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* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "graph/operator.h"
#include "graph/operator_factory.h"
#include "graph/tensor.h"
#include "graph/types.h"
#include "graph/graph.h"
namespace ge {
using std::function;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
class OpReg {
OpReg &N() { return *this; }
OpReg &ATTR() { return *this; }
OpReg &REQUIRED_ATTR() { return *this; }
OpReg &INPUT() { return *this; }
OpReg &OPTIONAL_INPUT() { return *this; }
OpReg &OUTPUT() { return *this; }
OpReg &GRAPH() { return *this; }
OpReg &DYNAMIC_GRAPH() { return *this; }
OpReg &INFER_SHAPE_AND_TYPE() { return *this; }
#define REG_OP(x) \
namespace op { \
class x : public Operator { \
typedef x _THIS_TYPE; \
public: \
explicit x(const string &name) : Operator(name, #x) { __##x(); } \
x() : Operator(#x) { __##x(); } \
private: \
void __##x() { \
#define ATTR(x, Type, ...) \
N(); \
__attr_##x(); \
} \
public: \
static const string name_attr_##x() { return #x; } \
Op##Type get_attr_##x() const { \
Op##Type ret = __VA_ARGS__; \
if (Operator::GetAttr(#x, ret) == GRAPH_FAILED) { \
return ret; \
} \
return ret; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_attr_##x(const Op##Type &v) { \
Operator::SetAttr(#x, v); \
return *this; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_attr_##x(const function<Op##Type()> &v) { return *this; } \
private: \
void __attr_##x() { \
Operator::AttrRegister(#x, Op##Type(__VA_ARGS__)); \
string attr_name(#x); \
#define REQUIRED_ATTR(x, Type) \
N(); \
__required_attr_##x(); \
} \
public: \
static const string name_attr_##x() { return #x; } \
Op##Type get_attr_##x() const { \
Op##Type ret; \
if (Operator::GetAttr(#x, ret) == GRAPH_FAILED) { \
return ret; \
} \
return ret; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_attr_##x(const Op##Type &v) { \
Operator::SetAttr(#x, v); \
return *this; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_attr_##x(const function<Op##Type()> &v) { return *this; } \
private: \
void __required_attr_##x() { \
Operator::RequiredAttrRegister(#x); \
string attr_name(#x); \
#define INPUT(x, t) \
N(); \
__input_##x(); \
} \
public: \
static const string name_in_##x() { return #x; } \
_THIS_TYPE &set_input_##x(Operator &v, const string &srcName) { \
Operator::SetInput(#x, v, srcName); \
return *this; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_input_##x(Operator &v) { \
Operator::SetInput(#x, v); \
return *this; \
} \
TensorDesc get_input_desc_##x() const { return Operator::GetInputDesc(#x); } \
graphStatus update_input_desc_##x(const TensorDesc &tensorDesc) { \
return Operator::UpdateInputDesc(#x, tensorDesc); \
} \
private: \
void __input_##x() { \
Operator::InputRegister(#x); \
#define OPTIONAL_INPUT(x, t) \
N(); \
__optional_input_##x(); \
} \
public: \
static const string name_in_##x() { return #x; } \
_THIS_TYPE &set_input_##x(Operator &v) { \
Operator::SetInput(#x, v); \
return *this; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_input_##x(Operator &v, const string &srcName) { \
Operator::SetInput(#x, v, srcName); \
return *this; \
} \
TensorDesc get_input_desc_##x() const { return Operator::GetInputDesc(#x); } \
graphStatus update_input_desc_##x(const TensorDesc &tensorDesc) { \
return Operator::UpdateInputDesc(#x, tensorDesc); \
} \
private: \
void __optional_input_##x() { \
Operator::OptionalInputRegister(#x); \
#define OUTPUT(x, t) \
N(); \
__out_##x(); \
} \
public: \
static const string name_out_##x() { return #x; } \
TensorDesc get_output_desc_##x() const { return Operator::GetOutputDesc(#x); } \
graphStatus update_output_desc_##x(const TensorDesc &tensorDesc) { \
return Operator::UpdateOutputDesc(#x, tensorDesc); \
} \
private: \
void __out_##x() { \
Operator::OutputRegister(#x); \
#define DYNAMIC_INPUT(x, t) \
N(); \
__dy_input_##x(); \
} \
public: \
_THIS_TYPE &create_dynamic_input_##x(uint32_t num, bool isPushBack = true) { \
Operator::DynamicInputRegister(#x, num, isPushBack); \
return *this; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &create_dynamic_input_byindex_##x(uint32_t num, size_t index) { \
Operator::DynamicInputRegisterByIndex(#x, num, index); \
return *this; \
} \
TensorDesc get_dynamic_input_desc_##x(uint32_t index) const { return Operator::GetDynamicInputDesc(#x, index); } \
graphStatus update_dynamic_input_desc_##x(uint32_t index, const TensorDesc &tensorDesc) { \
return Operator::UpdateDynamicInputDesc(#x, index, tensorDesc); \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_dynamic_input_##x(uint32_t dstIndex, Operator &v) { \
Operator::SetInput(#x, dstIndex, v); \
return *this; \
} \
_THIS_TYPE &set_dynamic_input_##x(uint32_t dstIndex, Operator &v, const string &srcName) { \
Operator::SetInput(#x, dstIndex, v, srcName); \
return *this; \
} \
private: \
void __dy_input_##x() { \
#define DYNAMIC_OUTPUT(x, t) \
N(); \
__dy_output_##x(); \
} \
public: \
_THIS_TYPE &create_dynamic_output_##x(uint32_t num, bool isPushBack = true) { \
