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# ResNet-50-THOR Example
- [Description](#Description)
- [Model Architecture](#Model-Architecture)
- [Dataset](#Dataset)
- [Features](#Features)
- [Environment Requirements](#Environment-Requirements)
- [Quick Start](#Quick-Start)
- [Script Description](#Script-Description)
- [Script and Sample Code](#Script-Code-Structure)
- [Script Parameters](#Script-Parameters)
- [Training Process](#Training-Process)
- [Evaluation Process](#Evaluation-Process)
4 years ago
- [Model Description](#Model-Description)
- [Evaluation Performance](#Evaluation-Performance)
4 years ago
- [Inference Performance](#Inference-Performance)
- [Description of Random Situation](#Description-of-Random-Situation)
- [ModelZoo Homepage](#ModelZoo-Homepage)
## Description
4 years ago
This is an example of training ResNet-50 V1.5 with ImageNet2012 dataset by second-order optimizer THOR. THOR is a novel approximate seond-order optimization method in MindSpore. With fewer iterations, THOR can finish ResNet-50 V1.5 training in 72 minutes to top-1 accuracy of 75.9% using 8 Ascend 910, which is much faster than SGD with Momentum.
## Model Architecture
4 years ago
The overall network architecture of ResNet-50 is show below:[link](
## Dataset
4 years ago
Dataset used: ImageNet2012
4 years ago
- Dataset size 224*224 colorful images in 1000 classes
4 years ago
- Train1,281,167 images
- Test 50,000 images
- Data formatjpeg
4 years ago
- NoteData will be processed in
- Download the dataset ImageNet2012
> Unzip the ImageNet2012 dataset to any path you want and the folder structure should include train and eval dataset as follows:
4 years ago
├── ilsvrc # train dataset
└── ilsvrc_eval # infer dataset
## Features
4 years ago
The classical first-order optimization algorithm, such as SGD, has a small amount of computation, but the convergence speed is slow and requires lots of iterations. The second-order optimization algorithm uses the second-order derivative of the target function to accelerate convergence, can converge faster to the optimal value of the model and requires less iterations. But the application of the second-order optimization algorithm in deep neural network training is not common because of the high computation cost. The main computational cost of the second-order optimization algorithm lies in the inverse operation of the second-order information matrix (Hessian matrix, Fisher information matrix, etc.), and the time complexity is about $O (n^3)$. On the basis of the existing natural gradient algorithm, we developed the available second-order optimizer THOR in MindSpore by adopting approximation and shearing of Fisher information matrix to reduce the computational complexity of the inverse matrix. With eight Ascend 910 chips, THOR can complete ResNet50-v1.5-ImageNet training in 72 minutes.
## Environment Requirements
4 years ago
- HardwareAscend/GPU
- Prepare hardware environment with Ascend or GPU processor.
