@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ class Slice(PrimitiveWithInfer):
Slices a tensor in the specified shape.
x (Tensor): The target tensor.
begin (tuple): The beginning of the slice. Only constant value is allowed.
size (tuple): The size of the slice. Only constant value is allowed.
@ -2262,8 +2262,8 @@ class StridedSlice(PrimitiveWithInfer):
validator.check_value_type("strides", strides_v, [tuple], self.name)
if tuple(filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x, int), begin_v + end_v + strides_v)):
raise ValueError(f"For {self.name}, both the begins, ends, and strides must be a tuple of int, "
f"but got begins: {begin_v}, ends: {end_v}, strides: {strides_v}.")
raise TypeError(f"For {self.name}, both the begins, ends, and strides must be a tuple of int, "
f"but got begins: {begin_v}, ends: {end_v}, strides: {strides_v}.")
if tuple(filter(lambda x: x == 0, strides_v)):
raise ValueError(f"For '{self.name}', the strides cannot contain 0, but got strides: {strides_v}.")