!10924 deeplabv3 bugfix: 1. add CPU training usage in readme file; 2. add dataset list file genrate script.

From: @caojian05
Reviewed-by: @wuxuejian,@oacjiewen
Signed-off-by: @wuxuejian
mindspore-ci-bot 4 years ago committed by Gitee
commit c5532bcdf0

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ JPEGImages/00004.jpg SegmentationClassGray/00004.png
You can also generate the list file automatically by run script: `python get_dataset_lst.py --data_root=/PATH/TO/DATA`
- Configure and run build_data.sh to convert dataset to mindrecords. Arguments in scripts/build_data.sh:
@ -164,10 +166,12 @@ run_eval_s8_multiscale_flip.sh
├── run_eval_s8_multiscale.sh # launch ascend evaluation with multiscale in s8 structure
├── run_eval_s8_multiscale_filp.sh # launch ascend evaluation with multiscale and filp in s8 structure
├── run_standalone_train.sh # launch ascend standalone training(1 pc)
├── run_standalone_train_cpu.sh # launch CPU standalone training
├── src
├── data
├── dataset.py # mindrecord data generator
├── build_seg_data.py # data preprocessing
├── get_dataset_lst.py # dataset list file generator
├── loss
├── loss.py # loss definition for deeplabv3
├── nets
@ -189,6 +193,7 @@ Default configuration
"data_file":"/PATH/TO/MINDRECORD_NAME" # dataset path
"device_target":Ascend # device target
"train_epochs":300 # total epochs
"batch_size":32 # batch size of input tensor
"crop_size":513 # crop size
@ -238,7 +243,7 @@ For 8 devices training, training steps are as follows:
1. Train s16 with vocaug dataset, finetuning from resnet101 pretrained model, script is as follows:
# run_distribute_train_s16_r1.sh
@ -328,8 +333,34 @@ do
#### Running on CPU
For CPU training, please config parameters, training script is as follows:
# run_standalone_train_cpu.sh
python ${train_code_path}/train.py --data_file=/PATH/TO/MINDRECORD_NAME \
--device_target=CPU \
--train_dir=${train_path}/ckpt \
--train_epochs=200 \
--batch_size=32 \
--crop_size=513 \
--base_lr=0.015 \
--lr_type=cos \
--min_scale=0.5 \
--max_scale=2.0 \
--ignore_label=255 \
--num_classes=21 \
--model=deeplab_v3_s16 \
--ckpt_pre_trained=/PATH/TO/PRETRAIN_MODEL \
--save_steps=1500 \
--keep_checkpoint_max=200 >log 2>&1 &
### Result
#### Running on Ascend
- Training vocaug in s16 structure
@ -386,6 +417,17 @@ epoch time: 5962.164 ms, per step time: 542.015 ms
#### Running on CPU
- Training voctrain in s16 structure
epoch: 1 step: 1, loss is 3.655448
epoch: 2 step: 1, loss is 1.5531876
epoch: 3 step: 1, loss is 1.5099041
## [Evaluation Process](#contents)
### Usage
@ -438,7 +480,7 @@ Note: There OS is output stride, and MS is multiscale.
