@ -15,9 +15,16 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include "minddata/dataset/include/text.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/text/kernels/jieba_tokenizer_op.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/text/kernels/lookup_op.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/text/kernels/ngram_op.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/text/kernels/sentence_piece_tokenizer_op.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/text/kernels/sliding_window_op.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#include "minddata/dataset/text/kernels/whitespace_tokenizer_op.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/util/path.h"
namespace mindspore {
@ -29,6 +36,13 @@ namespace text {
// (In alphabetical order)
std::shared_ptr<JiebaTokenizerOperation> JiebaTokenizer(const std::string &hmm_path, const std::string &mp_path,
const JiebaMode &mode, bool with_offsets) {
auto op = std::make_shared<JiebaTokenizerOperation>(hmm_path, mp_path, mode, with_offsets);
return op->ValidateParams() ? op : nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<LookupOperation> Lookup(const std::shared_ptr<Vocab> &vocab, const std::string &unknown_token,
const DataType &data_type) {
auto op = std::make_shared<LookupOperation>(vocab, unknown_token, data_type);
@ -36,6 +50,14 @@ std::shared_ptr<LookupOperation> Lookup(const std::shared_ptr<Vocab> &vocab, con
return op->ValidateParams() ? op : nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<NgramOperation> Ngram(const std::vector<int32_t> &ngrams,
const std::pair<std::string, int32_t> &left_pad,
const std::pair<std::string, int32_t> &right_pad, const std::string &separator) {
auto op = std::make_shared<NgramOperation>(ngrams, left_pad, right_pad, separator);
return op->ValidateParams() ? op : nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<SentencePieceTokenizerOperation> SentencePieceTokenizer(
const std::shared_ptr<SentencePieceVocab> &vocab, SPieceTokenizerOutType out_type) {
auto op = std::make_shared<SentencePieceTokenizerOperation>(vocab, out_type);
@ -50,12 +72,79 @@ std::shared_ptr<SentencePieceTokenizerOperation> SentencePieceTokenizer(const st
return op->ValidateParams() ? op : nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<SlidingWindowOperation> SlidingWindow(const int32_t width, const int32_t axis) {
auto op = std::make_shared<SlidingWindowOperation>(width, axis);
return op->ValidateParams() ? op : nullptr;
#ifndef _WIN32
std::shared_ptr<WhitespaceTokenizerOperation> WhitespaceTokenizer(bool with_offsets) {
auto op = std::make_shared<WhitespaceTokenizerOperation>(with_offsets);
return op->ValidateParams() ? op : nullptr;
/* ####################################### Validator Functions ############################################ */
// Helper function to validate tokenizer directory parameter
Status ValidateTokenizerDirParam(const std::string &tokenizer_name, const std::string &tokenizer_file) {
if (tokenizer_file.empty()) {
std::string err_msg = tokenizer_name + ": tokenizer_file is not specified.";
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
Path file(tokenizer_file);
if (!file.Exists()) {
std::string err_msg = tokenizer_name + ": tokenizer_file: [" + tokenizer_file + "] is an invalid directory path.";
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
if (access(tokenizer_file.c_str(), R_OK) == -1) {
std::string err_msg = tokenizer_name + ": No access to specified tokenizer path: " + tokenizer_file;
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return Status::OK();
/* ####################################### Derived TensorOperation classes ################################# */
// (In alphabetical order)
// JiebaTokenizerOperation
JiebaTokenizerOperation::JiebaTokenizerOperation(const std::string &hmm_path, const std::string &mp_path,
const JiebaMode &mode, bool with_offsets)
: hmm_path_(hmm_path), mp_path_(mp_path), mode_(mode), with_offsets_(with_offsets) {}
