opencl: add conv2d transpose test

chenzupeng 5 years ago
parent 7a4dcaac5a
commit 80e5fc324a

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ endif ()

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#define FLT half
#define FLT4 half4
#define FLT16 half16
#define READ_IMAGE read_imageh
#define WRITE_IMAGE write_imageh
__kernel void conv2d_transpose2x2(__read_only image2d_t src_data, __global FLT16 *weight, __read_only image2d_t biases,
__write_only image2d_t dst_data, int2 kernel_size, int2 stride, int2 padding,
@ -14,17 +16,17 @@ __kernel void conv2d_transpose2x2(__read_only image2d_t src_data, __global FLT16
int src_w = w / 2;
src_w = src_w * 2;
int co = get_global_id(2);
if (h * 2 >= dst_size.x || w * 2 >= dst_size.y || co >= dst_size.z) return;
if (src_h * 2 >= dst_size.x || src_w * 2 >= dst_size.y || co >= dst_size.z) return;
FLT4 r0 = (FLT4)(0.f);
FLT4 r1 = (FLT4)(0.f);
FLT4 r2 = (FLT4)(0.f);
FLT4 r3 = (FLT4)(0.f);
int base_w = (co * 4 + kh + kw * 2) * src_size.z;
for (int ci = 0; ci < src_size.z; ++ci) {
FLT4 x0 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x1 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT4 x2 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x3 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT4 x0 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x1 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT4 x2 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x3 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT16 weight_cache = weight[base_w++];
r0 += x0.x * weight_cache.s0123;
r0 += x0.y * weight_cache.s4567;
@ -46,14 +48,14 @@ __kernel void conv2d_transpose2x2(__read_only image2d_t src_data, __global FLT16
r3 += x3.z * weight_cache.s89ab;
r3 += x3.w * weight_cache.scdef;
FLT4 bias_val = read_imagef(biases, smp_zero, (int2)(co, 0));
FLT4 bias_val = READ_IMAGE(biases, smp_zero, (int2)(co, 0));
r0 += bias_val;
r1 += bias_val;
r2 += bias_val;
r3 += bias_val;
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r0);
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r1);
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r2);
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r3);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r0);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r1);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r2);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r3);

@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable
#define FLT4 half4
#define FLT16 half16
__kernel void MatMul(__global FLT4 *x, __global FLT16 *weight, __global FLT4 *buffer, __global FLT4 *bias,
int2 offset_ci, int2 offset_co, int has_bias) {
#define READ_IMAGE read_imageh
#define WRITE_IMAGE write_imageh
__kernel void MatMul(__read_only image2d_t input, __global FLT16 *weight, __read_only image2d_t bias,
__write_only image2d_t output, int2 offset_ci, int2 offset_co, int has_bias) {
int2 gid = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
int2 lid = (int2)(get_local_id(0), get_local_id(1));
FLT4 s = (FLT4)(0.0f);
FLT4 result = (FLT4)(0.0f);
bool inside = gid.x < offset_co.y;
for (uint i = lid.y; i < offset_ci.y && inside; i += 4) {
FLT4 v = x[i];
FLT4 v = READ_IMAGE(input, smp_zero, (int2)(i, 0));
FLT16 w = weight[gid.x + i * offset_co.y];
s.x += dot(v, w.s0123);
s.y += dot(v, w.s4567);
s.z += dot(v, w.s89ab);
s.w += dot(v, w.scdef);
result.x += dot(v, w.s0123);
result.y += dot(v, w.s4567);
result.z += dot(v, w.s89ab);
result.w += dot(v, w.scdef);
__local FLT4 temp[64][4];
temp[lid.x][lid.y] = s;
temp[lid.x][lid.y] = result;
if (lid.y == 0 && inside) {
s += temp[lid.x][1];
s += temp[lid.x][2];
s += temp[lid.x][3];
result += temp[lid.x][1];
result += temp[lid.x][2];
result += temp[lid.x][3];
if (has_bias != 0) {
s += bias[gid.x];
result += READ_IMAGE(bias, smp_zero, (int2)(gid.x, 0));
buffer[gid.x] = s;
// memory pollution? or protected by opencl
WRITE_IMAGE(output, (int2)(gid.x, 0), result);