# [Model Description](#contents)
## [Performance](#contents
## [Performance](#contents)
### Evaluation Performance

@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ Pascal VOC数据集和语义边界数据集Semantic Boundaries DatasetSBD
你也可以通过运行脚本:`python get_dataset_lst.py --data_root=/PATH/TO/DATA` 来自动生成数据清单文件。
- 配置并运行build_data.sh将数据集转换为MindRecords。scripts/build_data.sh中的参数
@ -177,10 +179,12 @@ run_eval_s8_multiscale_flip.sh
├── run_eval_s8_multiscale.sh # 使用多尺度s8结构启动Ascend评估
├── run_eval_s8_multiscale_filp.sh # 使用多尺度和翻转s8结构启动Ascend评估
├── run_standalone_train.sh # 启动Ascend单机训练单卡
├── run_standalone_train_cpu.sh # 启动CPU单机训练
├── src
├── data
├── dataset.py # 生成MindRecord数据
├── build_seg_data.py # 数据预处理
├── get_dataset_lst.py # 生成数据清单文件
├── loss
├── loss.py # DeepLabV3的损失定义
├── nets
@ -202,6 +206,7 @@ run_eval_s8_multiscale_flip.sh
"data_file":"/PATH/TO/MINDRECORD_NAME" # 数据集路径
"device_target":Ascend # 训练后端类型
"train_epochs":300 # 总轮次数
"batch_size":32 # 输入张量的批次大小
"crop_size":513 # 裁剪大小
@ -342,8 +347,34 @@ do
#### CPU环境运行
# run_standalone_train_cpu.sh
python ${train_code_path}/train.py --data_file=/PATH/TO/MINDRECORD_NAME \
--device_target=CPU \
--train_dir=${train_path}/ckpt \
--train_epochs=200 \
--batch_size=32 \
--crop_size=513 \
--base_lr=0.015 \
--lr_type=cos \
--min_scale=0.5 \
--max_scale=2.0 \
--ignore_label=255 \
--num_classes=21 \
--model=deeplab_v3_s16 \
--ckpt_pre_trained=/PATH/TO/PRETRAIN_MODEL \
--save_steps=1500 \
--keep_checkpoint_max=200 >log 2>&1 &
### 结果
#### Ascend处理器环境运行
- 使用s16结构训练VOCaug
@ -400,6 +431,17 @@ Epoch time: 5962.164, per step time: 542.015
#### CPU环境运行
- 使用s16结构训练VOCtrain
epoch: 1 step: 1, loss is 3.655448
epoch: 2 step: 1, loss is 1.5531876
epoch: 3 step: 1, loss is 1.5099041
## 评估过程
### 用法
@ -470,7 +512,7 @@ python ${train_code_path}/eval.py --data_root=/PATH/TO/DATA \
| 损失 | 0.0065883575 |
| 速度 | 31毫秒/步单卡s8<br> 234毫秒/步8卡s8 |
| 微调检查点 | 443M .ckpt文件 |
| 脚本 | [链接](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/model_zoo/office/cv/deeplabv3) |
| 脚本 | [链接](https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/tree/master/model_zoo/official/cv/deeplabv3) |
# 随机情况说明

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
import argparse
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.io
from PIL import Image
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('dataset list generator')
parser.add_argument("--data_dir", type=str, default='./', help='where dataset stored.')
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
data_dir = args.data_dir
print("Data dir is:", data_dir)
VOC_IMG_DIR = os.path.join(data_dir, 'VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages')
VOC_ANNO_DIR = os.path.join(data_dir, 'VOCdevkit/VOC2012/SegmentationClass')
VOC_ANNO_GRAY_DIR = os.path.join(data_dir, 'VOCdevkit/VOC2012/SegmentationClassGray')
VOC_TRAIN_TXT = os.path.join(data_dir, 'VOCdevkit/VOC2012/ImageSets/Segmentation/train.txt')
VOC_VAL_TXT = os.path.join(data_dir, 'VOCdevkit/VOC2012/ImageSets/Segmentation/val.txt')
SBD_ANNO_DIR = os.path.join(data_dir, 'benchmark_RELEASE/dataset/cls')
SBD_IMG_DIR = os.path.join(data_dir, 'benchmark_RELEASE/dataset/img')
SBD_ANNO_PNG_DIR = os.path.join(data_dir, 'benchmark_RELEASE/dataset/cls_png')
