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* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "transop_symmetry_elimination_pass.h"
#include "common/formats/utils/formats_trans_utils.h"
#include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h"
#include "framework/common/util.h"
#include "graph/common/transop_util.h"
#include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h"
#include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h"
#include "graph/utils/node_utils.h"
#include "graph/utils/type_utils.h"
#include "types.h"
namespace {
const std::set<std::string> white_list_op{ge::TRANSPOSED, ge::RESHAPE, ge::REFORMAT, ge::CAST, ge::TRANSDATA};
} // namespace
namespace ge {
Status TransOpSymmetryEliminationPass::Run(NodePtr &node) {
if (white_list_op.find(node->GetType()) == white_list_op.end()) { return SUCCESS; }
GELOGD("Symmetry Elimination Pass in.");
for (const auto &out_anchor : node->GetAllOutDataAnchors()) {
for (const auto &peer_in_anchor : out_anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors()) {
if (!CheckCanBeEliminated(node, peer_in_anchor)) { continue; }
auto dst_node = peer_in_anchor->GetOwnerNode();
Status ret = EliminateTransOp(node, out_anchor, dst_node, peer_in_anchor);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
// if eliminate failed ,it should't break precess, so give a warning here
GELOGW("Eliminate %s and %s failed, ignore current pass.", node->GetName().c_str(),
return ret;
GELOGD("Symmetry Elimination Pass end.");
return SUCCESS;
bool TransOpSymmetryEliminationPass::CheckCanBeEliminated(const ge::NodePtr &src_node,
const InDataAnchorPtr &dst_in_anchor) {
auto dst_node = dst_in_anchor->GetOwnerNode();
if (src_node->GetType() != dst_node->GetType()) {
GELOGD("Pre node %s type %s is not equal with node %s type %s. Ignore pass.", src_node->GetName().c_str(),
src_node->GetType().c_str(), dst_node->GetName().c_str(), dst_node->GetType().c_str());
return false;
if (dst_in_anchor->GetIdx() != TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(src_node)) {
GELOGD("Next node %s type %s input %d is not for transform. Ignore pass.", dst_node->GetName().c_str(),
dst_node->GetType().c_str(), dst_in_anchor->GetIdx());
return false;
if (src_node->GetType() == ge::RESHAPE) {
auto unknown_dims_num = GetUnknownDimsNum(src_node->GetOpDesc()->GetInputDesc(0));
if (unknown_dims_num != 0 && (unknown_dims_num == UNKNOWN_DIM_NUM || unknown_dims_num > 1)) {
GELOGD("Pre node %s is reshape op which input is dynamic shape and has more than one unknown dimension. "
"Ignore pass.",
return false;
} else if (src_node->GetType() == ge::TRANSPOSED) {
if (!JudgeTransposeDBack2Raw(src_node, dst_node)) {
GELOGD("Two Transpose op src node %s dst node %s will change the raw data. Ignore pass.",
src_node->GetName().c_str(), dst_node->GetName().c_str());
return false;
} else if (src_node->GetType() == ge::TRANSDATA) {
auto unknown_dims_num = GetUnknownDimsNum(src_node->GetOpDesc()->GetInputDesc(0));
if (unknown_dims_num == UNKNOWN_DIM_NUM) {
GELOGD("Pre node %s is transdata op which input is dynamic shape and all dimension are unknown(-2). Ignore pass.",
return false;
return TransOpUtil::CheckPrecisionLoss(src_node) && DescAreSymmetry(src_node, dst_node);
bool TransOpSymmetryEliminationPass::DescAreSymmetry(const NodePtr &src_node, const NodePtr &dst_node) {
const auto &src_input_desc = src_node->GetOpDesc()->MutableInputDesc(0);
const auto &dst_output_desc = dst_node->GetOpDesc()->MutableOutputDesc(0);
const auto &src_input_dtype = src_input_desc->GetDataType();
const auto &src_input_format = src_input_desc->GetFormat();
const auto &src_input_shape = src_input_desc->GetShape().GetDims();
const auto &dst_output_dtype = dst_output_desc->GetDataType();
const auto &dst_output_format = dst_output_desc->GetFormat();
const auto &dst_output_shape = dst_output_desc->GetShape().GetDims();
bool is_symmetry = true;
if (src_node->GetType() == CAST && dst_node->GetType() == CAST) {
bool is_format_symmetry =
(src_input_format == dst_output_format) || (dst_output_format == FORMAT_ND) || (src_input_format == FORMAT_ND);
is_symmetry = (src_input_dtype == dst_output_dtype) && is_format_symmetry;
} else {
is_symmetry = (src_input_dtype == dst_output_dtype) && (src_input_shape == dst_output_shape)
&& (src_input_format == dst_output_format);
if (!is_symmetry) {
GELOGD("Not satisfied symmetry. ignore pass.\n"
"Src node %s input type: %s format: %s shape: %s, "
"dst node %s output type: %s format: %s shape: %s. ",
src_node->GetName().c_str(), TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(src_input_dtype).c_str(),
TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(src_input_format).c_str(), formats::ShapeToString(src_input_shape).c_str(),
