@ -294,73 +294,45 @@ def _calc_histogram_bins(count):
return max_bins
def _fill_histogram_summary(tag: str, np_value: np.array, summary_histogram) -> None:
def _fill_histogram_summary(tag: str, np_value: np.ndarray, summary) -> None:
Package the histogram summary.
tag (str): Summary tag describe.
np_value (np.array): Summary data.
summary_histogram (summary_pb2.Summary.Histogram): Summary histogram data.
np_value (np.ndarray): Summary data.
summary (summary_pb2.Summary.Histogram): Summary histogram data.
logger.debug("Set(%r) the histogram summary value", tag)
# Default bucket for tensor with no valid data.
default_bucket_left = -0.5
default_bucket_width = 1.0
if np_value.size == 0:
bucket = summary_histogram.buckets.add()
bucket.left = default_bucket_left
bucket.width = default_bucket_width
bucket.count = 0
summary_histogram.nan_count = 0
summary_histogram.pos_inf_count = 0
summary_histogram.neg_inf_count = 0
summary_histogram.max = 0
summary_histogram.min = 0
summary_histogram.sum = 0
summary_histogram.count = 0
summary_histogram.nan_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(np_value))
summary_histogram.pos_inf_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isposinf(np_value))
summary_histogram.neg_inf_count = np.count_nonzero(np.isneginf(np_value))
summary_histogram.count = np_value.size
masked_value = np.ma.masked_invalid(np_value)
tensor_max = masked_value.max()
tensor_min = masked_value.min()
tensor_sum = masked_value.sum()
# No valid value in tensor.
if tensor_max is np.ma.masked:
bucket = summary_histogram.buckets.add()
bucket.left = default_bucket_left
bucket.width = default_bucket_width
bucket.count = 0
summary_histogram.max = np.nan
summary_histogram.min = np.nan
summary_histogram.sum = 0
bin_number = _calc_histogram_bins(masked_value.count())
counts, edges = np.histogram(np_value, bins=bin_number, range=(tensor_min, tensor_max))
for ind, count in enumerate(counts):
bucket = summary_histogram.buckets.add()
bucket.left = edges[ind]
bucket.width = edges[ind + 1] - edges[ind]
bucket.count = count
summary_histogram.max = tensor_max
summary_histogram.min = tensor_min
summary_histogram.sum = tensor_sum
ma_value = np.ma.masked_invalid(np_value)
total, valid = np_value.size, ma_value.count()
invalids = []
for isfn in np.isnan, np.isposinf, np.isneginf:
if total - valid > sum(invalids):
count = np.count_nonzero(isfn(np_value))
summary.count = total
summary.nan_count, summary.pos_inf_count, summary.neg_inf_count = invalids
if not valid:
logger.warning('There are no valid values in the ndarray(size=%d, shape=%d)', total, np_value.shape)
# summary.{min, max, sum} are 0s by default, no need to explicitly set
summary.min = ma_value.min()
summary.max = ma_value.max()
summary.sum = ma_value.sum()
bins = _calc_histogram_bins(valid)
range_ = summary.min, summary.max
hists, edges = np.histogram(np_value, bins=bins, range=range_)
for hist, edge1, edge2 in zip(hists, edges, edges[1:]):
bucket = summary.buckets.add()
bucket.width = edge2 - edge1
bucket.count = hist
bucket.left = edge1
def _get_image_summary(tag: str, np_value, summary_image, input_format='NCHW'):