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* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "graph/passes/iterator_op_pass.h"
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common/debug/log.h"
#include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h"
#include "common/ge/ge_util.h"
#include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h"
#include "graph/anchor.h"
#include "graph/common/omg_util.h"
#include "graph/graph.h"
#include "graph/node.h"
#include "graph/passes/pass_utils.h"
#include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h"
#include "runtime/mem.h"
#include "graph/manager/graph_var_manager.h"
#include "graph/ge_context.h"
#include "graph/manager/util/rt_context_util.h"
namespace ge {
const char *const kGetNext = "GetNext";
const int kMaxIterationsPerLoop = INT32_MAX - 1;
Status IteratorOpPass::Run(ge::ComputeGraphPtr graph) {
GELOGD("GetNextOpPass begin");
if (!PassUtils::IsNeedTrainIteFlowCtrl(graph)) {
return SUCCESS;
std::string type;
for (ge::NodePtr &node : graph->GetDirectNode()) {
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetOriginalType(node, type));
auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc();
const string op_type = op_desc->GetType();
if (type == "IteratorV2" || type == "Iterator" || op_type == kGetNext) {
ge::NodePtr memcpy_async_node = InsertMemcpyAsyncNode(node, graph);
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetCycleEvent(memcpy_async_node), "Set cycle event fail, node:%s",
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetStreamLabel(memcpy_async_node, memcpy_async_node->GetName()),
"Set stream label fail, node:%s", node->GetName().c_str());
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetStreamLabel(node, node->GetName()), "Set stream label fail, node:%s",
GELOGI("Set independent loop for iterator node success");
int64_t loop_per_iter = 0;
ge::GeTensorDesc ge_tensor_desc;
Status status =
VarManager::Instance(graph->GetSessionID())->GetCurVarDesc(NODE_NAME_FLOWCTRL_LOOP_PER_ITER, ge_tensor_desc);
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(status != SUCCESS, GELOGW("Fail to Get var_desc of NODE_NAME_FLOWCTRL_LOOP_PER_ITER failed.");
Status ret;
ret = SetRtContext(graph->GetSessionID(), graph->GetGraphID(), rtContext_t(), RT_CTX_NORMAL_MODE);
// EOS will not be considered if ret is not SUCCESS.
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, GELOGW("Set rt context RT_CTX_NORMAL_MODE failed."); continue);
status =
GetVariableValue(graph->GetSessionID(), ge_tensor_desc, NODE_NAME_FLOWCTRL_LOOP_PER_ITER, &loop_per_iter);
ret = SetRtContext(graph->GetSessionID(), graph->GetGraphID(), rtContext_t(), RT_CTX_GEN_MODE);
// The following process will be affected if ret is not SUCCESS.
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, GELOGE(ret, "Set rt context RT_CTX_GEN_MODE failed."); return ret);
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(status != SUCCESS, GELOGW("Get variable value of NODE_NAME_FLOWCTRL_LOOP_PER_ITER failed.");
GELOGI("The value of NODE_NAME_FLOWCTRL_LOOP_PER_ITER is %ld", loop_per_iter);
if (loop_per_iter == kMaxIterationsPerLoop) {
ge::NodePtr end_of_sequence_node = InsertEndOfSequenceNode(node, memcpy_async_node, graph);
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetStreamLabel(end_of_sequence_node, end_of_sequence_node->GetName()),
"Set stream label fail, node:%s", node->GetName().c_str());
GELOGI("Insert EndOfSequence node success.");
GELOGI("GetNextOpPass end");
GELOGD("GetNextOpPass end");
return SUCCESS;
Status IteratorOpPass::GetVariableValue(uint64_t session_id, const ge::GeTensorDesc &tensor_desc,
const std::string &var_name, void *dest) {
// base_addr
uint8_t *var_mem_base = VarManager::Instance(session_id)->GetVarMemoryBase(RT_MEMORY_HBM);
// offset + logic_base
uint8_t *dev_ptr = nullptr;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(VarManager::Instance(session_id)->GetVarAddr(var_name, tensor_desc, &dev_ptr),
"Get variable %s address failed.", var_name.c_str());
int64_t offset = static_cast<int64_t>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(dev_ptr));
// logic_base_addr
auto logic_var_base = VarManager::Instance(session_id)->GetVarMemLogicBase();
// devcice_addr
uint8_t *variable_addr = static_cast<uint8_t *>(var_mem_base + offset - logic_var_base);
GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMemcpy(dest, sizeof(int64_t), variable_addr, sizeof(int64_t), RT_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST));
return SUCCESS;
/// @brief insert EndOfSequence after GetNext
/// @param pre_node
/// @param graph
/// @return ge::NodePtr
ge::NodePtr IteratorOpPass::InsertEndOfSequenceNode(const ge::NodePtr &pre_node, const ge::NodePtr &memcpy_node,
const ge::ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
GELOGI("Start to insert EndOfSequence node.");
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(pre_node != nullptr, GELOGW("Pre node is null."); return nullptr);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(graph != nullptr, GELOGW("graph is null."); return nullptr);
ge::OpDescPtr end_of_seq_op_desc = CreateEndOfSequenceOp(pre_node);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(end_of_seq_op_desc != nullptr, GELOGW("Create EndOfSequence op fail."); return nullptr);
ge::NodePtr end_of_seq_node = graph->AddNode(end_of_seq_op_desc);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(end_of_seq_node != nullptr, return nullptr, "Insert EndOfSequence node fail.");
// getnext(data) --> EOS
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(pre_node->GetAllOutDataAnchorsSize() != 0, GELOGW("Pre node has no output."); return nullptr);
auto out_anchor = pre_node->GetOutDataAnchor(0);
ge::graphStatus status;
status = GraphUtils::AddEdge(out_anchor, end_of_seq_node->GetInDataAnchor(0));
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(status == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr, "Graph add EndOfSequence op input edge fail, dst node: %s.",
// EOS(control) --> subsequent of memcpy
OutControlAnchorPtr out_ctrl_anchor = end_of_seq_node->GetOutControlAnchor();
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(out_ctrl_anchor != nullptr, GELOGW("out_ctrl_anchor is null."); return nullptr);
// add ctrl edge
for (const auto &out_node : memcpy_node->GetOutNodes()) {
auto in_ctrl_anchor = out_node->GetInControlAnchor();
if (in_ctrl_anchor == nullptr) {
status = GraphUtils::AddEdge(out_ctrl_anchor, in_ctrl_anchor);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(status == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr,
"Graph add EndOfSequence op out ctrl edge fail, dst node: %s.", out_node->GetName().c_str());
GELOGI("Graph add EndOfSequence op out ctrl edge, dst node: %s.", out_node->GetName().c_str());
return end_of_seq_node;
/// @brief create EndOfSequence
/// @param pre_node
/// @return ge::OpDescPtr
ge::OpDescPtr IteratorOpPass::CreateEndOfSequenceOp(const ge::NodePtr &pre_node) {
GELOGI("Start to create endOfSequence op.");
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(pre_node != nullptr, return nullptr, "Input param invalid.");
string node_name = pre_node->GetName() + "_EndOfSequence";
ge::OpDescPtr op_desc = MakeShared<OpDesc>(node_name, ENDOFSEQUENCE);
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "MakeShared fail.");
return op_desc;
ge::OpDescPtr pre_node_op_desc = pre_node->GetOpDesc();
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(pre_node_op_desc != nullptr, return nullptr, "OpDesc of pre_node is invalid.");
GELOGI("Create EndOfSequence op:%s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc->AddInputDesc(pre_node_op_desc->GetOutputDesc(0)) == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr,
"Create EndOfSequence op:add input desc fail.");
return op_desc;
/// @brief insert memcpy after GetNext
/// @param pre_node
/// @param graph
/// @return ge::NodePtr
ge::NodePtr IteratorOpPass::InsertMemcpyAsyncNode(const ge::NodePtr &pre_node, const ge::ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(pre_node != nullptr, GELOGW("Pre node is null."); return nullptr);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(graph != nullptr, GELOGW("graph is null."); return nullptr);
ge::OpDescPtr memcpy_async_op_desc = CreateMemcpyAsyncOp(pre_node);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(memcpy_async_op_desc != nullptr, GELOGW("Create memcpyAsync op fail."); return nullptr);
ge::NodePtr memcpy_async_node = graph->AddNode(memcpy_async_op_desc);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(memcpy_async_node != nullptr, return nullptr, "Insert mencpy node fail.");