4 years ago
- Framework
4 years ago
- [MindSpore](
- For more information, please check the resources below
4 years ago
- [MindSpore Tutorials](
- [MindSpore Python API](
## Quick Start
4 years ago
After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows:
- Running on Ascend
4 years ago
# run distributed training example
# run evaluation example
4 years ago
> For distributed training, a hccl configuration file with JSON format needs to be created in advance. About the configuration file, you can refer to the [HCCL_TOOL](
- Running on GPU
4 years ago
# run distributed training example
# run evaluation example
## Script Description
### Script Code Structure
└── resnet_thor
├── # descriptions about resnet_thor
4 years ago
├── scripts
│ ├── # launch distributed training for Ascend
│ └── # launch inference for Ascend
│ ├── # launch distributed training for GPU
│ └── # launch inference for GPU
│ ├── # CrossEntropy loss function
│ ├── # parameter configuration
│ ├── # dataset help for minddata dataset
│ ├── # grad reducer for thor
│ ├── # model for train
│ ├── # resnet50_thor backone
│ ├── # thor optimizer
│ ├── # thor layer
│ └── # data preprocessing
├── # infer script
├── # train script
├── # export checkpoint file into air file
└── # config file for mindspore hub repository
### Script Parameters
Parameters for both training and inference can be set in
- Parameters for Ascend 910
4 years ago
"class_num": 1001, # dataset class number
"batch_size": 32, # batch size of input tensor(only supports 32)
"loss_scale": 128, # loss scale
"momentum": 0.9, # momentum of THOR optimizer
4 years ago
"weight_decay": 5e-4, # weight decay
"epoch_size": 45, # only valid for taining, which is always 1 for inference
"save_checkpoint": True, # whether save checkpoint or not
"save_checkpoint_epochs": 1, # the epoch interval between two checkpoints. By default, the checkpoint will be saved every epoch
"keep_checkpoint_max": 15, # only keep the last keep_checkpoint_max checkpoint
"save_checkpoint_path": "./", # path to save checkpoint relative to the executed path
"use_label_smooth": True, # label smooth
"label_smooth_factor": 0.1, # label smooth factor
"lr_init": 0.045, # learning rate init value
"lr_decay": 6, # learning rate decay rate value
"lr_end_epoch": 70, # learning rate end epoch value
"damping_init": 0.03, # damping init value for Fisher information matrix
"damping_decay": 0.87, # damping decay rate
"frequency": 834, # the step interval to update second-order information matrix(should be divisor of the steps of per epoch)
4 years ago
- Parameters for GPU
4 years ago
"class_num": 1001, # dataset class number
"batch_size": 32, # batch size of input tensor
"loss_scale": 128, # loss scale
"momentum": 0.9, # momentum of THOR optimizer
4 years ago
"weight_decay": 5e-4, # weight decay
"epoch_size": 40, # only valid for taining, which is always 1 for inference
"save_checkpoint": True, # whether save checkpoint or not
"save_checkpoint_epochs": 1, # the epoch interval between two checkpoints. By default, the checkpoint will be saved every epoch
"keep_checkpoint_max": 15, # only keep the last keep_checkpoint_max checkpoint
"save_checkpoint_path": "./", # path to save checkpoint relative to the executed path
"use_label_smooth": True, # label smooth
"label_smooth_factor": 0.1, # label smooth factor
"lr_init": 0.05672, # learning rate init value
"lr_decay": 4.9687, # learning rate decay rate value
"lr_end_epoch": 50, # learning rate end epoch value
"damping_init": 0.02345, # damping init value for Fisher information matrix
"damping_decay": 0.5467, # damping decay rate
"frequency": 834, # the step interval to update second-order information matrix(should be divisor of the steps of per epoch)
4 years ago
> Due to the limitation of operators, the value of batch size only supports 32 in Ascend currently. And the update frequency of second-order information matrix must be set the divisor of the steps of per epoch(for example, 834 is the divisor of 5004). As a word, our algorithm is not very flexible in setting those parameters due to the limitations of the framework and operators. But we will solve these problems in the future versions.
4 years ago
### Training Process
4 years ago
#### Ascend 910
4 years ago
4 years ago
We need three parameters for this scripts.
4 years ago
- `RANK_TABLE_FILE`the path of rank_table.json
- `DATASET_PATH`the path of train dataset.
- `DEVICE_NUM`: the device number for distributed train.
Training result will be stored in the current path, whose folder name begins with "train_parallel". Under this, you can find checkpoint file together with result like the following in log.
4 years ago
epoch: 1 step: 5004, loss is 4.4182425
epoch: 2 step: 5004, loss is 3.740064
epoch: 3 step: 5004, loss is 4.0546017
epoch: 4 step: 5004, loss is 3.7598825
epoch: 5 step: 5004, loss is 3.3744206
epoch: 40 step: 5004, loss is 1.6907625
epoch: 41 step: 5004, loss is 1.8217756
epoch: 42 step: 5004, loss is 1.6453942
4 years ago
#### GPU
4 years ago
4 years ago
Training result will be stored in the current path, whose folder name begins with "train_parallel". Under this, you can find checkpoint file together with result like the following in log.