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#define FLT float
#define FLT4 float4
#define FLT16 float16
#define READ_IMAGE read_imagef
#define WRITE_IMAGE write_imagef
__kernel void conv2d_transpose2x2(__read_only image2d_t src_data, __global FLT16 *weight, __read_only image2d_t biases,
__write_only image2d_t dst_data, int2 kernel_size, int2 stride, int2 padding,
@ -14,17 +16,17 @@ __kernel void conv2d_transpose2x2(__read_only image2d_t src_data, __global FLT16
int src_w = w / 2;
src_w = src_w * 2;
int co = get_global_id(2);
if (h * 2 >= dst_size.x || w * 2 >= dst_size.y || co >= dst_size.z) return;
if (src_h * 2 >= dst_size.x || src_w * 2 >= dst_size.y || co >= dst_size.z) return;
FLT4 r0 = (FLT4)(0.f);
FLT4 r1 = (FLT4)(0.f);
FLT4 r2 = (FLT4)(0.f);
FLT4 r3 = (FLT4)(0.f);
int base_w = (co * 4 + kh + kw * 2) * src_size.z;
for (int ci = 0; ci < src_size.z; ++ci) {
FLT4 x0 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x1 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT4 x2 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x3 = read_imagef(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT4 x0 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x1 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)(src_w * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT4 x2 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h));
FLT4 x3 = READ_IMAGE(src_data, smp_zero, (int2)((src_w + 1) * src_size.z + ci, src_h + 1));
FLT16 weight_cache = weight[base_w++];
r0 += x0.x * weight_cache.s0123;
r0 += x0.y * weight_cache.s4567;
@ -46,14 +48,14 @@ __kernel void conv2d_transpose2x2(__read_only image2d_t src_data, __global FLT16
r3 += x3.z * weight_cache.s89ab;
r3 += x3.w * weight_cache.scdef;
FLT4 bias_val = read_imagef(biases, smp_zero, (int2)(co, 0));
FLT4 bias_val = READ_IMAGE(biases, smp_zero, (int2)(co, 0));
r0 += bias_val;
r1 += bias_val;
r2 += bias_val;
r3 += bias_val;
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r0);
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r1);
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r2);
write_imagef(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r3);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r0);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r1);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh), r2);
WRITE_IMAGE(dst_data, (int2)((2 * src_w + kw + 2) * dst_size.z + co, 2 * src_h + kh + 2), r3);

@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
#define FLT4 float4
#define FLT16 float16
__kernel void MatMul(__global FLT4 *x, __global FLT16 *weight, __global FLT4 *buffer, __global FLT4 *bias,
int2 offset_ci, int2 offset_co, int has_bias) {
#define READ_IMAGE read_imagef
#define WRITE_IMAGE write_imagef
__kernel void MatMul(__read_only image2d_t input, __global FLT16 *weight, __read_only image2d_t bias,
__write_only image2d_t output, int2 offset_ci, int2 offset_co, int has_bias) {
int2 gid = (int2)(get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
int2 lid = (int2)(get_local_id(0), get_local_id(1));
FLT4 s = (FLT4)(0.0f);
FLT4 result = (FLT4)(0.0f);
bool inside = gid.x < offset_co.y;
for (uint i = lid.y; i < offset_ci.y && inside; i += 4) {
FLT4 v = x[i];
FLT4 v = READ_IMAGE(input, smp_zero, (int2)(i, 0));
FLT16 w = weight[gid.x + i * offset_co.y];
s.x += dot(v, w.s0123);
s.y += dot(v, w.s4567);
s.z += dot(v, w.s89ab);
s.w += dot(v, w.scdef);
result.x += dot(v, w.s0123);
result.y += dot(v, w.s4567);
result.z += dot(v, w.s89ab);
result.w += dot(v, w.scdef);
__local FLT4 temp[64][4];
temp[lid.x][lid.y] = s;
temp[lid.x][lid.y] = result;
if (lid.y == 0 && inside) {
s += temp[lid.x][1];
s += temp[lid.x][2];
s += temp[lid.x][3];
result += temp[lid.x][1];
result += temp[lid.x][2];
result += temp[lid.x][3];
if (has_bias != 0) {
s += bias[gid.x];
result += READ_IMAGE(bias, smp_zero, (int2)(gid.x, 0));
buffer[gid.x] = s;
// memory pollution? or protected by opencl
WRITE_IMAGE(output, (int2)(gid.x, 0), result);

