# Copyright 2020-2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ============================================================================
import pytest
import numpy as np
import mindspore
from mindspore import Tensor
import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.context as context
from mindspore.ops import composite as C
class NetTensorDot(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, axes):
super(NetTensorDot, self).__init__()
self.axes = axes
def construct(self, x, y):
return C.tensor_dot(x, y, self.axes)
class GradNetwork(nn.Cell):
def __init__(self, network):
super(GradNetwork, self).__init__()
self.grad = C.GradOperation(get_all=True, sens_param=True)
self.network = network
def construct(self, input_data_a, input_data_b, sens):
gout = self.grad(self.network)(input_data_a, input_data_b, sens)
return gout
def test_tensor_dot_fp32():
context.set_context(mode=context.PYNATIVE_MODE, device_target="GPU")
shape_x1 = (1, 3, 9, 7)
shape_x2 = (9, 7, 3, 1)
axes = ((1, 3), (2, 1))
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float32)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float32)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float32)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float32)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ms_result_np, np_result)
# 1D
shape_x1 = (200)
shape_x2 = (200)
axes = 1
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float32)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float32)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float32)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float32)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
np.allclose(ms_result_np, np_result)
# 2D
shape_x1 = (100, 300)
shape_x2 = (300, 700)
axes = ([1], [0])
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float32)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float32)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float32)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float32)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
np.allclose(ms_result_np, np_result)
# 3D
shape_x1 = (110, 30, 900)
shape_x2 = (900, 70, 30)
axes = ((1, 2), (2, 0))
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float32)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float32)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float32)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float32)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
np.allclose(ms_result_np, np_result)
def test_tensor_dot_fp16():
context.set_context(mode=context.PYNATIVE_MODE, device_target="GPU")
shape_x1 = (1, 3, 4, 1)
shape_x2 = (4, 1, 7, 5)
axes = 2 # select first N from
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float16)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float16)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float16)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float16)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ms_result_np, np_result)
# 1D
shape_x1 = (300)
shape_x2 = (300)
axes = 1
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float16)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float16)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float16)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float16)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ms_result_np, np_result)
