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* Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "graph/passes/multi_batch_clone_pass.h"
#include "common/formats/utils/formats_trans_utils.h"
#include "common/ge/ge_util.h"
#include "graph/preprocess/multi_batch_options.h"
#include "graph/utils/node_utils.h"
#include "graph/utils/op_desc_utils.h"
#include "register/op_registry.h"
namespace ge {
namespace {
constexpr uint8_t kDataInIndex = 0;
constexpr uint8_t kDataOutIndex = 0;
constexpr uint8_t kCaseArgIndex = 1;
const std::string kMultiBatchCaseNode = "ascend_mbatch_shape_case";
const std::string kMultiBatchDataNode = "ascend_mbatch_shape_data";
const std::string kMultiBatchConstNode = "ascend_mbatch_shape_const";
const std::string kMultiBatchMapIndexNode = "ascend_mbatch_shape_mapindex";
} // namespace
Status MultiBatchClonePass::Run(ComputeGraphPtr graph) {
if (graph->GetParentGraph() != nullptr) {
GELOGD("Subgraph %s skip the MultiBatchClonePass", graph->GetName().c_str());
return SUCCESS;
if (!multibatch::InitDynamicParams(batch_shapes_)) {
GELOGD("There is no multi-batch options, no need clone multi-batch graph");
return SUCCESS;
GELOGD("Begin to run Multi-batch clone on graph: %s", graph->GetName().c_str());
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(multibatch::CheckDynamicParams(batch_shapes_), "Invalid multi-batch param");
if (CollectIoNodes(graph) != SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Collect input output nodes failed");
(void)AttrUtils::GetStr(graph, ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID, session_graph_id_);
ComputeGraphPtr branch = MakeShared<ComputeGraph>(graph->GetName());
if (branch == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch graph failed");
(void)AttrUtils::SetStr(branch, ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID, session_graph_id_);
graph->InValid(); // Will modify, need topological again.
if (CreateRootGraph(graph) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
if (CreateSubgraphs(graph, branch) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(PruneDirectOutput(graph), "Prune direct output failed");
GELOGD("MultiBatchClonePass Leave");
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Collect input output node from original graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: original graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CollectIoNodes(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
for (const auto &node : graph->GetDirectNode()) {
if (node->GetType() == DATA) {
} else if (node->GetType() == CONSTANT) {
} else if (node->GetType() == NETOUTPUT) {
// If the node save as input/output node, delete record.
if (all_data_nodes_.empty() || all_output_nodes_.size() != 1) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "data nodes: %zu, output nodes: %zu", all_data_nodes_.size(), all_output_nodes_.size());
return FAILED;
int64_t data_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < all_data_nodes_.size(); ++i) {
const auto &op_desc = all_data_nodes_[i]->GetOpDesc();
if (!AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_INDEX, data_index)) {
(void)AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_INDEX, i);
const auto &output = all_output_nodes_[0];
for (size_t i = 0; i < output->GetAllInDataAnchorsSize(); ++i) {
const auto in_anchor = output->GetInDataAnchor(i);
const auto out_anchor = in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor();
const auto data_node = out_anchor->GetOwnerNode();
if (data_node->GetType() == DATA) {
direct_output_[i] = data_node->GetName();
GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(data_node->GetOutDataAnchor(kDataOutIndex), output->GetInDataAnchor(i)),
"Remove edge failed");
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create nodes for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateRootGraph(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
uint32_t input_num = all_data_nodes_.size() + all_const_nodes_.size();
uint32_t output_num = all_output_nodes_[0]->GetAllInDataAnchorsSize();
OpDescBuilder op_builder(kMultiBatchCaseNode, CASE);
op_builder.AddInput("branch_index").AddDynamicInput("input", input_num).AddDynamicOutput("output", output_num);
const OpDescPtr op_desc = op_builder.Build();
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch case desc failed");
op_desc->RegisterSubgraphIrName("branches", kDynamic);
case_node_ = graph->AddNode(op_desc);
if (case_node_ == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch case node failed");
uint32_t batch_num = static_cast<uint32_t>(batch_shapes_.size());
if (!AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_NUM, batch_num)) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Set attr ATTR_NAME_BATCH_NUM failed, Case: %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < batch_num; i++) {
const std::string &attr_name = ATTR_NAME_PRED_VALUE + "_" + std::to_string(i);
if (!AttrUtils::SetListInt(op_desc, attr_name, batch_shapes_[i])) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Set attr ATTR_NAME_PRED_VALUE failed, Case: %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(multibatch::StampDynamicType(op_desc), "Set dynamic type failed");