@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ int Conv2dTransposeOpenCLKernel::Run() {
// local size should less than MAX_GROUP_SIZE
std::vector<size_t> local = {16, 1, 16};
std::vector<size_t> global = {UP_ROUND((size_t)oh / 2, local[0]), UP_ROUND((size_t)ow / 2, local[1]),
UP_ROUND((size_t)co / 4, local[2])};
std::vector<size_t> global = {UP_ROUND((size_t)UP_ROUND(oh / 2, 2), local[0]),
UP_ROUND((size_t)UP_ROUND(ow / 2, 2), local[1]), UP_ROUND((size_t)co / 4, local[2])};
cl_int2 kernel_size = {kh, kw};
cl_int2 stride = {2, 2};

@ -50,22 +50,24 @@ int MatMulOpenCLKernel::Init() {
ocl_runtime->LoadSource(program_name, source);
ocl_runtime->BuildKernel(kernel_, program_name, kernel_name, build_options);
int ci = inputs_[1]->shape()[1];
auto weight_format = inputs_[1]->GetFormat();
if (weight_format != schema::Format_NHWC) {
MS_LOG(ERROR) << "weight format(" << weight_format << ") "
<< "format not support!";
return 1;
int ci = inputs_[1]->shape()[3];
int co = inputs_[1]->shape()[0];
sizeCI = {ci, UP_DIV(ci, 4)};
sizeCO = {co, UP_DIV(co, 4)};
auto allocator = ocl_runtime->GetAllocator();
padWeight_ = reinterpret_cast<FLOAT_T *>(allocator->Malloc(sizeCI.s[1] * sizeCO.s[1] * 16 * sizeof(FLOAT_T)));
padWeight_ = reinterpret_cast<FLOAT_T *>(allocator->MapBuffer(padWeight_, CL_MAP_WRITE, nullptr, true));
if (hasBias_) {
bias_ = reinterpret_cast<FLOAT_T *>(allocator->Malloc(sizeCO.s[1] * 4 * sizeof(FLOAT_T)));
bias_ = reinterpret_cast<FLOAT_T *>(allocator->MapBuffer(bias_, CL_MAP_WRITE, nullptr, true));
bias_ = reinterpret_cast<FLOAT_T *>(allocator->Malloc(sizeCO.s[1] * 4 * sizeof(FLOAT_T)));
bias_ = reinterpret_cast<FLOAT_T *>(allocator->MapBuffer(bias_, CL_MAP_WRITE, nullptr, true));
if (hasBias_) {
MS_LOG(DEBUG) << kernel_name << " Init Done!";
return 0;
@ -98,6 +100,10 @@ void MatMulOpenCLKernel::PadWeight() {
for (int i = sizeCO.s[0]; i < sizeCO.s[1] * 4; i++) {
bias_[i] = 0;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeCO.s[1] * 4; i++) {
bias_[i] = 0;
@ -114,18 +120,34 @@ int MatMulOpenCLKernel::Run() {
std::vector<size_t> local = {64, 4};
std::vector<size_t> global = {UP_ROUND(sizeCO.s[1], local[0]), 4};
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 0, inputs_[0]->Data());
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 1, padWeight_);
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 2, outputs_[0]->Data());
if (hasBias_) {
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 3, bias_);
} else {
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 3, nullptr);
cl::ImageFormat image_format;
image_format.image_channel_order = CL_RGBA;
#ifdef ENABLE_FP16
image_format.image_channel_data_type = CL_HALF_FLOAT;
image_format.image_channel_data_type = CL_FLOAT;
cl_int in_error_code, in_error_code_weight, in_error_code_bias, out_error_code;
cl::Image2D img_input(*ocl_runtime->Context(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, image_format, sizeCI.s[1], 1,
0, inputs_[0]->Data(), &in_error_code);
cl::Image2D img_bias(*ocl_runtime->Context(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, image_format, sizeCO.s[1], 1,
0, bias_, &in_error_code_bias);
cl::Image2D img_out(*ocl_runtime->Context(), CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, image_format, sizeCO.s[1], 1, 0, nullptr,
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 0, img_input);
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 1, padWeight_);
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 2, img_bias);
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 3, img_out);
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 4, sizeCI);
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 5, sizeCO);
ocl_runtime->SetKernelArg(kernel_, 6, hasBias_ ? 1 : 0);
ocl_runtime->RunKernel(kernel_, global, local, nullptr);
auto origin = cl::array<cl::size_type, 3U>{0, 0, 0};
auto region = cl::array<cl::size_type, 3U>{(size_t)(sizeCO.s[1]), 1, 1};
ocl_runtime->GetDefaultCommandQueue()->enqueueReadImage(img_out, CL_TRUE, origin, region, 0, 0, outputs_[0]->Data());
return 0;
@ -151,4 +173,3 @@ kernel::LiteKernel *OpenCLMatMulKernelCreator(const std::vector<lite::tensor::Te
REG_KERNEL(kGPU, kNumberTypeFloat32, PrimitiveType_MatMul, OpenCLMatMulKernelCreator)
REG_KERNEL(kGPU, kNumberTypeFloat32, PrimitiveType_FullConnection, OpenCLMatMulKernelCreator)
} // namespace mindspore::kernel

