@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "nnacl/fp16/cast_fp16.h"
#include "nnacl/fp16/split_fp16.h"
#include "src/runtime/kernel/arm/fp16/split_fp16.h"
#include "src/runtime/kernel/arm/fp16/common_fp16.h"
#include "src/runtime/kernel/arm/base/split_base.h"
#include "nnacl/fp16/split_fp16.h"
#include "nnacl/split.h"
#include "nnacl/split_parameter.h"
#include "src/kernel_registry.h"
@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ int SplitFp16CPUKernel::Init() {
if (ret != RET_OK) {
return ret;
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_ptr_.size(); i++) {
output_ptr_[i] = nullptr;
if (!InferShapeDone()) {
return RET_OK;
@ -79,48 +80,37 @@ int SplitFp16CPUKernel::Run() {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Prepare failed.";
return RET_ERROR;
auto in_tensor = in_tensors_.front();
if (in_tensor->data_type() == kNumberTypeFloat32) {
input_ptr_ =
reinterpret_cast<float16_t *>(context_->allocator->Malloc(in_tensor->ElementsNum() * sizeof(float16_t)));
if (input_ptr_ == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "malloc input_ptr_ failed.";
return RET_ERROR;
Float32ToFloat16(reinterpret_cast<float *>(in_tensor->MutableData()), input_ptr_, in_tensor->ElementsNum());
} else {
input_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<float16_t *>(in_tensor->MutableData());
input_ptr_ = ConvertInputFp32toFp16(in_tensors_.at(0), context_);
if (input_ptr_ == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "input or output is nullptr";
return RET_ERROR;
for (int i = 0; i < param->num_split_; i++) {
if (in_tensor->data_type() == kNumberTypeFloat32) {
output_ptr_[i] = reinterpret_cast<float16_t *>(
context_->allocator->Malloc(out_tensors_.at(i)->ElementsNum() * sizeof(float16_t)));
if (output_ptr_[i] == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "malloc output_ptr_[" << i << "]" << " failed.";
return RET_ERROR;
Float32ToFloat16(reinterpret_cast<float *>(out_tensors_.at(i)->MutableData()), output_ptr_[i],
} else {
output_ptr_[i] = reinterpret_cast<float16_t *>(out_tensors_.at(i)->MutableData());
output_ptr_[i] = MallocOutputFp16(out_tensors_.at(i), context_);
if (output_ptr_[i] == nullptr) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "input or output is nullptr";
return RET_ERROR;
ret = ParallelLaunch(this->context_->thread_pool_, SplitRun, this, thread_n_num_);
if (ret != RET_OK) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "split error error_code[" << ret << "]";
return RET_ERROR;
if (in_tensor->data_type() == kNumberTypeFloat32) {
return ret;
void SplitFp16CPUKernel::FreeInputAndOutput() {
if (in_tensors_.at(0)->data_type() == kNumberTypeFloat32) {
input_ptr_ = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < param->num_split_; i++) {
if (in_tensor->data_type() == kNumberTypeFloat32) {
if (out_tensors_.at(i)->data_type() == kNumberTypeFloat32) {
output_ptr_[i] = nullptr;
return RET_OK;
kernel::LiteKernel *CpuSplitFp16KernelCreator(const std::vector<lite::Tensor *> &inputs,