// Data out
for (auto &out_anchor : pre_node->GetAllOutDataAnchors()) {
if (out_anchor == nullptr) {
ge::graphStatus status;
GELOGI("Graph add memcpyAsync op in edge, index:%d.", out_anchor->GetIdx());
for (auto &peer_in_anchor : out_anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors()) {
GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(peer_in_anchor == nullptr, GELOGW("peer_in_anchor is nullptr"); return nullptr);
status = GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(out_anchor, peer_in_anchor);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(status == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr, "Remove edge failed, index:%d.", out_anchor->GetIdx());
status = GraphUtils::AddEdge(memcpy_async_node->GetOutDataAnchor(out_anchor->GetIdx()), peer_in_anchor);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(status == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr,
"Graph add memcpyAsync op out edge fail, src index:%d, dst index:%d, dst node: %s.",
out_anchor->GetIdx(), peer_in_anchor->GetIdx(),
GELOGI("Graph add memcpyAsync op out edge, src index:%d, dst index:%d, dst node: %s.", out_anchor->GetIdx(),
peer_in_anchor->GetIdx(), peer_in_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str());
status = GraphUtils::AddEdge(out_anchor, memcpy_async_node->GetInDataAnchor(out_anchor->GetIdx()));
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(status == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr, "Graph add memcpyAsync op in edge fail, index:%d.",
// Control out
OutControlAnchorPtr out_ctrl_anchor = pre_node->GetOutControlAnchor();
out_ctrl_anchor != nullptr, for (auto &peer_in_ctrl_anchor
: out_ctrl_anchor->GetPeerInControlAnchors()) {
ge::graphStatus status = GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(out_ctrl_anchor, peer_in_ctrl_anchor);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(status == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr, "Remove edge failed, dst node: %s.",
status = GraphUtils::AddEdge(memcpy_async_node->GetOutControlAnchor(), peer_in_ctrl_anchor);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(status == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr,
"Graph add memcpyAsync op out ctrl edge fail, dst node: %s.",
GELOGI("Graph add memcpyAsync op out ctrl edge, dst node: %s.",
GELOGI("Insert memcpyAsync op success.");
return memcpy_async_node;
/// @brief create memcpy
/// @param pre_node
/// @return ge::OpDescPtr
ge::OpDescPtr IteratorOpPass::CreateMemcpyAsyncOp(const ge::NodePtr &pre_node) {
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(pre_node != nullptr, return nullptr, "Input param invalid.");
string node_name = pre_node->GetName() + "_MemcpyAsync";
ge::OpDescPtr op_desc = MakeShared<OpDesc>(node_name.c_str(), MEMCPYASYNC);
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "MakeShared fail.");
return op_desc;
GELOGI("Create memcpyAsync op:%s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
ge::OpDescPtr pre_node_op_desc = pre_node->GetOpDesc();
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(pre_node_op_desc != nullptr, return nullptr, "OpDesc of pre_node is invalid.");
size_t out_size = pre_node_op_desc->GetOutputsSize();
GELOGI("Create memcpyAsync op, pre_node out_size: %zu.", out_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_size; i++) {
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc->AddInputDesc(pre_node_op_desc->GetOutputDesc(i)) == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr,
"Create memcpyAsync op:add input desc fail.");
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc->AddOutputDesc(pre_node_op_desc->GetOutputDesc(i)) == GRAPH_SUCCESS, return nullptr,
"Create memcpyAsync op:add output desc fail.");
return op_desc;
Status IteratorOpPass::SetRtContext(uint64_t session_id, uint32_t graph_id, rtContext_t rt_context, rtCtxMode_t mode) {
GELOGI("set rt_context, session id: %lu, graph id: %u, mode %d, device id:%u.", session_id, graph_id,
static_cast<int>(mode), ge::GetContext().DeviceId());
GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtCtxCreate(&rt_context, mode, ge::GetContext().DeviceId()));
RtContextUtil::GetInstance().AddRtContext(session_id, graph_id, rt_context);
return SUCCESS;
} // namespace ge