@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ if (SUPPORT_GPU)

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "common/common_test.h"
#include "mindspore/lite/src/common/file_utils.h"
#include "mindspore/lite/src/runtime/opencl/opencl_runtime.h"
#include "mindspore/lite/src/runtime/kernel/opencl/subgraph_opencl_kernel.h"
#include "mindspore/lite/src/runtime/kernel/opencl/kernel/conv2d_transpose.h"
#include "mindspore/core/utils/log_adapter.h"
namespace mindspore {
class TestConv2dTransposeOpenCL : public mindspore::Common {
TestConv2dTransposeOpenCL() {}
TEST_F(TestConv2dTransposeOpenCL, Conv2dTransposeFp32) {
// setbuf(stdout, NULL);
auto ocl_runtime = lite::opencl::OpenCLRuntime::GetInstance();
int pad = 0;
int n = 1;
int h = 240;
int w = 240;
int kh = 2;
int kw = 2;
int ci = 128;
int co = 128;
int oh = 2 * h - 1 + 2 * (kh - 1 - pad) - kh + 1;
int ow = 2 * w - 1 + 2 * (kw - 1 - pad) - kw + 1;
size_t input_size;
std::string input_path = "./test_data/conv2d_transpose/conv2d_transpose_fp32_input.bin";
auto input_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(mindspore::lite::ReadFile(input_path.c_str(), &input_size));
size_t weight_size;
std::string weight_path = "./test_data/conv2d_transpose/conv2d_transpose_fp32_weight.bin";
auto weight_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(mindspore::lite::ReadFile(weight_path.c_str(), &weight_size));
size_t bias_size;
std::string bias_path = "./test_data/conv2d_transpose/conv2d_transpose_fp32_bias.bin";
auto bias_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(mindspore::lite::ReadFile(bias_path.c_str(), &bias_size));
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_x = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {1, h, w, ci});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_w = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {co, kh, kw, ci});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_bias = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {co});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_out = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {1, oh, ow, co});
std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> inputs{tensor_x, tensor_w, tensor_bias};
std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> outputs{tensor_out};
ConvParameter *opParameter = new ConvParameter();
opParameter->kernel_h_ = kh;
opParameter->kernel_w_ = kw;
opParameter->stride_h_ = 2;
opParameter->stride_w_ = 2;
opParameter->pad_h_ = pad;
opParameter->pad_w_ = pad;
opParameter->input_channel_ = ci;
opParameter->output_channel_ = co;
auto *arith_kernel =
new kernel::Conv2dTransposeOpenCLKernel(reinterpret_cast<OpParameter *>(opParameter), inputs, outputs);
std::vector<kernel::LiteKernel *> kernels{arith_kernel};
auto *pGraph = new kernel::SubGraphOpenCLKernel({tensor_x}, outputs, kernels, kernels, kernels);
printf("==================output data=================\n");
float *output_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(tensor_out->Data());
std::cout << std::endl;
size_t output_size;
