@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ j* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/common/log_adapter.h"
#include "src/runtime/opencl/opencl_wrapper.h"
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ namespace mindspore::lite::opencl {
enum GpuType { OTHER = 0, ADRENO = 1, MALI = 2, MALI_T = 3, MALI_G = 4 };
enum TuningMode { DEFAULT = 0, FAST = 1, EXTREME = 2 };
enum InitState { UnInit = 0, InitSuccess = 1, InitFailed = 2 };
struct GpuInfo {
GpuType type = OTHER;
@ -113,10 +115,10 @@ class OpenCLRuntime {
cl::Program CreateProgramFromIL(const std::vector<char> &binary, const std::string &flag);
cl::Program CreateProgramFromBinary(const std::vector<unsigned char> &binary, const std::string &flag);
cl::Kernel GetKernelFromBinary(const std::string &kernel_name);
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>> GetProgramBinaries(const cl::Program &program);
std::vector<unsigned char> GetProgramBinary(const cl::Program &program);
bool LoadSource(const std::string &program_name, const std::string &source);
int BuildKernel(cl::Kernel &kernel, const std::string &program_name, const std::string &kernel_name,
const std::set<std::string> &build_options = {});
const std::vector<std::string> &build_options_ext = {});
int RunKernel(const cl::Kernel &kernel, const cl::NDRange &global, const cl::NDRange &local,
cl::CommandQueue *command_queue = nullptr, cl::Event *event = nullptr);
int ReadOrWriteImage(void *buffer, void *data, bool is_read);
@ -146,23 +148,20 @@ class OpenCLRuntime {
void SetTuningMode(TuningMode mode) { tuning_mode_ = mode; }
TuningMode GetTuningMode() const { return tuning_mode_; }
void InitGpuCache();
int LoadCache(const void *buf);
void StoreCache();
bool isProfiling() const { return profiling_; }
void SetProfiling(bool profiling) { profiling_ = profiling; }
static OpenCLRuntime *GetInstance();
static void DeleteInstance();
OpenCLRuntime() = default;
GpuInfo ParseGpuInfo(std::string device_name, std::string device_version);
bool LoadProgram(const std::string &program_name, cl::Program *program);
bool BuildProgram(const std::string &build_options, const cl::Program &program);
static bool init_done_;
static InitState init_state_;
static size_t instance_count_;
static OpenCLRuntime *ocl_runtime_instance_;
cl::CommandQueue *default_command_queue_{nullptr};
@ -170,15 +169,15 @@ class OpenCLRuntime {
cl::Context *context_{nullptr};
cl::Device *device_{nullptr};
OpenCLAllocator *allocator_{nullptr};
std::map<std::string, cl::Program> program_map_;
cl::Program binary_program_{0};
std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, cl::Program> program_map_;
cl::Program binary_program_;
uint64_t global_memery_cachesize_{0};
uint64_t global_memery_size_{0};
uint64_t max_alloc_size_{0};
int max_work_group_size_{1};
uint32_t compute_units_{0};
uint32_t max_freq_{0};
std::string default_build_opts_{""};
std::string default_build_option_{"-cl-mad-enable -cl-fast-relaxed-math -Werror"};
GpuInfo gpu_info_;
bool support_fp16_{false};
bool fp16_enable_{false};
@ -187,13 +186,17 @@ class OpenCLRuntime {
cl_uint image_pitch_align_{0};
std::vector<size_t> max_work_item_sizes_;
void *handle_{nullptr};
std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned char>> binary_map_;
std::string cache_path_{"/data/local/tmp/opencl_cache"};
const std::string version_{"V0.1"};
bool need_write_{false};
bool enable_cache_{false};
TuningMode tuning_mode_{TuningMode::DEFAULT};
bool profiling_{false};
// for cache
void LoadCache();
void StoreCache();
bool enable_cache_{false};
bool flush_cache_{false};
std::string cache_path_{"/data/local/tmp/.opencl_cache"};
const std::string cache_version_{"V0.1"};
class OpenCLRuntimeWrapper {