Status JiebaTokenizerOperation::ValidateParams() {
if (hmm_path_.empty()) {
std::string err_msg = "JiebaTokenizer: The dict of HMMSegment in cppjieba is not provided.";
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
if (mp_path_.empty()) {
std::string err_msg = "JiebaTokenizer: The dict of MPSegment in cppjieba is not provided.";
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(ValidateTokenizerDirParam("JiebaTokenizer", hmm_path_));
RETURN_IF_NOT_OK(ValidateTokenizerDirParam("JiebaTokenizer", mp_path_));
return Status::OK();
std::shared_ptr<TensorOp> JiebaTokenizerOperation::Build() {
std::shared_ptr<JiebaTokenizerOp> tensor_op =
std::make_shared<JiebaTokenizerOp>(hmm_path_, mp_path_, mode_, with_offsets_);
return tensor_op;
// LookupOperation
LookupOperation::LookupOperation(const std::shared_ptr<Vocab> &vocab, const std::string &unknown_token,
const DataType &data_type)
@ -83,6 +172,54 @@ std::shared_ptr<TensorOp> LookupOperation::Build() {
return tensor_op;
// NgramOperation
NgramOperation::NgramOperation(const std::vector<int32_t> &ngrams, const std::pair<std::string, int32_t> &left_pad,
const std::pair<std::string, int32_t> &right_pad, const std::string &separator)
: ngrams_(ngrams), left_pad_(left_pad), right_pad_(right_pad), separator_(separator) {}
Status NgramOperation::ValidateParams() {
if (ngrams_.size() == 0) {
std::string err_msg = "Ngram : Container cannot be empty.";
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
} else {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < ngrams_.size(); ++i) {
if (ngrams_[i] <= 0) {
std::string err_msg =
"Ngram : The value of ngrams vector must be greater than 0: " + std::to_string(ngrams_[i]);
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
if (left_pad_.second < 0) {
std::string err_msg =
"Ngram : The second parameter pad_width in left_pad vector must be greater than or equal to 0: " +
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
if (right_pad_.second < 0) {
std::string err_msg =
"Ngram : The second parameter pad_width in right_pad vector must be greater than or equal to 0: " +
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return Status::OK();
std::shared_ptr<TensorOp> NgramOperation::Build() {
int32_t l_len = left_pad_.second;
int32_t r_len = right_pad_.second;
std::string l_pad = left_pad_.first;
std::string r_pad = right_pad_.first;
std::shared_ptr<NgramOp> tensor_op = std::make_shared<NgramOp>(ngrams_, l_len, r_len, l_pad, r_pad, separator_);
return tensor_op;
// SentencePieceTokenizerOperation
SentencePieceTokenizerOperation::SentencePieceTokenizerOperation(const std::shared_ptr<SentencePieceVocab> &vocab,
SPieceTokenizerOutType out_type)
@ -128,6 +265,36 @@ std::shared_ptr<TensorOp> SentencePieceTokenizerOperation::Build() {
return tensor_op;
// SlidingWindowOperation
SlidingWindowOperation::SlidingWindowOperation(const int32_t width, const int32_t axis) : width_(width), axis_(axis) {}
Status SlidingWindowOperation::ValidateParams() {
if (width_ < 1) {
std::string err_msg =
"SlidingWindow : The parameter width must be greater than or equal to 1: " + std::to_string(width_);
MS_LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return Status::OK();
std::shared_ptr<TensorOp> SlidingWindowOperation::Build() {
std::shared_ptr<SlidingWindowOp> tensor_op = std::make_shared<SlidingWindowOp>(static_cast<uint32_t>(width_), axis_);
return tensor_op;
#ifndef _WIN32
// WhitespaceTokenizerOperation
WhitespaceTokenizerOperation::WhitespaceTokenizerOperation(bool with_offsets) : with_offsets_(with_offsets) {}
Status WhitespaceTokenizerOperation::ValidateParams() { return Status::OK(); }
std::shared_ptr<TensorOp> WhitespaceTokenizerOperation::Build() {
std::shared_ptr<WhitespaceTokenizerOp> tensor_op = std::make_shared<WhitespaceTokenizerOp>(with_offsets_);
return tensor_op;
} // namespace text
} // namespace dataset
} // namespace mindspore