# 2D
shape_x1 = (100, 300)
shape_x2 = (300, 100)
axes = ([1], [0])
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float16)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float16)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float16)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float16)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
assert np.allclose(ms_result_np, np_result, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
# 3D
shape_x1 = (60, 30, 450)
shape_x2 = (450, 90, 30)
axes = ((1, 2), (2, 0))
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float16)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float16)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float16)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float16)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
assert np.allclose(ms_result_np, np_result, rtol=1e-3, atol=6e0)
def test_tensor_dot_outer():
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU")
shape_x1 = (1, 2, 3) # incompatible dims for x1 and x2
shape_x2 = (4, 5, 6)
axes = 0 # outer product does not require multiplicable dims
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float32)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float32)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float32)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float32)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
np_result = np.tensordot(x1, x2, axes)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ms_result_np, np_result)
def test_tensor_dot_reverse_axes():
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU")
shape_x1 = (1, 2, 3)
shape_x2 = (1, 2, 3)
axes = ((1, 0), (0, 1))
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float32)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float32)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float32)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float32)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
expected_result = np.array([[0.58561826, 0.21897982, 0.906598],
[0.19630799, 0.10731681, 0.2680981],
[0.8003185, 0.457294, 1.0721111]]).astype(np.float32)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ms_result_np, expected_result)
shape_x1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
shape_x2 = (1, 2, 3)
axes = ((0, 2), (2, 0))
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float32)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float32)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float32)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float32)
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
ms_result_np = network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor).asnumpy()
expected_result = np.array([[[[1.106365, 0.9736746],
[0.91042125, 0.7814131],
[0.5576207, 0.327488],
[0.93404585, 0.7108171],
[1.078351, 0.87405884]],
[[1.1720579, 0.9948833],
[1.1594493, 1.0185612],
[0.7251004, 0.60322404],
[0.4724398, 0.2930961],
[0.9711088, 0.8482977]],
[[1.4110168, 1.1171235],
[0.81948525, 0.778057],
[0.7914786, 0.78767675],
[0.77509344, 0.6020987],
[0.8986199, 0.7100061]],
[[0.7270926, 0.35752398],
[0.5529937, 0.31682697],
[0.73876995, 0.48478222],
[0.96520174, 0.73099715],
[0.96569407, 0.8556314]]],
[[[1.2093457, 0.90222925],
[1.3758272, 0.8189213],
[1.2997738, 1.045748],
[1.1460838, 0.67475325],
