# Contents
- [Contents ](#contents )
- [CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR Description ](#crnn-seq2seq-ocr-description )
- [Model Architecture ](#model-architecture )
- [Dataset ](#dataset )
- [Dataset Prepare ](#dataset-prepare )
- [Environment Requirements ](#environment-requirements )
- [Quick Start ](#quick-start )
- [Script Description ](#script-description )
- [Script and Sample Code ](#script-and-sample-code )
- [Script Parameters ](#script-parameters )
- [Training Script Parameters ](#training-script-parameters )
- [Parameters Configuration ](#parameters-configuration )
- [Dataset Preparation ](#dataset-preparation )
- [Training Process ](#training-process )
- [Training ](#training )
- [Distributed Training ](#distributed-training )
- [Evaluation Process ](#evaluation-process )
- [Evaluation ](#evaluation )
- [Model Description ](#model-description )
- [Performance ](#performance )
- [Training Performance ](#training-performance )
- [Evaluation Performance ](#evaluation-performance )
## [CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR Description](#contents)
CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR is a neural network model for image based sequence recognition tasks, such as scene text recognition and optical character recognition (OCR). Its architecture is a combination of CNN and sequence to sequence model with attention mechanism.
## [Model Architecture](#content)
CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR applies a vgg structure to extract features from processed images, following with attention-based encoder and decoder layer, finally utilizes NLL to calculate loss. See src/attention_ocr.py for details.
## [Dataset](#content)
For training and evaluation, we use the French Street Name Signs (FSNS) released by Google as the training data, which contains approximately 1 million training images and their corresponding ground truth words.
## [Environment Requirements](#contents)
- Hardware( Ascend)
- Prepare hardware environment with Ascend processor.
- Framework
- [MindSpore ](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore )
- For more information, please check the resources below:
- [MindSpore Tutorials ](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/en/master/index.html )
- [MindSpore Python API ](https://www.mindspore.cn/doc/api_python/en/master/index.html )
## [Quick Start](#contents)
- After the dataset is prepared, you may start running the training or the evaluation scripts as follows:
- Running on Ascend
# distribute training example in Ascend
$ bash run_distribute_train.sh [RANK_TABLE_FILE] [DATASET_PATH]
# evaluation example in Ascend
$ bash run_eval_ascend.sh [DATASET_PATH] [CHECKPOINT_PATH]
# standalone training example in Ascend
$ bash run_standalone_train.sh [DATASET_NAME] [DATASET_PATH] [PLATFORM]
For distributed training, a hccl configuration file with JSON format needs to be created in advance.
Please follow the instructions in the link below:
[hccl_tools ](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/model_zoo/utils/hccl_tools ).
## [Script Description](#contents)
### [Script and Sample Code](#contents)
├── README.md # Descriptions about CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR
├── scripts
│ ├── run_distribute_train.sh # Launch distributed training on Ascend(8 pcs)
│ ├── run_eval_ascend.sh # Launch Ascend evaluation
│ └── run_standalone_train.sh # Launch standalone training on Ascend(1 pcs)
├── src
│ ├── attention_ocr.py # CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR training wrapper
│ ├── cnn.py # VGG network
│ ├── config.py # Parameter configuration
│ ├── create_mindrecord_files.py # Create mindrecord files from images and ground truth
│ ├── dataset.py # Data preprocessing for training and evaluation
│ ├── gru.py # GRU cell wrapper
│ ├── logger.py # Logger configuration
│ ├── lstm.py # LSTM cell wrapper
│ ├── seq2seq.py # CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR model structure
│ └── utils.py # Utility functions for training and data pre-processing
│ ├── weight_init.py # weight initialization of LSTM and GRU
└── train.py # Training script
├── eval.py # Evaluation Script
### [Script Parameters](#contents)
#### Training Script Parameters
# distributed training on Ascend
Usage: bash run_distribute_train.sh [RANK_TABLE_FILE] [DATASET_PATH]
# standalone training
Usage: bash run_standalone_train.sh [DATASET_PATH]
#### Parameters Configuration
Parameters for both training and evaluation can be set in config.py.
### [Dataset Preparation](#contents)
- You may refer to "Generate dataset" in [Quick Start ](#quick-start ) to automatically generate a dataset, or you may choose to generate a text image dataset by yourself.
## [Training Process](#contents)
- Set options in `config.py` , including learning rate and other network hyperparameters. Click [MindSpore dataset preparation tutorial ](https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorial/training/zh-CN/master/use/data_preparation.html ) for more information about dataset.
### [Training](#contents)
- Run `run_standalone_train.sh` for non-distributed training of CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR model, only support Ascend now.
``` bash
bash run_standalone_train.sh [DATASET_PATH]
#### [Distributed Training](#contents)
- Run `run_distribute_train.sh` for distributed training of CRNN-Seq2Seq-OCR model on Ascend.
``` bash
bash run_distribute_train.sh [RANK_TABLE_FILE] [DATASET_PATH]
Check the `train_parallel0/log.txt` and you will get outputs as following:
epoch: 20 step: 4080, loss is 1.56112
epoch: 20 step: 4081, loss is 1.6368448
epoch time: 1559886.096 ms, per step time: 382.231 ms
## [Evaluation Process](#contents)
### [Evaluation](#contents)
- Run `run_eval_ascend.sh` for evaluation on Ascend.
``` bash
bash run_eval_ascend.sh [DATASET_PATH] [CHECKPOINT_PATH]
Check the `eval/log` and you will get outputs as following:
character precision = 0.967522
Annotation precision precision = 0.635204
# Model Description
## Performance
### Evaluation Performance
| Parameters | Ascend |
| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| Model Version | V1 |
| Resource | Ascend 910 ; CPU 2.60GHz, 192cores; Memory, 755G |
| uploaded Date | 02/11/2021 (month/day/year) |
| MindSpore Version | 1.2.0 |
| Dataset | FSNS |
| Training Parameters | epoch=20, batch_size=32 |
| Optimizer | SGD |
| Loss Function | Negative Log Likelihood |
| Speed | 1pc: 355 ms/step; 8pcs: 385 ms/step |
| Total time | 1pc: 64 hours; 8pcs: 9 hours |
| Parameters (M) | 12 |
| Scripts | [crnn_seq2seq_ocr script ](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/model_zoo/official/cv/crnn_seq2seq_ocr ) |
### Inference Performance
| Parameters | Ascend |
| ------------------- | --------------------------- |
| Model Version | V1 |
| Resource | Ascend 910 |
| Uploaded Date | 02/11/2021 (month/day/year) |
| MindSpore Version | 1.2.0 |
| Dataset | FSNS |
| batch_size | 32 |
| outputs | Annotation Precision, Character Precision |
| Accuracy | Annotation Precision=63.52%, Character Precision=96.75% |
| Model for inference | 12M (.ckpt file) |