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CreateIndexNode(graph), "Create index node failed");
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CreateInputNode(graph), "Create input node failed");
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CreateConstNode(graph), "Create const node failed");
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CreateOutputNode(graph), "Create output node failed");
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create index data node for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @param [in] NodePtr node: index data node.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateIndexDataNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, NodePtr &node) {
const OpDescPtr data_desc = MakeShared<OpDesc>(kMultiBatchDataNode, DATA);
if (data_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch data node failed");
return FAILED;
GeTensorDesc data_tensor(GeShape({static_cast<int64_t>(batch_shapes_[0].size())}), FORMAT_ND, DT_INT32);
if (data_desc->AddInputDesc(data_tensor) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Add input desc failed");
return FAILED;
if (data_desc->AddOutputDesc(data_tensor) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Add output desc failed");
return FAILED;
size_t data_index = all_data_nodes_.size();
(void)AttrUtils::SetInt(data_desc, ATTR_NAME_INDEX, data_index);
(void)AttrUtils::SetBool(data_desc, ATTR_INSERT_BY_MBATCH, true);
node = graph->AddNode(data_desc);
if (node == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch data node failed");
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create index const node for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @param [in] NodePtr node: index const node.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateIndexConstNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, NodePtr &node) {
const OpDescPtr const_desc = MakeShared<OpDesc>(kMultiBatchConstNode, CONSTANT);
if (const_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch const node failed");
return FAILED;
int64_t count = batch_shapes_.size() * batch_shapes_[0].size();
std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> addr(new (std::nothrow) int32_t[count]);
size_t i = 0;
for (auto &batch_shape : batch_shapes_) {
for (int64_t dim : batch_shape) {
addr[i++] = static_cast<int32_t>(dim);
GeTensorDesc const_tensor(GeShape({count}), FORMAT_ND, DT_INT32);
GeTensor tensor(const_tensor);
(void)tensor.SetData(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(addr.get()), count * sizeof(int32_t));
if (!AttrUtils::SetTensor(const_desc, ATTR_NAME_WEIGHTS, tensor)) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to init tensor value for const %s", const_desc->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
if (const_desc->AddOutputDesc(const_tensor) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to add output desc for const node %s", const_desc->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
node = graph->AddNode(const_desc);
if (node == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch const node failed");
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create index node for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateIndexNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
// Data --> MapIndex --> Case
NodePtr data_node;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CreateIndexDataNode(graph, data_node), "Create data node failed");
NodePtr const_node;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CreateIndexConstNode(graph, const_node), "Create const node failed");
OpDescBuilder op_builder(kMultiBatchMapIndexNode, "MapIndex");
op_builder.AddInput("x", data_node->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(0))
.AddInput("data_seq", const_node->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(0))
.AddOutput("y", GeTensorDesc(GeShape(), FORMAT_ND, DT_INT32));
const OpDescPtr op_desc = op_builder.Build();
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch index desc failed");
return FAILED;
NodePtr index_node = graph->AddNode(op_desc);
if (index_node == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch index node failed");
if (GraphUtils::AddEdge(data_node->GetOutDataAnchor(0), index_node->GetInDataAnchor(0)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to add edge between node:%s to MapIndex:%s", data_node->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
if (GraphUtils::AddEdge(const_node->GetOutDataAnchor(0), index_node->GetInDataAnchor(1)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to add edge between node:%s to MapIndex:%s", const_node->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
if (GraphUtils::AddEdge(index_node->GetOutDataAnchor(0), case_node_->GetInDataAnchor(0)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to add edge between MapIndex:%s to Case:%s", index_node->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create input node for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateInputNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
// Data --> Case
std::vector<NodePtr> all_data_nodes;
const size_t arg_index = kCaseArgIndex;
