@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ set_seed(1)
class MyTimeMonitor(Callback):
def __init__(self, batch_size, sink_size, dataset_size):
def __init__(self, batch_size, sink_size, dataset_size, mode):
super(MyTimeMonitor, self).__init__()
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.size = sink_size
self.data_size = dataset_size
self.mode = mode
def step_begin(self, run_context):
self.step_time = time.time()
@ -73,17 +74,22 @@ class MyTimeMonitor(Callback):
if isinstance(loss, Tensor) and isinstance(loss.asnumpy(), np.ndarray):
loss = np.mean(loss.asnumpy())
cur_epoch_num = int(cb_params.cur_epoch_num / (self.data_size / self.size))
cur_epoch_num = int(cb_params.cur_epoch_num / (self.data_size / self.size) +1)
cur_step_in_epoch = int(self.size * (cb_params.cur_epoch_num % (self.data_size / self.size)))
total_epochs = int((cb_params.epoch_num - 1) / (self.data_size / self.size) + 1)
if self.mode == context.PYNATIVE_MODE:
cur_step_in_epoch = (cb_params.cur_step_num - 1) % cb_params.batch_num + 1
cur_epoch_num = cb_params.cur_epoch_num
total_epochs = cb_params.epoch_num
if isinstance(loss, float) and (np.isnan(loss) or np.isinf(loss)):
raise ValueError("epoch: {} step: {}. Invalid loss, terminating training.".format(
cur_epoch_num, cur_step_in_epoch))
step_mseconds = (time.time() - self.step_time) * 1000
fps = self.batch_size / step_mseconds * 1000 * self.size
print("epoch: [%s/%s] step: [%s/%s], loss is %s" % (cur_epoch_num, int(cb_params.epoch_num /\
(self.data_size / self.size)), cur_step_in_epoch, self.data_size, loss),
"Epoch time: {:5.3f} ms, fps: {:d} img/sec.".format(step_mseconds, int(fps)), flush=True)
print("epoch: [%s/%s] step: [%s/%s], loss is %s" % (cur_epoch_num, total_epochs,\
cur_step_in_epoch, self.data_size, loss),\
"Epoch time: {:5.3f} ms, fps: {:d} img/sec.".format(step_mseconds, int(fps)), flush=True)
def create_dataset(dataset_path, do_train, repeat_num=1, batch_size=32, target="GPU", dtype="fp16",
@ -217,7 +223,7 @@ def train():
# define callbacks
if mode == context.PYNATIVE_MODE:
print_per_steps = 1
time_cb = MyTimeMonitor(total_batch, print_per_steps, step_size)
time_cb = MyTimeMonitor(total_batch, print_per_steps, step_size, mode)
cb = [time_cb]
if save_ckpt:
config_ck = CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=5 * step_size, keep_checkpoint_max=5)