[0.95835257, 0.67791444]],
[[0.84732395, 0.8058369],
[1.1979935, 0.57202166],
[0.2577264, 0.22021212],
[0.8855853, 0.5440637],
[0.8993537, 0.4622679]],
[[0.6797033, 0.58302796],
[0.7820443, 0.49587217],
[0.64423263, 0.5469],
[1.0270302, 0.5271675],
[1.0278721, 0.9446807]],
[[1.2069539, 1.0113767],
[0.86160654, 0.7664283],
[0.9797001, 0.7087945],
[0.47638205, 0.4660839],
[0.6920749, 0.36285543]]]]).astype(np.float32)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ms_result_np, expected_result)
def test_tensor_dot_backprop():
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="GPU")
# TEST 1
shape_x1 = (2, 4, 2)
shape_x2 = (3, 2, 3)
axes = ((0,), (1,)) # select first N from
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float16)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float16)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float16)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float16)
grad = np.random.random((4, 2, 3, 3))
grad_tensor = Tensor(grad, dtype=mindspore.float16)
grad_network = GradNetwork(network)
dx1, dx2 = grad_network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor, grad_tensor)
dx1, dx2 = dx1.asnumpy(), dx2.asnumpy()
# precomputed
expect_dx1 = np.array([[[2.0293, 2.4473],
[2.9727, 1.4873],
[1.7910, 3.4727],
[2.4160, 1.7227]],
[[2.5547, 2.5039],
[3.4062, 2.3320],
[2.6270, 3.1543],
[2.1406, 1.7666]]])
expect_dx2 = np.array([[[2.1523, 2.9199, 0.8350],
[2.0254, 2.7734, 1.3213]],
[[2.6836, 2.4707, 1.0156],
[2.9746, 3.0254, 1.9199]],
[[1.8545, 1.7803, 1.3457],
[2.2676, 2.1797, 1.2764]]])
np.allclose(dx1, expect_dx1)
np.allclose(dx2, expect_dx2)
# TEST 2
shape_x1 = (10, 35)
shape_x2 = (20, 10)
axes = ((0,), (1,)) # select first N from
network = NetTensorDot(axes)
x1 = np.random.random(shape_x1).astype(np.float16)
x2 = np.random.random(shape_x2).astype(np.float16)
x1_tensor = Tensor(x1, dtype=mindspore.float16)
x2_tensor = Tensor(x2, dtype=mindspore.float16)
grad = np.random.random((35, 20))
grad_tensor = Tensor(grad, dtype=mindspore.float16)
grad_network = GradNetwork(network)
dx1, dx2 = grad_network(x1_tensor, x2_tensor, grad_tensor)
dx1, dx2 = dx1.asnumpy(), dx2.asnumpy()
# precomputed
expect_dx1 = np.array([[5.9727, 4.6484, 5.1836, 4.3906, 5.1641, 5.1406, 5.1211, 6.5352, 4.9922,
4.4297, 4.4648, 6.5469, 6.2305, 4.8789, 6.8320, 5.3906, 4.7383, 6.0352,
4.7383, 4.4844, 5.3711, 6.2617, 4.6484, 5.8672, 4.7500, 6.0234, 3.6387,
5.3789, 5.9727, 5.7227, 6.0234, 4.9609, 5.0117, 5.4141, 5.1406],
[5.2305, 4.0078, 4.6328, 3.9238, 4.2773, 4.2539, 4.6797, 5.1289, 3.7910,
3.8887, 3.2930, 5.5898, 5.4219, 3.6211, 5.5234, 3.5391, 4.8516, 4.7539,
4.2500, 2.9785, 4.8867, 5.4648, 5.0195, 6.0195, 4.7109, 3.9727, 3.4922,
4.1484, 4.7969, 5.3555, 4.9414, 5.2969, 3.1992, 5.2031, 4.4648],
[5.2266, 5.2617, 5.3750, 4.7930, 4.9062, 5.4102, 4.9336, 6.9414, 4.4961,
4.4023, 4.7344, 5.8125, 4.9180, 4.7891, 5.9805, 5.2383, 4.6445, 6.1172,
4.8477, 3.7578, 4.3047, 5.7969, 4.5859, 6.0273, 4.3438, 4.7305, 4.0938,
4.8398, 5.8320, 5.3438, 5.3281, 4.8320, 4.0938, 4.9375, 5.3281],
[7.4297, 5.1484, 6.3477, 5.4844, 5.7852, 6.3906, 5.5234, 7.2383, 5.2969,
4.9844, 4.5625, 7.3047, 7.3789, 6.4453, 8.2266, 6.6172, 5.5547, 7.0234,
4.8594, 4.9531, 6.0469, 6.9258, 6.1055, 6.7539, 6.6953, 6.0430, 4.5117,
5.7344, 7.4297, 6.4219, 6.8125, 6.4141, 5.2773, 6.8828, 6.0430],
[5.7969, 4.7109, 5.8281, 4.5703, 5.5078, 6.4219, 4.8359, 7.1484, 4.2617,