for (size_t i = 0; i < all_data_nodes_.size(); ++i) {
const auto &node = all_data_nodes_[i];
const OpDescPtr op_desc = AttrUtils::CopyOpDesc(node->GetOpDesc());
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch Data node failed, name: %s", node->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
if (GraphUtils::CopyTensorAttrs(op_desc, node) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
const NodePtr &data = graph->AddNode(op_desc);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(data != nullptr, return FAILED, "Add node[%s] to graph failed", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
if (GraphUtils::AddEdge(data->GetOutDataAnchor(0), case_node_->GetInDataAnchor(arg_index + i)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to add edge between Data:%s to Case:%s", data->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
if (SetMaxShapeToData(data) != SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create Const node for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateConstNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
// Const --> Case
std::vector<NodePtr> all_const_nodes;
const size_t arg_index = kCaseArgIndex + all_data_nodes_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < all_const_nodes_.size(); ++i) {
const auto &node = all_const_nodes_[i];
const OpDescPtr op_desc = AttrUtils::CopyOpDesc(node->GetOpDesc());
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch Const node failed, name: %s", node->GetName().c_str());
return FAILED;
if (GraphUtils::CopyTensorAttrs(op_desc, node) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
const NodePtr &data = graph->AddNode(op_desc);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(data != nullptr, return FAILED, "Add node[%s] to graph failed", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
if (GraphUtils::AddEdge(data->GetOutDataAnchor(0), case_node_->GetInDataAnchor(arg_index + i)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to add edge between Const:%s to Case:%s", data->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
size_t data_index = all_data_nodes_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < all_const_nodes_.size(); ++i, ++data_index) { // Trans subgraph Const to Data.
const OpDescPtr &op_desc = all_const_nodes_[i]->GetOpDesc();
(void)op_desc->DelAttr(ATTR_NAME_WEIGHTS); // Delete weight.
// Const no InputDesc, Data need InputDesc.
(void)AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_INDEX, data_index);
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create output node for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateOutputNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
const auto &output = all_output_nodes_[0];
const OpDescPtr op_desc = AttrUtils::CopyOpDesc(output->GetOpDesc());
if (op_desc == nullptr) {
GELOGE(OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Create multi-batch output node failed");
return FAILED;
if (GraphUtils::CopyTensorAttrs(op_desc, output) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
return FAILED;
const NodePtr &node = graph->AddNode(op_desc);
GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(node != nullptr, return FAILED, "Add node[%s] to graph failed", op_desc->GetName().c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < case_node_->GetAllOutDataAnchorsSize(); ++i) {
const auto it = direct_output_.find(i);
if (it == direct_output_.end()) {
if (GraphUtils::AddEdge(case_node_->GetOutDataAnchor(i), node->GetInDataAnchor(i)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to add edge between Case:%s to NetOutput:%s", case_node_->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
} else {
const auto data_node = graph->FindNode(it->second);
if (data_node == nullptr) {
GELOGE(GE_GRAPH_GRAPH_NODE_NULL, "Data node:%s not found", it->second.c_str());
if (GraphUtils::AddEdge(data_node->GetOutDataAnchor(kDataOutIndex), node->GetInDataAnchor(i)) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to add edge between Data:%s to NetOutput:%s", data_node->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Set max shape to Data node in root graph.
/// @param [in] const NodePtr &data: data in Root/Case graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::SetMaxShapeToData(const NodePtr &data) {
auto data_shape = NodeUtils::GetOutputDesc(*data, kDataOutIndex).GetShape();
const auto &dims = data_shape.GetDims();
if (std::all_of(dims.begin(), dims.end(), [](int64_t val) { return val >= 0; })) {
return SUCCESS;
(void)AttrUtils::SetListInt(data->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_MBATCH_ORIGIN_INPUT_DIMS, data_shape.GetDims());
size_t max_shape_index = 0;
int64_t max_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batch_shapes_.size(); ++i) {
int64_t size = 1;
for (auto dim : batch_shapes_[i]) {
if (INT64_MAX / dim < size) {
GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "The shape %s size overflow", formats::ShapeToString(batch_shapes_[i]).c_str());
size *= dim;
if (size > max_size) {
max_size = size;
max_shape_index = i;
return SetShapeToData(batch_shapes_[max_shape_index], data, data_shape);
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Set shape to Data node in branch.
