* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "core/serving_tensor.h"
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include "include/infer_log.h"
using std::string;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
namespace mindspore {
namespace serving {
using inference::DataType;
using inference::InferTensorBase;
const size_t kMaxShapeElementCount = INT32_MAX;
const size_t kMaxDataBufferSize = UINT32_MAX;
ServingTensor::ServingTensor(ms_serving::Tensor &other) : tensor_(other) {}
ServingTensor::~ServingTensor() {}
DataType ServingTensor::data_type() const {
const std::unordered_map<ms_serving::DataType, inference::DataType> type2id_map{
{ms_serving::MS_UNKNOWN, inference::kMSI_Unknown}, {ms_serving::MS_BOOL, inference::kMSI_Bool},
{ms_serving::MS_INT8, inference::kMSI_Int8}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT8, inference::kMSI_Uint8},
{ms_serving::MS_INT16, inference::kMSI_Int16}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT16, inference::kMSI_Uint16},
{ms_serving::MS_INT32, inference::kMSI_Int32}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT32, inference::kMSI_Uint32},
{ms_serving::MS_INT64, inference::kMSI_Int64}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT64, inference::kMSI_Uint64},
{ms_serving::MS_FLOAT16, inference::kMSI_Float16}, {ms_serving::MS_FLOAT32, inference::kMSI_Float32},
{ms_serving::MS_FLOAT64, inference::kMSI_Float64},
auto it = type2id_map.find(tensor_.tensor_type());
if (it == type2id_map.end()) {
MSI_LOG_WARNING << "failed to get data type, undefined data type " << tensor_.tensor_type();
return inference::kMSI_Unknown;
} else {
return it->second;
void ServingTensor::set_data_type(DataType data_type) {
const std::unordered_map<inference::DataType, ms_serving::DataType> id2type_map{
{inference::kMSI_Unknown, ms_serving::MS_UNKNOWN}, {inference::kMSI_Bool, ms_serving::MS_BOOL},
{inference::kMSI_Float64, ms_serving::MS_FLOAT64}, {inference::kMSI_Int8, ms_serving::MS_INT8},
{inference::kMSI_Uint8, ms_serving::MS_UINT8}, {inference::kMSI_Int16, ms_serving::MS_INT16},
{inference::kMSI_Uint16, ms_serving::MS_UINT16}, {inference::kMSI_Int32, ms_serving::MS_INT32},
{inference::kMSI_Uint32, ms_serving::MS_UINT32}, {inference::kMSI_Int64, ms_serving::MS_INT64},
{inference::kMSI_Uint64, ms_serving::MS_UINT64}, {inference::kMSI_Float16, ms_serving::MS_FLOAT16},
{inference::kMSI_Float32, ms_serving::MS_FLOAT32},
auto it = id2type_map.find(data_type);
if (it == id2type_map.end()) {
MSI_LOG_WARNING << "failed to set data type, undefined data type " << data_type;
} else {
std::vector<int64_t> ServingTensor::shape() const {
std::vector<int64_t> result;
auto dims = tensor_.tensor_shape().dims();
std::transform(dims.begin(), dims.end(), std::back_inserter(result), [](const int64_t dim) { return dim; });
return result;
void ServingTensor::set_shape(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape) {
auto tensor_shape = tensor_.mutable_tensor_shape();
size_t element_count = 1;
for (auto dim : shape) {
if (dim <= 0 || element_count > kMaxShapeElementCount / dim) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "failed to set shape, invalid dim num " << dim;
element_count *= dim;
bool ServingTensor::resize_data(size_t data_len) {
string *buffer = tensor_.mutable_data();
if (buffer == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "invalid buffer data";
return false;
return true;
size_t ServingTensor::data_size() const { return tensor_.data().size(); }
void *ServingTensor::mutable_data() { return const_cast<char *>(tensor_.mutable_data()->data()); }
const void *ServingTensor::data() const { return tensor_.data().data(); }
ServingRequest::ServingRequest(const ms_serving::PredictRequest &request) : request_(request) {
auto &data = request_.data();
std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), std::back_inserter(cache_),
[](const ms_serving::Tensor &item) { return ServingTensor(const_cast<ms_serving::Tensor &>(item)); });
size_t ServingRequest::size() const { return cache_.size(); }
const InferTensorBase *ServingRequest::operator[](size_t index) const {
if (index >= cache_.size()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "visit invalid index " << index << " total size " << cache_.size();
return nullptr;
return &(cache_[index]);
ServingImages::ServingImages(const ms_serving::Images &images) : images_(images) {}
size_t ServingImages::batch_size() const { return images_.images_size(); }
bool ServingImages::get(size_t index, const void *&pic_buffer, uint32_t &pic_size) const {
if (index >= static_cast<size_t>(images_.images_size())) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "visit invalid index " << index << " total size " << images_.images_size();
return false;
pic_buffer = images_.images(index).data();
pic_size = images_.images(index).size();
return true;
size_t ServingImages::input_index() const { return static_cast<size_t>(images_.input_index()); }
size_t ServingReply::size() const { return cache_.size(); }
InferTensorBase *ServingReply::operator[](size_t index) {
if (index >= cache_.size()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "visit invalid index " << index << " total size " << cache_.size();
return nullptr;
return &(cache_[index]);
const InferTensorBase *ServingReply::operator[](size_t index) const {
if (index >= cache_.size()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "visit invalid index " << index << " total size " << cache_.size();
return nullptr;
return &(cache_[index]);
InferTensorBase *ServingReply::add() {
auto new_item = reply_.add_result();
if (new_item == nullptr) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "add new item failed, current total size " << cache_.size();
return nullptr;
return &(cache_.back());
void ServingReply::clear() { reply_.mutable_result()->Clear(); }
ServingImagesRequest::ServingImagesRequest(const ms_serving::PredictRequest &request) : request_(request) {
auto &images_inputs = request_.images();
std::transform(images_inputs.begin(), images_inputs.end(), std::back_inserter(cache_),
[](const ms_serving::Images &item) { return ServingImages(const_cast<ms_serving::Images &>(item)); });
size_t ServingImagesRequest::size() const { return cache_.size(); }
const inference::InferImagesBase *ServingImagesRequest::operator[](size_t index) const {
if (index >= cache_.size()) {
MSI_LOG_ERROR << "visit invalid index " << index << " total size " << cache_.size();
return nullptr;
return &(cache_[index]);
} // namespace serving
} // namespace mindspore