update the description and example of applyftrl operator.

wangshuide2020 4 years ago
parent 4df0baa6c7
commit 4127006863

@ -5764,7 +5764,12 @@ class ApplyFtrl(PrimitiveWithInfer):
Default: -0.5. It must be a float number or a scalar tensor with float16 or float32 data type.
Tensor, represents the updated `var`.
There are three outputs for Ascend environment.
- **var** (Tensor) - represents the updated `var`.
- **accum** (Tensor) - represents the updated `accum`.
- **linear** (Tensor) - represents the updated `linear`.
There is only one output for GPU environment.
- **var** (Tensor) - This value is alwalys zero and the input parameters has been updated in-place.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
@ -5773,8 +5778,8 @@ class ApplyFtrl(PrimitiveWithInfer):
>>> import mindspore
>>> import mindspore.nn as nn
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Parameter
>>> from mindspore import Tensor
>>> from mindspore import Parameter, Tensor
>>> import mindspore.context as context
>>> from mindspore.ops import operations as ops
>>> class ApplyFtrlNet(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
@ -5797,7 +5802,9 @@ class ApplyFtrl(PrimitiveWithInfer):
>>> net = ApplyFtrlNet()
>>> input_x = Tensor(np.random.randint(-4, 4, (2, 2)), mindspore.float32)
>>> output = net(input_x)
>>> print(output)
>>> is_tbe = context.get_context("device_target") == "Ascend"
>>> if is_tbe:
... print(output)
(Tensor(shape=[2, 2], dtype=Float32, value=
[[ 4.61418092e-01, 5.30964255e-01],
[ 2.68715084e-01, 3.82065028e-01]]), Tensor(shape=[2, 2], dtype=Float32, value=
@ -5805,6 +5812,16 @@ class ApplyFtrl(PrimitiveWithInfer):
[ 1.43758726e+00, 9.89177322e+00]]), Tensor(shape=[2, 2], dtype=Float32, value=
[[-1.86994812e+03, -1.64906018e+03],
[-3.22187836e+02, -1.20163989e+03]]))
>>> else:
... print(net.var.asnumpy())
[[0.4614181 0.5309642 ]
[0.2687151 0.38206503]]
... print(net.accum.asnumpy())
[[16.423655 9.645894 ]
[ 1.4375873 9.891773 ]]
... print(net.linear.asnumpy())
[[-1869.9479 -1649.0599]
[ -322.1879 -1201.6399]]
