@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"""Check parameters."""
import re
from enum import Enum
from functools import reduce
from itertools import repeat
from collections import Iterable
@ -93,8 +94,131 @@ rel_strs = {
class Validator:
"""validator for checking input parameters"""
def check(arg_name, arg_value, value_name, value, rel=Rel.EQ, prim_name=None):
Method for judging relation between two int values or list/tuple made up of ints.
This method is not suitable for judging relation between floats, since it does not consider float error.
rel_fn = Rel.get_fns(rel)
if not rel_fn(arg_value, value):
rel_str = Rel.get_strs(rel).format(f'{value_name}: {value}')
msg_prefix = f'For {prim_name} the' if prim_name else "The"
raise ValueError(f'{msg_prefix} `{arg_name}` should be {rel_str}, but got {arg_value}.')
def check_integer(arg_name, arg_value, value, rel, prim_name):
"""Integer value judgment."""
rel_fn = Rel.get_fns(rel)
type_mismatch = not isinstance(arg_value, int) or isinstance(arg_value, bool)
if type_mismatch or not rel_fn(arg_value, value):
rel_str = Rel.get_strs(rel).format(value)
raise ValueError(f'For {prim_name} the `{arg_name}` should be an int and must {rel_str},'
f' but got {arg_value}.')
return arg_value
def check_int_range(arg_name, arg_value, lower_limit, upper_limit, rel, prim_name):
"""Method for checking whether an int value is in some range."""
rel_fn = Rel.get_fns(rel)
type_mismatch = not isinstance(arg_value, int)
if type_mismatch or not rel_fn(arg_value, lower_limit, upper_limit):
rel_str = Rel.get_strs(rel).format(lower_limit, upper_limit)
raise ValueError(f'For \'{prim_name}\' the `{arg_name}` should be an int in range {rel_str},'
f' but got {arg_value}.')
return arg_value
def check_subclass(arg_name, type_, template_type, prim_name):
"""Check whether some type is sublcass of another type"""
if not isinstance(template_type, Iterable):
template_type = (template_type,)
if not any([mstype.issubclass_(type_, x) for x in template_type]):
type_str = (type(type_).__name__ if isinstance(type_, (tuple, list)) else "") + str(type_)
raise TypeError(f'For \'{prim_name}\' the type of `{arg_name}` should be subclass'
f' of {",".join((str(x) for x in template_type))}, but got {type_str}.')
def check_tensor_type_same(args, valid_values, prim_name):
"""check whether the element types of input tensors are the same."""
def _check_tensor_type(arg):
arg_key, arg_val = arg
Validator.check_subclass(arg_key, arg_val, mstype.tensor, prim_name)
elem_type = arg_val.element_type()
if not elem_type in valid_values:
raise TypeError(f'For \'{prim_name}\' element type of `{arg_key}` should be in {valid_values},'
f' but `{arg_key}` is {elem_type}.')
return (arg_key, elem_type)
def _check_types_same(arg1, arg2):
arg1_name, arg1_type = arg1
arg2_name, arg2_type = arg2
if arg1_type != arg2_type:
raise TypeError(f'For \'{prim_name}\' element type of `{arg2_name}` should be same as `{arg1_name}`,'
f' but `{arg1_name}` is {arg1_type} and `{arg2_name}` is {arg2_type}.')
return arg1
elem_types = map(_check_tensor_type, args.items())
reduce(_check_types_same, elem_types)
def check_scalar_or_tensor_type_same(args, valid_values, prim_name):
"""check whether the types of inputs are the same. if the input args are tensors, check their element types"""
def _check_argument_type(arg):
arg_key, arg_val = arg
if isinstance(arg_val, type(mstype.tensor)):
arg_val = arg_val.element_type()
if not arg_val in valid_values:
raise TypeError(f'For \'{prim_name}\' the `{arg_key}` should be in {valid_values},'
f' but `{arg_key}` is {arg_val}.')
return arg
def _check_types_same(arg1, arg2):
arg1_name, arg1_type = arg1
arg2_name, arg2_type = arg2
excp_flag = False
if isinstance(arg1_type, type(mstype.tensor)) and isinstance(arg2_type, type(mstype.tensor)):
arg1_type = arg1_type.element_type()
arg2_type = arg2_type.element_type()
elif not (isinstance(arg1_type, type(mstype.tensor)) or isinstance(arg2_type, type(mstype.tensor))):
excp_flag = True
if excp_flag or arg1_type != arg2_type:
raise TypeError(f'For \'{prim_name}\' type of `{arg2_name}` should be same as `{arg1_name}`,'
f' but `{arg1_name}` is {arg1_type} and `{arg2_name}` is {arg2_type}.')
return arg1
reduce(_check_types_same, map(_check_argument_type, args.items()))
def check_value_type(arg_name, arg_value, valid_types, prim_name):
"""Check whether a values is instance of some types."""
def raise_error_msg():
"""func for raising error message when check failed"""
type_names = [t.__name__ for t in valid_types]
num_types = len(valid_types)
raise TypeError(f'For \'{prim_name}\' the type of `{arg_name}` should be '
f'{"one of " if num_types > 1 else ""}'
f'{type_names if num_types > 1 else type_names[0]}, but got {type(arg_value).__name__}.')
# Notice: bool is subclass of int, so `check_value_type('x', True, [int])` will check fail, and
# `check_value_type('x', True, [bool, int])` will check pass
if isinstance(arg_value, bool) and bool not in tuple(valid_types):
if isinstance(arg_value, tuple(valid_types)):
return arg_value
class ParamValidator:
"""Parameter validator."""
"""Parameter validator. NOTICE: this class will be replaced by `class Validator`"""
def equal(arg_name, arg_value, cond_str, cond):