4.8477, 4.2539, 5.6016, 6.4414, 5.7305, 6.4766, 5.4648, 4.5859, 6.5547,
5.5156, 3.3848, 5.1523, 5.5352, 4.9531, 6.5938, 5.2969, 4.6055, 5.2109,
4.4961, 5.8984, 5.4531, 5.8086, 5.7930, 5.0742, 5.4102, 4.9453],
[7.2188, 5.8789, 6.9453, 6.0039, 6.7188, 7.3359, 6.7695, 8.6172, 5.6680,
6.4219, 6.1836, 7.7695, 7.5391, 6.5312, 8.2812, 7.5352, 5.8867, 7.7070,
6.0039, 5.1172, 6.4844, 7.4297, 5.9219, 7.5078, 6.3125, 6.9805, 5.3750,
5.9805, 7.2148, 7.6484, 7.8828, 6.7695, 5.7109, 6.8828, 6.9023],
[5.7656, 4.3633, 4.5039, 4.4375, 4.3867, 5.4336, 4.3672, 5.5469, 3.5742,
4.0508, 3.7402, 5.9141, 5.7734, 4.5781, 5.6719, 4.5625, 4.5391, 5.1719,
4.3945, 3.4844, 4.9297, 5.7227, 4.8203, 5.8125, 4.8633, 4.3125, 3.6641,
4.3789, 5.6133, 5.1758, 4.9141, 5.8008, 4.0391, 5.8984, 4.3594],
[4.7734, 3.4238, 4.3477, 3.6270, 4.4883, 5.2031, 3.9023, 5.0078, 2.9355,
3.8477, 3.4648, 5.1445, 4.8398, 4.4297, 5.1641, 4.2422, 4.2695, 4.6992,
4.5039, 2.5176, 4.2500, 5.6680, 4.1875, 5.4141, 3.6094, 3.1758, 3.8398,
3.9180, 5.3320, 4.6523, 3.9531, 4.8281, 3.9863, 4.8867, 4.3711],
[6.7578, 5.3164, 6.0000, 4.4531, 5.8789, 6.3750, 5.1094, 7.0391, 4.5781,
4.8633, 4.5156, 6.6641, 6.3594, 5.5664, 6.9453, 5.5820, 5.1992, 6.9570,
5.3242, 3.8574, 5.1445, 6.0547, 5.0273, 6.9180, 5.1914, 4.6914, 4.6445,
5.1289, 5.8711, 6.2070, 6.1953, 5.7695, 4.7617, 5.5898, 4.9492],
[4.9180, 4.0117, 4.1211, 3.4629, 3.6445, 4.6602, 3.7031, 4.9062, 4.1133,
3.0020, 3.2246, 4.6562, 4.4727, 3.3828, 5.2695, 4.0078, 3.2559, 4.9688,
3.5742, 3.1133, 3.8223, 4.7578, 3.7949, 4.8438, 4.0664, 4.4336, 3.0957,
4.4375, 4.2969, 4.1758, 4.5234, 4.2930, 3.9434, 4.8281, 3.0703]])
expect_dx2 = np.array([[6.7930, 7.0000, 8.8203, 9.7031, 8.1250,
6.7422, 8.4844, 8.7031, 7.2891, 10.1484],
[8.5781, 8.1641, 9.9609, 9.2344, 9.3281,
8.1484, 9.8984, 9.0391, 7.9805, 11.0469],
[8.1016, 7.0781, 8.9688, 10.0938, 9.6641,
7.1523, 8.2969, 8.8594, 8.3047, 10.2578],
[7.0938, 7.3477, 9.3594, 8.2422, 7.9141,
6.5156, 8.2812, 8.2266, 6.9766, 8.5703],
[9.2891, 9.2500, 11.6875, 9.5234, 10.1172,
8.8125, 9.5781, 9.5547, 8.9688, 11.2266],
[9.3594, 7.7539, 9.2500, 9.2500, 8.1094,
8.0859, 8.7344, 8.2031, 8.5859, 10.3203],
[8.7344, 7.7227, 10.2578, 10.1641, 9.3984,
8.1719, 8.0156, 8.6953, 8.6797, 10.6875],
[8.8750, 7.9922, 10.2422, 10.3984, 9.5234,
8.5156, 8.7266, 8.8125, 8.2578, 10.2578],
[9.5703, 8.9844, 10.0547, 10.3047, 10.4062,
8.2422, 10.7031, 9.7891, 9.2969, 11.0078],
[9.2891, 9.5391, 10.5938, 10.5078, 9.8203,
8.5156, 9.0859, 9.0703, 8.7812, 10.8750],
[8.6094, 8.2734, 10.2734, 9.7891, 9.4531,
7.5820, 8.4609, 8.6094, 7.7578, 10.3438],
[8.2891, 8.7578, 9.3906, 9.6016, 9.4375,
7.1016, 8.6875, 8.1875, 8.2188, 9.3672],
[7.2969, 6.6953, 9.3984, 8.2422, 8.3438,
7.5547, 7.6445, 7.5820, 7.5156, 9.0781],
[8.3906, 7.3516, 8.5938, 9.2422, 8.7734,
8.0781, 9.1250, 7.8359, 7.7891, 10.9375],
[9.9219, 8.8281, 9.4141, 10.2500, 9.8047,
8.5234, 8.5391, 8.4609, 8.5859, 11.2422],
[6.8984, 6.4570, 8.0000, 6.4688, 7.4609,
6.6016, 7.0352, 6.6797, 6.5586, 7.7070],
[8.0625, 7.4805, 8.7578, 8.3281, 8.2188,
7.4023, 8.5312, 7.5312, 7.1445, 10.3750],
[7.7773, 6.6484, 9.1094, 8.0078, 7.8281,
7.1016, 8.2422, 8.1562, 6.8828, 10.3281],
[8.3281, 8.3672, 9.7656, 10.4922, 8.2500,
7.5625, 8.4922, 8.9844, 8.0703, 10.3438],
[7.5195, 7.0430, 7.9453, 8.4375, 7.6641,
6.9688, 7.7734, 8.7734, 6.3672, 9.4766]])
np.allclose(dx1, expect_dx1)
np.allclose(dx2, expect_dx2)