@ -13,22 +13,18 @@
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""lars optimizer"""
from typing import Iterable
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.common import Tensor
from mindspore.common.initializer import initializer
from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops import composite as C
from mindspore.ops import functional as F
from mindspore._checkparam import Validator as validator
from mindspore.common import Tensor, Parameter, dtype as mstype
from .optimizer import _grad_scale, Optimizer
_lars_opt = C.MultitypeFuncGraph("lars_opt")
@_lars_opt.register("Function", "Number", "Tensor", "Tensor", "Tensor", "Bool", "Bool")
def _tensor_run_opt(lars, weight_decay, learning_rate, gradient, weight, decay_flag, lars_flag):
@_lars_opt.register("Function", "Tensor", "Number", "Tensor", "Tensor", "Bool", "Bool")
def _tensor_run_opt(lars, learning_rate, weight_decay, gradient, weight, decay_flag, lars_flag):
"""Apply lars optimizer to the weight parameter."""
if lars_flag:
op_reduce_sum = P.SquareSumAll()
@ -42,10 +38,12 @@ def _tensor_run_opt(lars, weight_decay, learning_rate, gradient, weight, decay_f
return gradient
def _check_param_value(optimizer, epsilon, hyperpara, use_clip, prim_name):
def _check_param_value(optimizer, epsilon, coefficient, use_clip, prim_name):
validator.check_value_type("optimizer", optimizer, Optimizer, prim_name)
if "Adam" in optimizer.cls_name or "Lamb" in optimizer.cls_name:
raise TypeError("LARS can not be used with ", optimizer.cls_name)
validator.check_value_type("epsilon", epsilon, [float], prim_name)
validator.check_value_type("hyperpara", hyperpara, [float], prim_name)
validator.check_value_type("coefficient", coefficient, [float], prim_name)
validator.check_value_type("use_clip", use_clip, [bool], prim_name)
class LARS(Optimizer):
@ -58,14 +56,10 @@ class LARS(Optimizer):
optimizer (Optimizer): MindSpore optimizer for which to wrap and modify gradients.
epsilon (float): Term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability. Default: 1e-05.
hyperpara (float): Trust coefficient for calculating the local learning rate. Default: 0.001.
weight_decay (float): Weight decay (L2 penalty). It should be equal to or greater than 0. Default: 0.0.
coefficient (float): Trust coefficient for calculating the local learning rate. Default: 0.001.
use_clip (bool): Whether to use clip operation for calculating the local learning rate. Default: False.
decay_filter (Function): A function to determine whether apply weight decay on parameters. Default:
lambda x: 'LayerNorm' not in x.name and 'bias' not in x.name.
lars_filter (Function): A function to determine whether apply lars algorithm. Default:
lambda x: 'LayerNorm' not in x.name and 'bias' not in x.name.
loss_scale (float): A floating point value for the loss scale. It should be greater than 0. Default: 1.0.
- **gradients** (tuple[Tensor]) - The gradients of `params` in optimizer, the shape is
@ -78,51 +72,54 @@ class LARS(Optimizer):
>>> net = Net()
>>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits()
>>> opt = nn.Momentum(net.trainable_params(), 0.1, 0.9)
>>> opt_lars = nn.LARS(opt, epsilon=1e-08, hyperpara=0.02)
>>> opt_lars = nn.LARS(opt, epsilon=1e-08, coefficient=0.02)
>>> model = Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt_lars, metrics=None)
def __init__(self, optimizer, epsilon=1e-05, hyperpara=0.001, weight_decay=0.0, use_clip=False,
decay_filter=lambda x: 'LayerNorm' not in x.name and 'bias' not in x.name,
lars_filter=lambda x: 'LayerNorm' not in x.name and 'bias' not in x.name, loss_scale=1.0):
super(LARS, self).__init__(0.0, [Parameter(Tensor(0.0), name="trivial")], weight_decay, loss_scale)
if optimizer.is_group:
raise RuntimeError(f"The {self.cls_name} optimizer cannot support group setting.")
_check_param_value(optimizer, epsilon, hyperpara, use_clip, self.cls_name)
def __init__(self, optimizer, epsilon=1e-05, coefficient=0.001, use_clip=False,
lars_filter=lambda x: 'LayerNorm' not in x.name and 'bias' not in x.name):
super(LARS, self).__init__(0.0, [Parameter(Tensor(0.0), name="fake_param")])
_check_param_value(optimizer, epsilon, coefficient, use_clip, self.cls_name)
self.opt = optimizer
self.parameters = optimizer.parameters
self.learning_rate = optimizer.learning_rate
self.lars = P.LARSUpdate(epsilon, hyperpara, use_clip)
self.reciprocal_scale = 1.0 / loss_scale
self.weight_decay = weight_decay
self.lars = P.LARSUpdate(epsilon, coefficient, use_clip)
self.cast = P.Cast()
self.decay_flag = tuple(decay_filter(x) for x in self.parameters)
self.parameters = optimizer.parameters
if use_clip is True:
self.learning_rate = optimizer.learning_rate
self.dynamic_lr = optimizer.dynamic_lr
self.gather = optimizer.gather
self.assignadd = optimizer.assignadd
self.global_step = optimizer.global_step
self.learning_rate = Parameter(Tensor(0.0, dtype=mstype.float32), name="fake_lr")
self.reciprocal_scale = optimizer.reciprocal_scale
optimizer.reciprocal_scale = 1.0
self.is_group = optimizer.is_group
if self.is_group:
self.weight_decay = tuple(map(lambda x: x / optimizer.loss_scale, optimizer.weight_decay))
self.weight_decay = optimizer.weight_decay / optimizer.loss_scale
optimizer.exec_weight_decay = False
optimizer.weight_decay = 0.0
self.decay_flags = optimizer.decay_flags
self.lars_flag = tuple(lars_filter(x) for x in self.parameters)
self.hyper_map = C.HyperMap()
self.dynamic_lr = False
self.gather = None
self.global_step = None
self.axis = None
if isinstance(self.learning_rate.default_input, Iterable) or \
(isinstance(self.learning_rate.default_input, Tensor) and self.learning_rate.default_input.dim() == 1):
self.dynamic_lr = True
self.assignadd = P.AssignAdd()
self.gather = P.GatherV2()
self.global_step = Parameter(initializer(0, [1], mstype.int32), name="lars_global_step")
self.axis = 0
def construct(self, gradients):
params = self.parameters
if self.dynamic_lr:
lr = self.gather(self.learning_rate, self.global_step, self.axis)
lr = self.gather(self.learning_rate, self.global_step, 0)
F.control_depend(lr, self.assignadd(self.global_step, 1))
lr = self.learning_rate
if self.reciprocal_scale != 1.0:
gradients = self.hyper_map(F.partial(_grad_scale, self.reciprocal_scale), gradients)
grad_t = self.hyper_map(F.partial(_lars_opt, self.lars, self.weight_decay, lr),
gradients, params, self.decay_flag, self.lars_flag)
if self.is_group:
grad_t = self.hyper_map(F.partial(_lars_opt, self.lars, lr), self.weight_decay,
gradients, params, self.decay_flags, self.lars_flag)
grad_t = self.hyper_map(F.partial(_lars_opt, self.lars, lr, self.weight_decay),
gradients, params, self.decay_flags, self.lars_flag)
success = self.opt(grad_t)
return success