4 years ago
epoch: 1 step: 5004, loss is 4.2546034
epoch: 2 step: 5004, loss is 4.0819564
epoch: 3 step: 5004, loss is 3.7005644
epoch: 4 step: 5004, loss is 3.2668946
epoch: 5 step: 5004, loss is 3.023509
epoch: 36 step: 5004, loss is 1.645802
### Evaluation Process
Before running the command below, please check the checkpoint path used for evaluation. Please set the checkpoint path to be the absolute full path, e.g., "username/resnet_thor/train_parallel0/resnet-42_5004.ckpt".
4 years ago
#### Ascend 910
4 years ago
4 years ago
We need two parameters for this scripts.
4 years ago
- `DATASET_PATH`the path of evaluation dataset.
- `CHECKPOINT_PATH`: the absolute path for checkpoint file.
> checkpoint can be produced in training process.
Inference result will be stored in the example path, whose folder name is "eval". Under this, you can find result like the following in log.
4 years ago
result: {'top_5_accuracy': 0.9295574583866837, 'top_1_accuracy': 0.761443661971831} ckpt=train_parallel0/resnet-42_5004.ckpt
#### GPU
4 years ago
4 years ago
Inference result will be stored in the example path, whose folder name is "eval". Under this, you can find result like the following in log.
4 years ago
5 years ago
result: {'top_5_accuracy': 0.9287972151088348, 'top_1_accuracy': 0.7597031049935979} ckpt=train_parallel/resnet-36_5004.ckpt
## Model Description
4 years ago
### Evaluation Performance
| Parameters | Ascend 910 | GPU |
4 years ago
| -------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |---------------------------------- |
| Model Version | ResNet50-v1.5 |ResNet50-v1.5|
| Resource | Ascend 910CPU 2.60GHz 192coresMemory 755G | GPU(Tesla V100 SXM2)CPU 2.1GHz 24coresMemory 128G
4 years ago
| uploaded Date | 06/01/2020 (month/day/year) | 09/23/2020(month/day/year)
| MindSpore Version | 0.3.0-alpha | 1.0.0 |
| Dataset | ImageNet2012 | ImageNet2012|
| Training Parameters | epoch=45, steps per epoch=5004, batch_size = 32 |epoch=40, steps per epoch=5004, batch_size = 32 |
| Optimizer | THOR |THOR|
| Loss Function | Softmax Cross Entropy |Softmax Cross Entropy |
| outputs | probability | probability |
| Loss |1.6453942 | 1.645802 |
| Speed | 20.4ms/step8pcs |76ms/step8pcs|
| Total time(acc to 75.9%) | 72 mins | 229 mins|
| Parameters (M) | 25.5 | 25.5 |
| Checkpoint for Fine tuning | 491M (.ckpt file) |380M (.ckpt file) |
4 years ago
| Scripts | [Link]( |[Link]( |
4 years ago
### Inference Performance
4 years ago
| Parameters | Ascend 910 | GPU |
| ------------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------- |
| Model Version | ResNet50-v1.5 | ResNet50-v1.5 |
| Resource | Ascend 910 | GPU |
| Uploaded Date | 06/01/2020 (month/day/year) | 09/23/2020(month/day/year) |
| MindSpore Version | 0.3.0-alpha | 1.0.0 |
| Dataset | ImageNet2012 | ImageNet2012 |
| batch_size | 32 | 32 |
| outputs | probability | probability |
| Accuracy | 76.14% | 75.97% |
| Model for inference | 98M (.air file) | |
## Description of Random Situation
4 years ago
In, we set the seed inside “create_dataset" function. We also use random seed in
4 years ago
## ModelZoo HomePage
Please check the official [homepage](