/// @param [in] const NodePtr &data: data in branch.
/// @param [in] const std::vector<int64_t> &shapes: dims of shape.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::UpdataShapeToData(const NodePtr &data, const vector<int64_t> &shapes) {
auto data_shape = NodeUtils::GetOutputDesc(*data, kDataOutIndex).GetShape();
const auto &dims = data_shape.GetDims();
if (std::all_of(dims.begin(), dims.end(), [](int64_t val) { return val >= 0; })) {
return SUCCESS;
(void)AttrUtils::SetListInt(data->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_MBATCH_ORIGIN_INPUT_DIMS, data_shape.GetDims());
return SetShapeToData(shapes, data, data_shape);
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Set max shape to Data node in root graph.
/// @param [in] const std::vector<int64_t> &shapes: dims of shape.
/// @param [in] const NodePtr &data: data in Root/Case graph.
/// @param [in] GeShape &data_shape: dims of data node.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::SetShapeToData(const vector<int64_t> &shapes, const NodePtr &data, GeShape &data_shape) {
// must not be error, the calc result has been checked in function InsertSwitchNForData
if (multibatch::CalcShape(shapes, data_shape) != SUCCESS) {
if (NodeUtils::UpdateInputShape(*data, kDataInIndex, data_shape) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to update input shape for data %s", data->GetName().c_str());
if (NodeUtils::UpdateOutputShape(*data, kDataOutIndex, data_shape) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to update output shape for data %s", data->GetName().c_str());
GELOGI("Update %s input/output shape to %s", data->GetName().c_str(), formats::ShapeToString(data_shape).c_str());
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Create nodes for root graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &branch: original graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::CreateSubgraphs(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const ComputeGraphPtr &branch) {
const std::string name = graph->GetName() + "_branche_";
const auto &op_desc = case_node_->GetOpDesc();
for (size_t i = 0; i < batch_shapes_.size(); ++i) {
std::vector<NodePtr> input_nodes;
std::vector<NodePtr> output_nodes;
const std::string prefix = "branche_" + std::to_string(i) + "_";
ComputeGraphPtr subgraph = (i == 0) ? branch : GraphUtils::CloneGraph(branch, prefix, input_nodes, output_nodes);
if (subgraph == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Create multi-batch case node failed");
return FAILED;
subgraph->SetName(name + std::to_string(i));
(void)AttrUtils::SetStr(subgraph, ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID, session_graph_id_);
all_branch_output_[subgraph] = subgraph->FindFirstNodeMatchType(NETOUTPUT);
graph->AddSubgraph(subgraph->GetName(), subgraph);
const std::string key_name = "branches" + std::to_string(i);
op_desc->SetSubgraphInstanceName(i, subgraph->GetName());
for (const auto &data : input_nodes) {
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(UpdataShapeToData(data, batch_shapes_[i]), "Update %s failed", subgraph->GetName().c_str());
// Origninal graph take as first subgraph, update node name.
for (const auto &n : branch->GetDirectNode()) {
const auto &op_desc = n->GetOpDesc();
op_desc->SetName("branche_0_" + n->GetName());
if (n->GetType() == DATA) {
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(UpdataShapeToData(n, batch_shapes_[0]), "Update %s failed", branch->GetName().c_str());
return PostProcSubgraph(graph);
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Assign parent index for branches.