Operator::DynamicOutputRegister(#x, num, isPushBack); \
return *this; \
} \
TensorDesc get_dynamic_output_desc_##x(uint32_t index) const { return Operator::GetDynamicOutputDesc(#x, index); } \
graphStatus update_dynamic_output_desc_##x(uint32_t index, const TensorDesc &tensorDesc) { \
return Operator::UpdateDynamicOutputDesc(#x, index, tensorDesc); \
} \
private: \
void __dy_output_##x() { \
#define GRAPH(x) \
N(); \
__graph_##x(); \
} \
public: \
static const string name_graph_##x() { return #x; } \
SubgraphBuilder get_subgraph_builder_##x() const { return Operator::GetSubgraphBuilder(#x); } \
_THIS_TYPE &set_subgraph_builder_##x(const SubgraphBuilder &v) { \
Operator::SetSubgraphBuilder(#x, 0, v); \
return *this; \
} \
Graph get_subgraph_##x() const { return Operator::GetSubgraph(#x); } \
private: \
void __graph_##x() { \
Operator::SubgraphRegister(#x, false); \
Operator::SubgraphCountRegister(#x, 1); \
#define DYNAMIC_GRAPH(x) \
N(); \
__graph_##x(); \
} \
public: \
static const string name_graph_##x() { return #x; } \
_THIS_TYPE &create_dynamic_subgraph_##x(uint32_t num) { \
Operator::SubgraphCountRegister(#x, num); \
return *this; \
} \
SubgraphBuilder get_dynamic_subgraph_builder_##x(uint32_t index) const { \
return Operator::GetDynamicSubgraphBuilder(#x, index); \
} \
Graph get_dynamic_subgraph_##x(uint32_t index) const { return Operator::GetDynamicSubgraph(#x, index); } \
_THIS_TYPE &set_dynamic_subgraph_builder_##x(uint32_t index, const SubgraphBuilder &v) { \
Operator::SetSubgraphBuilder(#x, index, v); \
return *this; \
} \
private: \
void __graph_##x() { \
Operator::SubgraphRegister(#x, true); \
#define PASTE(g_register, y) g_register##y
#define __OP_END_IMPL__(x, y) \
N(); \
} \
static_assert( \
std::is_same<x, _THIS_TYPE>::value, \
"The class name entered into the OP_END_FACTORY_REG needs to be the same as the operator name you define."); \
} \
; \
static const OperatorCreatorRegister PASTE(g_register, y)(#x, [](const std::string &name) { return x(name); }); \
// Specialized shape inferencer macro
#define IMPLEMT_INFERFUNC(op_name, func_name) \
GE_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY GE_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY static graphStatus func_name(op::op_name &op)
#define IMPLEMT_COMMON_INFERFUNC(func_name) \
GE_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY GE_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY static graphStatus func_name(Operator &op)
#define IMPLEMT_INFERFORMAT_FUNC(op_name, func_name) \
GE_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY GE_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY static graphStatus func_name(op::op_name &op)
// Specialized verifier macro
#define IMPLEMT_VERIFIER(op_name, func_name) \
GE_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY GE_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY static graphStatus func_name(op::op_name op)
#define INFER_VERIFY_FUNC(op_name, x) [&](Operator &v) { return x((op::op_name &)v); }
#define COMMON_INFER_VERIFY_FUNC(x) [&](Operator &v) { return x(v); }
#define INFER_FORMAT_FUNC(op_name, x) [&](Operator &v) { return x((op::op_name &)v); }
#define __INFER_FUNC_REG_IMPL__(op_name, x, n) static const InferShapeFuncRegister PASTE(if_register, n)(#op_name, x)
#define __VERIFY_FUNC_REG_IMPL__(op_name, x, n) static const VerifyFuncRegister PASTE(vf_register, n)(#op_name, x)
// Infer format func register
#define __INFER_FORMAT_FUNC_REG_IMPL__(op_name, x, n) \
static const InferFormatFuncRegister PASTE(ff_register, n)(#op_name, x)
// Shape inferencer & verifier register macro
#define INFER_FUNC_REG(op_name, x) __INFER_FUNC_REG_IMPL__(op_name, INFER_VERIFY_FUNC(op_name, x), __COUNTER__)
#define VERIFY_FUNC_REG(op_name, x) __VERIFY_FUNC_REG_IMPL__(op_name, INFER_VERIFY_FUNC(op_name, x), __COUNTER__)
// Infer format func reg
#define INFER_FORMAT_FUNC_REG(op_name, x) \
// Common shape inferencer
#define ELMTWISE_INFER_SHAPEANDTYPE(in_name, out_name) \
[](Operator op) -> graphStatus { \
auto x_shape = op.GetInputDesc(in_name).GetShape().GetDims(); \
auto x_type = op.GetInputDesc(in_name).GetDataType(); \
TensorDesc op_output_desc = op.GetOutputDesc(out_name); \
op_output_desc.SetShape(ge::Shape(x_shape)); \
op_output_desc.SetDataType(x_type); \
return op.UpdateOutputDesc(out_name, op_output_desc); \
graphStatus BroadCastInfer(const function<vector<int64_t>()> &get_in1_shape,
const function<vector<int64_t>()> &get_in2_shape,
const function<void(const vector<int64_t> &y_shape)> &set_out_shape);
#define BROADCAST_INFER(in1_name, in2_name, out_name) \
[](Operator op) -> graphStatus { \
return BroadCastInfer([&]() { return op.GetInputDesc(in1_name).GetShape().GetDims(); }, \
[&]() { return op.GetInputDesc(in2_name).GetShape().GetDims(); }, \
[&](const vector<int64_t> &y_shape) { \
TensorDesc op_output_desc = op.GetOutputDesc(out_name); \
op_output_desc.SetShape(ge::Shape(y_shape)); \
(void)op.UpdateOutputDesc(out_name, op_output_desc); \
}); \
} // namespace ge