 related_input_rank = 2;
// related_input_name is optional and the top name of data node which inserts aipp
string related_input_name = 6;
// input_edge_idx参数为可选,类型为整型,配置范围为>=0。
// 配置该参数的作用,在于对Data算子不同的输出做不同的AIPP处理,如果该参数没有配置,默认对related_input_rank指定的模型输入的所有输出边做AIPP。
// 配置值 <= Data算子输出边的个数。
repeated uint32 input_edge_idx = 3;
// [Begin] 动态AIPP参数,配置静态AIPP时无效
uint32 max_src_image_size = 4;
// 是否支持旋转。默认不支持,开启支持旋转时,会有额外的空间和性能损失
bool support_rotation = 5;
// [End] 动态AIPP参数
// [Begin] 静态AIPP参数,配置动态AIPP时无效
InputFormat input_format = 51;
bool csc_switch = 52;
float cpadding_value = 53;
bool rbuv_swap_switch = 54;
bool ax_swap_switch = 55;
bool single_line_mode = 56;
int32 src_image_size_w = 57;
int32 src_image_size_h = 58;
bool crop = 59;
int32 load_start_pos_w = 60;
int32 load_start_pos_h = 61;
int32 crop_size_w = 62;
int32 crop_size_h = 63;
bool resize = 64;
int32 resize_output_w = 65;
int32 resize_output_h = 66;
bool padding = 67;
int32 left_padding_size = 68;
int32 right_padding_size = 69;
int32 top_padding_size = 70;
int32 bottom_padding_size = 71;
float padding_value = 72;
int32 mean_chn_0 = 10;
int32 mean_chn_1 = 11;
int32 mean_chn_2 = 12;
int32 mean_chn_3 = 19;
float min_chn_0 = 13;
float min_chn_1 = 14;
float min_chn_2 = 15;
float min_chn_3 = 20;
repeated float var_reci_chn_0 = 16;
repeated float var_reci_chn_1 = 17;
repeated float var_reci_chn_2 = 18;
repeated float var_reci_chn_3 = 21;
repeated int32 matrix_r0c0 = 30;
repeated int32 matrix_r0c1 = 31;
repeated int32 matrix_r0c2 = 32;
repeated int32 matrix_r1c0 = 33;
repeated int32 matrix_r1c1 = 34;
repeated int32 matrix_r1c2 = 35;
repeated int32 matrix_r2c0 = 36;
repeated int32 matrix_r2c1 = 37;
repeated int32 matrix_r2c2 = 38;
repeated int32 output_bias_0 = 39;
repeated int32 output_bias_1 = 40;
repeated int32 output_bias_2 = 41;
repeated int32 input_bias_0 = 42;
repeated int32 input_bias_1 = 43;
repeated int32 input_bias_2 = 44;
// [End] 静态AIPP参数
// The n number that is used for raw/rgbir data into f16 transformation.
// The transformation equation is x/(2^n). If set to 0, no transform is performed.
uint32 raw_rgbir_to_f16_n = 45;
message MultiShapeOpParams {
enum MultiShapeMode {
batch = 0; //动态batch
resolution = 1; //动态分辨率,扩展用
MultiShapeMode mode = 1; //算子模式
uint32 related_input_rank = 2; //新增算子插入到哪个输入
repeated uint32 batch_list = 11; //batch_list值,batch_list的个数是2到8之间