@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
* Copyright 2020-2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "minddata/dataset/include/data_helper.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "minddata/dataset/util/json_helper.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/util/log_adapter.h"
#include "minddata/dataset/util/path.h"
#include "include/api/status.h"
namespace mindspore {
namespace dataset {
// Create a numbered json file from image folder
Status DataHelper::CreateAlbumIF(const std::vector<char> &in_dir, const std::vector<char> &out_dir) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.CreateAlbum(CharToString(in_dir), CharToString(out_dir));
// A print method typically used for debugging
void DataHelper::Print(std::ostream &out) const {
out << " Data Helper"
<< "\n";
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<std::vector<char>> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), VectorCharToString(value), CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<bool> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<int8_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<uint8_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<int16_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<uint16_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<int32_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<uint32_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<int64_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<uint64_t> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<float> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateArrayIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<double> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateArray(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<char> &value, const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), CharToString(value), CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const bool &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const int8_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const uint8_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const int16_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const uint16_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const int32_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const uint32_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const int64_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const uint64_t &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const float &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::UpdateValueIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key, const double &value,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.UpdateValue(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), value, CharToString(out_file));
Status DataHelper::RemoveKeyIF(const std::vector<char> &in_file, const std::vector<char> &key,
const std::vector<char> &out_file) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.RemoveKey(CharToString(in_file), CharToString(key), CharToString(out_file));
size_t DataHelper::DumpData(const unsigned char *tensor_addr, const size_t &tensor_size, void *addr,
const size_t &buffer_size) {
auto jh = JsonHelper();
return jh.DumpData(tensor_addr, tensor_size, addr, buffer_size);
} // namespace dataset
} // namespace mindspore
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <random>
namespace mindspore {
namespace dataset {
// Various type defines for convenience
using uchar = unsigned char;
using dsize_t = int64_t;
// Target devices to perform map operation
enum class MapTargetDevice { kCpu, kGpu, kDvpp };
// Possible dataset types for holding the data and client type
enum class DatasetType { kUnknown, kArrow, kTf };
// Possible flavours of Tensor implementations
enum class TensorImpl { kNone, kFlexible, kCv, kNP };
// Possible values for shuffle
enum class ShuffleMode { kFalse = 0, kFiles = 1, kGlobal = 2 };
// Possible values for Border types
enum class BorderType { kConstant = 0, kEdge = 1, kReflect = 2, kSymmetric = 3 };
// Possible values for Image format types in a batch
enum class ImageBatchFormat { kNHWC = 0, kNCHW = 1 };
// Possible values for Image format types
enum class ImageFormat { HWC = 0, CHW = 1, HW = 2 };
// Possible interpolation modes
enum class InterpolationMode { kLinear = 0, kNearestNeighbour = 1, kCubic = 2, kArea = 3 };
// Possible JiebaMode modes
enum class JiebaMode { kMix = 0, kMp = 1, kHmm = 2 };
// Possible values for SPieceTokenizerOutType
enum class SPieceTokenizerOutType { kString = 0, kInt = 1 };
// Possible values for SPieceTokenizerLoadType
enum class SPieceTokenizerLoadType { kFile = 0, kModel = 1 };
// Possible values for SentencePieceModel
enum class SentencePieceModel { kUnigram = 0, kBpe = 1, kChar = 2, kWord = 3 };
// Possible values for NormalizeForm
enum class NormalizeForm {
kNone = 0,
// Possible values for SamplingStrategy
enum class SamplingStrategy { kRandom = 0, kEdgeWeight = 1 };
// convenience functions for 32bit int bitmask
inline bool BitTest(uint32_t bits, uint32_t bitMask) { return (bits & bitMask) == bitMask; }
inline void BitSet(uint32_t *bits, uint32_t bitMask) { *bits |= bitMask; }
inline void BitClear(uint32_t *bits, uint32_t bitMask) { *bits &= (~bitMask); }
constexpr int32_t kDeMaxDim = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(); // 2147483647 or 2^32 -1
constexpr int32_t kDeMaxRank = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
constexpr int64_t kDeMaxFreq = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(); // 9223372036854775807 or 2^(64-1)
constexpr int64_t kDeMaxTopk = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
constexpr uint32_t kCfgRowsPerBuffer = 1;
constexpr uint32_t kCfgParallelWorkers = 8;
constexpr uint32_t kCfgWorkerConnectorSize = 16;
constexpr uint32_t kCfgOpConnectorSize = 16;
constexpr int32_t kCfgDefaultRankId = -1;
constexpr uint32_t kCfgDefaultSeed = std::mt19937::default_seed;
constexpr uint32_t kCfgMonitorSamplingInterval = 10;
constexpr uint32_t kCfgCallbackTimeout = 60; // timeout value for callback in seconds
constexpr int32_t kCfgDefaultCachePort = 50052;
constexpr char kCfgDefaultCacheHost[] = "";
constexpr int32_t kDftPrefetchSize = 20;
constexpr int32_t kDftNumConnections = 12;
constexpr int32_t kDftAutoNumWorkers = false;
// Invalid OpenCV type should not be from 0 to 7 (opencv4/opencv2/core/hal/interface.h)
constexpr uint8_t kCVInvalidType = 255;
using connection_id_type = uint64_t;
using session_id_type = uint32_t;
using row_id_type = int64_t;
} // namespace dataset
} // namespace mindspore
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