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* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "base.h"
#include "stream.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief shared memory data control
typedef struct tagRtSmData {
uint64_t L2_mirror_addr; // preload or swap source address
uint32_t L2_data_section_size; // every data size
uint8_t L2_preload; // 1 - preload from mirrorAddr, 0 - no preload
uint8_t modified; // 1 - data will be modified by kernel, 0 - no modified
uint8_t priority; // data priority
int8_t prev_L2_page_offset_base; // remap source section offset
uint8_t L2_page_offset_base; // remap destination section offset
uint8_t L2_load_to_ddr; // 1 - need load out, 0 - no need
uint8_t reserved[2]; // reserved
} rtSmData_t;
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief shared memory description
typedef struct tagRtSmCtrl {
rtSmData_t data[8]; // data description
uint64_t size; // max page Num
uint8_t remap[64]; /* just using for static remap mode, default:0xFF
array index: virtual l2 page id, array value: physic l2 page id */
uint8_t l2_in_main; // 0-DDR, 1-L2, default:0xFF
uint8_t reserved[3];
} rtSmDesc_t;
typedef rtSmDesc_t rtL2Ctrl_t;
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief device binary type
typedef struct tagRtDevBinary {
uint32_t magic; // magic number
uint32_t version; // version of binary
const void *data; // binary data
uint64_t length; // binary length
} rtDevBinary_t;
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief function mode type
typedef struct ProfilefDataInfo {
const void *stubFunc;
uint32_t blockDim;
const void *args;
uint32_t argsSize;
rtSmDesc_t *smDesc;
rtStream_t stream;
uint64_t totalcycle;
uint64_t ovcycle;
uint64_t pmu_cnt[ONLINE_PROF_MAX_PMU_NUM];
} rtProfDataInfo_t;
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief function mode type
typedef enum {
} rtFuncModeType_t;
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief kernel info
typedef struct rtKernelInfo {
uint64_t task_offset; // kernel offset in module
/* flowtable */
void *arg; // launch kernel arg
uint32_t arg_size;
/* module */
void *module_addr; // module::baseaddr_
uint32_t module_size;
} * rtKernelInfo_t;
* @ingroup rt_KernelConfigDump
* @brief device dump type
typedef enum tagRtDumpKind {
} rtDumpKind_t;
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief report callback
typedef rtError_t (*rtKernelReportCallback)(rtStream_t stream, rtKernelInfo_t kernelInfo);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief stream report callback
typedef void (*rtCallback_t)(void *fnData);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief magic number of plain binary for aicore
#define RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_PLAIN 0xabceed50
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief magic number of plain binary for aicpu
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief magic number of plain binary for aivector
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief magic number of elf binary for aicore
#define RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF 0x43554245
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief magic number of elf binary for aicpu
#define RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF_AICPU 0x41415243
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief magic number of elf binary for aivector
#define RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF_AIVEC 0x41415246
* @ingroup rt_kernel_flags
* @brief kernel op bit flags
#define RT_KERNEL_DEFAULT (0x00)
#define RT_KERNEL_CONVERT (0x01)
#define RT_KERNEL_DUMPFLAG (0x02)
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief register device binary
* @param [in] bin device binary description
* @param [out] handle device binary handle
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtDevBinaryRegister(const rtDevBinary_t *bin, void **handle);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief register fast memeory device binary
* @param [in] handle device binary handle
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtBinaryRegisterToFastMemory(void *handle);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief unregister device binary
* @param [in] handle device binary handle
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtDevBinaryUnRegister(void *handle);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief register device binary metadata
* @param [in] handle device binary description
* @param [in] metadata device binary metadata
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtMetadataRegister(void *handle, const char *metadata);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief register device binary dependency
* @param [in] mHandle master device binary description
* @param [in] sHandle slave device binary description
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtDependencyRegister(void *mHandle, void *sHandle);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief register device function
* @param [in] binHandle device binary handle
* @param [in] stubFunc stub function
* @param [in] stubName stub function name
* @param [in] devFunc device function description. symbol name or address
* offset, depending binary type.