/// @param [in] const ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Root/Case graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::PostProcSubgraph(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
auto func_desc = case_node_->GetOpDesc();
auto post_func = domi::OpRegistry::Instance()->GetParseSubgraphPostFunc(func_desc->GetType());
if (post_func == nullptr) {
GELOGW("The subgraph post func for node %s type %s is null.", case_node_->GetName().c_str(),
return FAILED;
for (const auto &name : func_desc->GetSubgraphInstanceNames()) {
const auto &subgraph = graph->GetSubgraph(name);
if (subgraph == nullptr) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Subgraph not found, name: %s", name.c_str());
return FAILED;
std::string subgraph_name;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(func_desc->GetSubgraphNameByInstanceName(subgraph->GetName(), subgraph_name),
"Subgraph: %s get subgraph name failed.", subgraph->GetName().c_str());
auto graph = GraphUtils::CreateGraphFromComputeGraph(subgraph);
auto ret = post_func(subgraph_name, graph);
if (ret != SUCCESS) {
GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to post-process subgraph %s on node %s type %s", graph.GetName().c_str(),
case_node_->GetName().c_str(), case_node_->GetType().c_str());
return FAILED;
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Remove subgraph suspend output anchor.
/// @param [in] ComputeGraphPtr &graph: Parent compute graph.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::PruneDirectOutput(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph) {
const auto &func_desc = case_node_->GetOpDesc();
uint32_t unused_num = 0;
uint32_t output_num = func_desc->GetOutputsSize();
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_num; ++i) {
bool is_unused_tensor = true;
for (const auto &item : all_branch_output_) {
const auto &netoutput = item.second;
const auto in_anchor = netoutput->GetInDataAnchor(i);
if (in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor() != nullptr) {
is_unused_tensor = false;
if (is_unused_tensor) {
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(UpdateOutputTensor(i, unused_num), "Graph:%s Update output failed", graph->GetName().c_str());
if (unused_num == 0) {
return SUCCESS;
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(NodeUtils::RemoveOutputAnchor(case_node_, output_num - unused_num), "Remove output failed");
for (const auto &item : all_branch_output_) {
GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(NodeUtils::RemoveInputAnchor(item.second, output_num - unused_num), "Remove input failed");
return SUCCESS;
/// @ingroup ge
/// @brief Update subgraph suspend output tensor.
/// @param [in] parent_index: parent index for check.
/// @param [in] unused_num: total unused tensor.
/// @return 0: SUCCESS / others: FAILED
Status MultiBatchClonePass::UpdateOutputTensor(uint32_t parent_index, uint32_t unused_num) {
if (unused_num == 0) {
return SUCCESS;
uint32_t update_index = parent_index - unused_num;
for (const auto &item : all_branch_output_) {
const auto &node = item.second;
const auto &new_anchor = node->GetInDataAnchor(update_index);
const auto &old_anchor = node->GetInDataAnchor(parent_index);
const auto &out_anchor = old_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor();
const auto &out_node = out_anchor->GetOwnerNode();
const auto &op_desc = node->GetOpDesc();
(void)op_desc->UpdateInputDesc(update_index, op_desc->GetInputDesc(parent_index));
GE_CHK_GRAPH_STATUS_RET(GraphUtils::AddEdge(out_anchor, new_anchor), "Add edge failed");
GELOGI("Add edge success, func node: %s, node: %s, parent index: %u, update index: %u",
case_node_->GetName().c_str(), out_node->GetName().c_str(), parent_index, update_index);
GE_CHK_GRAPH_STATUS_RET(GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(out_anchor, old_anchor), "Remove edge failed");
GELOGI("Remove edge success, func node: %s, node: %s", case_node_->GetName().c_str(), out_node->GetName().c_str());
const auto &new_anchor = case_node_->GetOutDataAnchor(update_index);
const auto &old_anchor = case_node_->GetOutDataAnchor(parent_index);
for (const auto in_anchor : old_anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors()) {
const auto &in_node = in_anchor->GetOwnerNode();
GE_CHK_GRAPH_STATUS_RET(GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(old_anchor, in_anchor), "Remove edge failed");
GELOGI("Remove edge success, func node: %s, node: %s", case_node_->GetName().c_str(), in_node->GetName().c_str());
GE_CHK_GRAPH_STATUS_RET(GraphUtils::AddEdge(new_anchor, in_anchor), "Add edge failed");
GELOGI("Add edge success, func node: %s, node: %s, parent index: %u, update index: %u",
case_node_->GetName().c_str(), in_node->GetName().c_str(), parent_index, update_index);
return SUCCESS;
} // namespace ge