@ -4074,15 +4074,17 @@ class CocoDataset(MappableDataset):
A source dataset for reading and parsing COCO dataset.
CocoDataset support four kinds of task:
2017 Train/Val/Test Detection, Keypoints, Stuff, Panoptic.
2017 Train/Val/Test Detection, Keypoints, Stuff, Panoptic.
The generated dataset has multi-columns :
task = 'Detection' : column [['image', dtype=uint8], ['bbox', dtype=float32], ['category_id', dtype=uint32],
['iscrowd', dtype=uint32]].
task = 'Stuff' : column [['image', dtype=uint8], ['segmentation',dtype=float32], ['iscrowd',dtype=uint32]].
task = 'Keypoint' : column [['image', dtype=uint8], ['keypoints', dtype=float32], ['num_keypoints', dtype=uint32]].
task = 'Panoptic' : column [['image', dtype=uint8], ['bbox', dtype=float32], ['category_id', dtype=uint32],
['iscrowd', dtype=uint32], ['area', dtype=uint32]].
- task='Detection', column: [['image', dtype=uint8], ['bbox', dtype=float32], ['category_id', dtype=uint32],
['iscrowd', dtype=uint32]].
- task='Stuff', column: [['image', dtype=uint8], ['segmentation',dtype=float32], ['iscrowd',dtype=uint32]].
- task='Keypoint', column: [['image', dtype=uint8], ['keypoints', dtype=float32],
['num_keypoints', dtype=uint32]].
- task='Panoptic', column: [['image', dtype=uint8], ['bbox', dtype=float32], ['category_id', dtype=uint32],
['iscrowd', dtype=uint32], ['area', dtype=uint32]].
This dataset can take in a sampler. sampler and shuffle are mutually exclusive. Table
below shows what input args are allowed and their expected behavior.