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtFunctionRegister(void *binHandle, const void *stubFunc, const char *stubName, const void *devFunc,
uint32_t funcMode);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief find stub function by name
* @param [in] stubName stub function name
* @param [out] stubFunc stub function
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
RTS_API rtError_t rtGetFunctionByName(const char *stubName, void **stubFunc);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief find addr by stub func
* @param [in] stubFunc stub function
* @param [out] addr
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
RTS_API rtError_t rtGetAddrByFun(const void *stubFunc, void **addr);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief query registered or not by stubName
* @param [in] stubName stub function name
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
RTS_API rtError_t rtQueryFunctionRegistered(const char *stubName);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief config data dump
* @param [in] dumpSizePerBlock dump size
* @param [in] blockDim block dimentions
* @param [in] dumpBaseAddr dump base address
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtKernelConfigDump(uint32_t kind, uint32_t dumpSizePerBlock, uint32_t blockDim, void **dumpBaseAddr,
rtStream_t stream_);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief launch kernel to device
* @param [in] stubFunc stub function
* @param [in] blockDim block dimentions
* @param [in] args argments address for kernel function
* @param [in] argsSize argements size
* @param [in] smDesc shared memory description
* @param [in] stream associated stream
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtKernelLaunch(const void *stubFunc, uint32_t blockDim, void *args, uint32_t argsSize,
rtSmDesc_t *smDesc, rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief launch kernel to device
* @param [in] stubFunc stub function
* @param [in] blockDim block dimentions
* @param [in] args argments address for kernel function
* @param [in] argsSize argements size
* @param [in] smDesc shared memory description
* @param [in] stream associated stream
* @param [in] flag dump flag
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtKernelLaunchWithFlag(const void *stubFunc, uint32_t blockDim, void *args, uint32_t argsSize,
rtSmDesc_t *smDesc, rtStream_t stream, uint32_t flags);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief launch kernel to device
* @param [in] args argments address for kernel function
* @param [in] argsSize argements size
* @param [in] flags launch flags
* @param [in] stream associated stream
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtKernelLaunchEx(void *args, uint32_t argsSize, uint32_t flags, rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief launch cpu kernel to device
* @param [in] soName so name
* @param [in] kernelName kernel name
* @param [in] blockDim block dimentions
* @param [in] args argments address for kernel function
* @param [in] argsSize argments size
* @param [in] smDesc shared memory description
* @param [in] stream associated stream
* @retval RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtCpuKernelLaunch(const void *soName, const void *kernelName, uint32_t blockDim, const void *args,
uint32_t argsSize, rtSmDesc_t *smDesc, rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief launch cpu kernel to device with dump identifier
* @param [in] soName so name
* @param [in] kernelName kernel name
* @param [in] blockDim block dimentions
* @param [in] args argments address for kernel function
* @param [in] argsSize argments size
* @param [in] smDesc shared memory description
* @param [in] stream associated stream
* @param [in] flag dump flag or others function flag
* @retval RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtCpuKernelLaunchWithFlag(const void *soName, const void *kernelName, uint32_t blockDim,
const void *args, uint32_t argsSize, rtSmDesc_t *smDesc, rtStream_t stream,
uint32_t flags);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief load dump info to aicpu
* @param [in] dumpInfo dump info
* @param [in] length length of dump info
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtDatadumpInfoLoad(const void *dumpInfo, uint32_t length);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief configure call argment for next rtLaunch in current thread
* @param [in] numBlocks block dimentions
* @param [in] smDesc shared memory description
* @param [in] stream associated stream
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
#ifdef __cplusplus
RTS_API rtError_t rtConfigureCall(uint32_t numBlocks, rtSmDesc_t *smDesc = nullptr, rtStream_t stream = nullptr);
RTS_API rtError_t rtConfigureCall(uint32_t numBlocks, rtSmDesc_t *smDesc, rtStream_t stream);
#endif // __CLANG_CCE_RUNTIME_H__
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief setup argment for next rtLaunch in current thread
* @param [in] arg argment address for kernel function
* @param [in] size argment size
* @param [in] offset argment table offset
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtSetupArgument(const void *arg, uint32_t size, uint32_t offset);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief launch kernel to device with previous setting kernel argment
* and call argment
* @param [in] stubFunc stub function
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
* @note:if this interface is changed, pls notify the compiler changing at the same time.
RTS_API rtError_t rtLaunch(const void *stubFunc);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief implicitly transfered data to device.
* lifecycle end after next kernel task finish
* @param [in] ptr host memory
* @param [in] size host memory size
* @param [in] flag reserved. set to 0
* @param [out] arg returned arg. used for next kernel's arg.
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok
RTS_API rtError_t rtKernelConfigTransArg(const void *ptr, uint64_t size, uint32_t flag, void **arg);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief start fusion kernels.
* @param [in] stream stream for fusion kernels
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtKernelFusionStart(rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief end fusion kernels.
* @param [in] stream stream for fusion kernels
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtKernelFusionEnd(rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief set kernelinfo callback
* @param [in] callback
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtSetKernelReportCallback(rtKernelReportCallback callBack);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief subscribe stream callback report.
* @param [in] threadId thread id for stream
* @param [in] stream stream for subscribe
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtSubscribeReport(uint64_t threadId, rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief add callback launch task in stream.
* @param [in] callBackFunc app callback function
* @param [in] fnData user data
* @param [in] stream subscribed stream
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtCallbackLaunch(rtCallback_t callBackFunc, void *fnData, rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief process callback report.
* @param [in] timeout if timeout=-1, while(1); else timeout
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtProcessReport(int32_t timeout);
* @ingroup rt_kernel
* @brief unsubscribe callback report.
* @param [in] threadId thread id for stream
* @param [in] stream stream for subscribe
* @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed
RTS_API rtError_t rtUnSubscribeReport(uint64_t threadId, rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup profiling_base
* @brief start online prof.
RTS_API rtError_t rtStartOnlineProf(rtStream_t stream, uint32_t sampleNum);
* @ingroup profiling_base
* @brief stop online prof.
RTS_API rtError_t rtStopOnlineProf(rtStream_t stream);
* @ingroup profiling_base
* @brief get online prof.
RTS_API rtError_t rtGetOnlineProfData(rtStream_t stream, rtProfDataInfo_t *pProfData, uint32_t profDataNum);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __CCE_RUNTIME_KERNEL_H__