std::string output_path = "./test_data/conv2d_transpose/conv2d_transpose_fp32_output.bin";
auto correct_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(mindspore::lite::ReadFile(output_path.c_str(), &output_size));
int size_n = oh * ow * co;
size_n = size_n > 100 ? 100 : size_n;
for (int i = 0; i < size_n; i++) {
std::cout << output_data[i] << ", ";
if ((i + 1) % co == 0) {
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
// compare
CompareOutputData(output_data, correct_data, oh * ow * co, 0.00001);
MS_LOG(INFO) << "Test Conv2dTransposeFp32 passed";
} // namespace mindspore

@ -41,38 +41,39 @@ TEST_F(TestMatMulOpenCL, MatMulFp32) {
std::string weight_path = "./test_data/matmul/matmul_fp32_weight.bin";
auto weight_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(mindspore::lite::ReadFile(weight_path.c_str(), &weight_size));
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_x = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {1, ci});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_x = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {1, 1, 1, ci});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_w = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {co, ci});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_w = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {co, 1, 1, ci});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_out = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {1, co});
lite::tensor::Tensor *tensor_out = new lite::tensor::Tensor(TypeId(kNumberTypeFloat32), {1, 1, 1, co});
std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> inputs{tensor_x, tensor_w};
std::vector<lite::tensor::Tensor *> outputs{tensor_out};
auto *arith_kernel = new kernel::MatMulOpenCLKernel(nullptr, inputs, outputs, false);
std::vector<kernel::LiteKernel *> kernels{arith_kernel};
auto *pGraph = new kernel::SubGraphOpenCLKernel(inputs, outputs, kernels, kernels, kernels);
auto *pGraph = new kernel::SubGraphOpenCLKernel({tensor_x}, outputs, kernels, kernels, kernels);
memcpy(inputs[0]->Data(), input_data, sizeof(float) * ci);
size_t output_size;
std::string output_path = "./test_data/matmul/matmul_fp32_output.bin";
auto correct_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(mindspore::lite::ReadFile(output_path.c_str(), &output_size));
printf("==================output data=================\n");
float *output_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(tensor_out->Data());
std::cout << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < co; i++) {
std::cout << output_data[i] << ", ";
int size_n = co;
size_n = size_n > 100 ? 100 : size_n;
for (int i = 0; i < size_n; i++) {
std::cout << output_data[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
size_t output_size;
std::string output_path = "./test_data/matmul/matmul_fp32_output.bin";
auto correct_data = reinterpret_cast<float *>(mindspore::lite::ReadFile(output_path.c_str(), &output_size));
// compare
CompareOutputData(output_data, correct_data, co * sizeof(float), 0.00001);
CompareOutputData(output_data, correct_data, co, 0.00001);
delete input_data;
delete weight_data;
