The overall network architecture of YOLOv3 is show below:
And we use ResNet18 as the backbone of YOLOv3_ResNet18. The architecture of ResNet18 has 4 stages. The ResNet architecture performs the initial convolution and max-pooling using 7×7 and 3×3 kernel sizes respectively. Afterward, every stage of the network has different Residual blocks (2, 2, 2, 2) containing two 3×3 conv layers. Finally, the network has an Average Pooling layer followed by a fully connected layer.
Each row is an image annotation which split by space, the first column is a relative path of image, the others are box and class infomations of the format [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,class]. `` is the parsing script, we read image from an image path joined by the `image_dir`(dataset directory) and the relative path in `anno_path`(the TXT file path), `image_dir` and `anno_path` are external inputs.
- Prepare hardware environment with Ascend processor. If you want to try Ascend , please send the [application form]( to Once approved, you can get the resources.
To train the model, run `` with the dataset `image_dir`, `anno_path` and `mindrecord_dir`. If the `mindrecord_dir` is empty, it wil generate [mindrecord]( file by `image_dir` and `anno_path`(the absolute image path is joined by the `image_dir` and the relative path in `anno_path`). **Note if `mindrecord_dir` isn't empty, it will use `mindrecord_dir` rather than `image_dir` and `anno_path`.**
- Stand alone mode
sh 0 50 ./Mindrecord_train ./dataset ./dataset/train.txt
The input variables are device id, epoch size, mindrecord directory path, dataset directory path and train TXT file path.
- Distributed mode
sh 8 150 /data/Mindrecord_train /data /data/train.txt /data/hccl.json
The input variables are device numbers, epoch size, mindrecord directory path, dataset directory path, train TXT file path and [hccl json configuration file]( **It is better to use absolute path.**
Note the results is two-classification(person and face) used our own annotations with coco2017, you can change `num_classes` in `` to train your dataset. And we will suport 80 classifications in coco2017 the near future.
To eval, run `` with the dataset `image_dir`, `anno_path`(eval txt), `mindrecord_dir` and `ckpt_path`. `ckpt_path` is the path of [checkpoint]( file.