dst_node->GetName().c_str(), TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(dst_output_dtype).c_str(),
return is_symmetry;
int TransOpSymmetryEliminationPass::GetUnknownDimsNum(const GeTensorDesc& node_desc){
// unknown_dims_num != 0 , is dynamic shape
// unknown_dims_num = UNKNOWN_DIM_NUM , all dims are unknown
// unknown_dims_num = n , n > 0 , has n dims unknown
int unknown_dims_num = 0;
auto ge_shape = node_desc.GetShape();
for (const auto dim : ge_shape.GetDims()) {
if (dim == UNKNOWN_DIM_NUM) { return UNKNOWN_DIM_NUM; }
if (dim == UNKNOWN_DIM) { ++unknown_dims_num; }
return unknown_dims_num;
bool TransOpSymmetryEliminationPass::JudgeTransposeDBack2Raw(const NodePtr &src_node, const NodePtr &dst_node) {
// A transpose to C : A---->(perm_1)---->B---->(perm_2)---->C
// we want to judge A is equal with C or not
// suppose A = C then:
// 1. B[i] = A[perm_1[i]]
// 2. C[i] = B[perm_2[i]]
// 3. combine 1 and 2 then: C[i] = A[perm_1[perm_2[i]]]
// which we get through 3: i = perm_1[perm_2[i]]
vector<int64_t> src_node_perm;
(void)AttrUtils::GetListInt(src_node->GetOpDesc(), ge::PERMUTE_ATTR_PERM, src_node_perm);
vector<int64_t> dst_node_perm;
(void)AttrUtils::GetListInt(dst_node->GetOpDesc(), ge::PERMUTE_ATTR_PERM, dst_node_perm);
if (src_node_perm.size() != dst_node_perm.size()) { return false; }
for (size_t src_index = 0; src_index < src_node_perm.size(); ++src_index) {
if (dst_node_perm[src_index] >= static_cast<int64_t>(src_node_perm.size())) { return false; }
if (static_cast<int64_t>(src_index) != src_node_perm[dst_node_perm[src_index]]) { return false; }
return true;
Status TransOpSymmetryEliminationPass::EliminateTransOp(NodePtr &src_node, const OutDataAnchorPtr &src_out_anchor,
NodePtr &dst_node, const InDataAnchorPtr &dst_in_anchor) {
// Two transform nodes can be offset like A->T1->T2->B
// 1.Unlink T1->T2
auto ret = src_out_anchor->Unlink(dst_in_anchor);
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Unlink data anchor from %s to %s.", src_node->GetName().c_str(), dst_node->GetName().c_str());
return ret;
// 2.Link A->T2
auto data_idx = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(src_node);
auto in_anchor = src_node->GetInDataAnchor(data_idx);
auto pre_normal_node = in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor()->GetOwnerNode();
ret = GraphUtils::AddEdge(in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(), dst_in_anchor);
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Add data edge from %s to %s failed.", pre_normal_node->GetName().c_str(),
return ret;
// 3.Copy in-control/data-in-control from T1->T2
ret = GraphUtils::CopyInCtrlEdges(src_node, dst_node);
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Copy control edge from %s to %s failed.", src_node->GetName().c_str(), dst_node->GetName().c_str());
return ret;
// 4.Add control edge from T1 other input to T2, like reshape second input
for (const auto &in_node : src_node->GetInDataNodes()) {
if (in_node->GetName() == pre_normal_node->GetName()) { continue; }
ret = GraphUtils::AddEdge(in_node->GetOutControlAnchor(), dst_node->GetInControlAnchor());
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Add control edge from %s to %s failed.", in_node->GetName().c_str(), dst_node->GetName().c_str());
return ret;
// 5.IsolateAndDelete T2, A will link to B automatically, and all control edge will also relink.
ret = IsolateAndDeleteNode(dst_node, {0});
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Isolate removed node: %s, type: %s failed", dst_node->GetName().c_str(),
return ret;
GELOGI("Trans op symmetry eliminate successfully. Node %s has been removed.", dst_node->GetName().c_str());
// 6.If T1 has no data out, isolate and deleted it.
ret = RemoveTransOpWithoutOutput(pre_normal_node, src_node);
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(ret, "Isolate removed node: %s, type: %s failed", src_node->GetName().c_str(), src_node->GetType().c_str());
return ret;
return SUCCESS;
Status TransOpSymmetryEliminationPass::RemoveTransOpWithoutOutput(NodePtr &pre_node, NodePtr &trans_node) {
if (trans_node->GetOutDataNodesSize() == 0) {
// 6.1 Copy out control to pre normal node
Status ret = GraphUtils::CopyOutCtrlEdges(trans_node, pre_node);
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Copy control edge from %s to %s failed.", trans_node->GetName().c_str(),
return ret;
// 6.2 Isolate and delete T1
ret = IsolateAndDeleteNode(trans_node, {});
if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Isolate removed node: %s, type: %s failed", trans_node->GetName().c_str(),
return ret;
GELOGI("Trans op symmetry eliminate successfully. Node %s has been removed.", trans_node->GetName().c_str());
return SUCCESS;
} // namespace ge