!1638 fixed rounding edge case in split

Merge pull request !1638 from Peilin/splitOp-after-testing
mindspore-ci-bot 5 years ago committed by Gitee
commit 7878743400

@ -609,7 +609,20 @@ class Dataset:
absolute_sizes_sum = sum(absolute_sizes)
if absolute_sizes_sum != dataset_size:
# if we still need more rows, give them to the first split.
# if we have too many rows, remove the extras from the first split that has
# enough rows.
size_difference = dataset_size - absolute_sizes_sum
if size_difference > 0:
absolute_sizes[0] += size_difference
for i, _ in enumerate(absolute_sizes):
if absolute_sizes[i] + size_difference > 0:
absolute_sizes[i] += size_difference
if sum(absolute_sizes) != dataset_size:
raise RuntimeError("sum of calculated split sizes {} is not equal to dataset size {}."
.format(absolute_sizes_sum, dataset_size))
@ -629,10 +642,15 @@ class Dataset:
provided, the dataset will be split into n datasets of size s1, size s2, , size sn
respectively. If the sum of all sizes does not equal the original dataset size, an
an error will occur.
If a list of floats [f1, f2, , fn] is provided, the dataset will be split into n
Datasets of size f1*K, f2*K, , fn*K (rounded to nearest integer) where K is the size
of the original dataset. If after rounding, any size equals 0, an error will occur.
All floats must be between 0 and 1 and must sum to 1, otherwise an error will occur.
If a list of floats [f1, f2, , fn] is provided, all floats must be between 0 and 1
and must sum to 1, otherwise an error will occur. The dataset will be split into n
Datasets of size round(f1*K), round(f2*K), , round(fn*K) where K is the size of the
original dataset.
If after rounding:
-Any size equals 0, an error will occur.
-The sum of split sizes < K, the difference will be added to the first split.
-The sum of split sizes > K, the difference will be removed from the first large
enough split such that it will have atleast 1 row after removing the difference.
randomize (bool, optional): determines whether or not to split the data randomly (default=True).
If true, the data will be randomly split. Otherwise, each split will be created with
consecutive rows from the dataset.
@ -1224,7 +1242,7 @@ class MappableDataset(SourceDataset):
>>> data.use_sampler(new_sampler)
if new_sampler is None:
raise TypeError("Input sampler could not be None.")
raise TypeError("Input sampler can not be None.")
if not isinstance(new_sampler, (samplers.BuiltinSampler, samplers.Sampler)):
raise TypeError("Input sampler is not an instance of a sampler.")
@ -1259,10 +1277,15 @@ class MappableDataset(SourceDataset):
provided, the dataset will be split into n datasets of size s1, size s2, , size sn
respectively. If the sum of all sizes does not equal the original dataset size, an
an error will occur.
If a list of floats [f1, f2, , fn] is provided, the dataset will be split into n
Datasets of size f1*K, f2*K, , fn*K (rounded to nearest integer) where K is the size
of the original dataset. If after rounding, any size equals 0, an error will occur.
All floats must be between 0 and 1 and must sum to 1, otherwise an error will occur.
If a list of floats [f1, f2, , fn] is provided, all floats must be between 0 and 1
and must sum to 1, otherwise an error will occur. The dataset will be split into n
Datasets of size round(f1*K), round(f2*K), , round(fn*K) where K is the size of the
original dataset.
If after rounding:
-Any size equals 0, an error will occur.
-The sum of split sizes < K, the difference will be added to the first split.
-The sum of split sizes > K, the difference will be removed from the first large
enough split such that it will have atleast 1 row after removing the difference.
randomize (bool, optional): determines whether or not to split the data randomly (default=True).
If true, the data will be randomly split. Otherwise, each split will be created with
consecutive rows from the dataset.

@ -554,6 +554,43 @@ def test_mappable_multi_split():
assert s2_output == [2]
def test_rounding():
d = ds.ManifestDataset(manifest_file, shuffle=False)
# under rounding
s1, s2 = d.split([0.5, 0.5], randomize=False)
s1_output = []
for item in s1.create_dict_iterator():
s1_output.append(manifest_map[(item["image"].shape[0], item["label"].item())])
s2_output = []
for item in s2.create_dict_iterator():
s2_output.append(manifest_map[(item["image"].shape[0], item["label"].item())])
assert s1_output == [0, 1, 2]
assert s2_output == [3, 4]
# over rounding
s1, s2, s3 = d.split([0.15, 0.55, 0.3], randomize=False)
s1_output = []
for item in s1.create_dict_iterator():
s1_output.append(manifest_map[(item["image"].shape[0], item["label"].item())])
s2_output = []
for item in s2.create_dict_iterator():
s2_output.append(manifest_map[(item["image"].shape[0], item["label"].item())])
s3_output = []
for item in s3.create_dict_iterator():
s3_output.append(manifest_map[(item["image"].shape[0], item["label"].item())])
assert s1_output == [0]
assert s2_output == [1, 2]
assert s3_output == [3, 4]
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -569,3 +606,4 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