SBD_ANNO_GRAY_DIR = os.path.join(data_dir, 'benchmark_RELEASE/dataset/cls_png_gray')
SBD_TRAIN_TXT = os.path.join(data_dir, 'benchmark_RELEASE/dataset/train.txt')
SBD_VAL_TXT = os.path.join(data_dir, 'benchmark_RELEASE/dataset/val.txt')
VOC_TRAIN_LST_TXT = os.path.join(data_dir, 'voc_train_lst.txt')
VOC_VAL_LST_TXT = os.path.join(data_dir, 'voc_val_lst.txt')
VOC_AUG_TRAIN_LST_TXT = os.path.join(data_dir, 'vocaug_train_lst.txt')
def __get_data_list(data_list_file):
with open(data_list_file, mode='r') as f:
return f.readlines()
def conv_voc_colorpng_to_graypng():
if not os.path.exists(VOC_ANNO_GRAY_DIR):
for ann in os.listdir(VOC_ANNO_DIR):
ann_im = Image.open(os.path.join(VOC_ANNO_DIR, ann))
ann_im = Image.fromarray(np.array(ann_im))
ann_im.save(os.path.join(VOC_ANNO_GRAY_DIR, ann))
def __gen_palette(cls_nums=256):
palette = np.zeros((cls_nums, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(cls_nums):
lbl = i
j = 0
while lbl:
palette[i, 0] |= (((lbl >> 0) & 1) << (7 - j))
palette[i, 1] |= (((lbl >> 1) & 1) << (7 - j))
palette[i, 2] |= (((lbl >> 2) & 1) << (7 - j))
lbl >>= 3
j += 1
return palette.flatten()
def conv_sbd_mat_to_png():
if not os.path.exists(SBD_ANNO_PNG_DIR):
if not os.path.exists(SBD_ANNO_GRAY_DIR):
palette = __gen_palette()
for an in os.listdir(SBD_ANNO_DIR):
img_id = an[:-4]
mat = scipy.io.loadmat(os.path.join(SBD_ANNO_DIR, an))
anno = mat['GTcls'][0]['Segmentation'][0].astype(np.uint8)
anno_png = Image.fromarray(anno)
# save to gray png
anno_png.save(os.path.join(SBD_ANNO_GRAY_DIR, img_id + '.png'))
# save to color png use palette
anno_png.save(os.path.join(SBD_ANNO_PNG_DIR, img_id + '.png'))
def create_voc_train_lst_txt():
voc_train_data_lst = __get_data_list(VOC_TRAIN_TXT)
with open(VOC_TRAIN_LST_TXT, mode='w') as f:
for id_ in voc_train_data_lst:
id_ = id_.strip()
img_ = os.path.join(VOC_IMG_DIR, id_ + '.jpg')
anno_ = os.path.join(VOC_ANNO_GRAY_DIR, id_ + '.png')
f.write(img_ + ' ' + anno_ + '\n')
def create_voc_val_lst_txt():
voc_val_data_lst = __get_data_list(VOC_VAL_TXT)
with open(VOC_VAL_LST_TXT, mode='w') as f:
for id_ in voc_val_data_lst:
id_ = id_.strip()
img_ = os.path.join(VOC_IMG_DIR, id_ + '.jpg')
anno_ = os.path.join(VOC_ANNO_GRAY_DIR, id_ + '.png')
f.write(img_ + ' ' + anno_ + '\n')
def create_voc_train_aug_lst_txt():
voc_train_data_lst = __get_data_list(VOC_TRAIN_TXT)
voc_val_data_lst = __get_data_list(VOC_VAL_TXT)
sbd_train_data_lst = __get_data_list(SBD_TRAIN_TXT)
sbd_val_data_lst = __get_data_list(SBD_VAL_TXT)
with open(VOC_AUG_TRAIN_LST_TXT, mode='w') as f:
for id_ in sbd_train_data_lst + sbd_val_data_lst:
if id_ in voc_train_data_lst + voc_val_data_lst:
id_ = id_.strip()
img_ = os.path.join(SBD_ANNO_DIR, id_ + '.jpg')
anno_ = os.path.join(SBD_ANNO_GRAY_DIR, id_ + '.png')
f.write(img_ + ' ' + anno_ + '\n')
for id_ in voc_train_data_lst:
id_ = id_.strip()
img_ = os.path.join(VOC_IMG_DIR, id_ + '.jpg')
anno_ = os.path.join(VOC_ANNO_GRAY_DIR, id_ + '.png')
f.write(img_ + ' ' + anno_ + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('converting voc color png to gray png ...')
print('converting done.')
print('generating voc train list success.')
print('generating voc val list success.')
print('converting sbd annotations to png ...')
print('converting done')
print('generating voc train aug list success.')