@ -33,9 +33,13 @@ class JiebaTokenizer(cde.JiebaTokenizerOp):
Tokenize Chinese string into words based on dictionary.
mode (Enum): [Default "MIX"], "MP" model will tokenize with MPSegment algorithm, "HMM" mode will
tokenize with Hiddel Markov Model Segment algorithm, "MIX" model will tokenize with a mix of MPSegment and
HMMSegment algorithm.
hmm_path (str): the dictionary file is used by HMMSegment algorithm,
the dictionary can be obtained on the official website of cppjieba.
mp_path(str): the dictionary file is used by MPSegment algorithm,
the dictionary can be obtained on the official website of cppjieba.
mode (Enum): [Default "MIX"], "MP" model will tokenize with MPSegment algorithm,
"HMM" mode will tokenize with Hiddel Markov Model Segment algorithm,
"MIX" model will tokenize with a mix of MPSegment and HMMSegment algorithm.
def __init__(self, hmm_path, mp_path, mode=JiebaMode.MIX):
@ -52,9 +56,8 @@ class JiebaTokenizer(cde.JiebaTokenizerOp):
word(required, string): The word to be added to the JiebaTokenizer instance.
The added word will not be written into the built-in dictionary on disk.
freq(optional, int): The frequency of the word to be added,
The higher the frequency, the better change the word will be tokenized(default None,
use default frequency)
freq(optional, int): The frequency of the word to be added, The higher the frequency,
the better change the word will be tokenized(default None, use default frequency).
if freq is None:
super().add_word(word, 0)
@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ class JiebaTokenizer(cde.JiebaTokenizerOp):
Add user defined word to JiebaTokenizer's dictionary
user_dict(path/dict):Dictionary to be added, file path or Python dictionary,
Python Dict format is {word1:freq1, word2:freq2,...}
Python Dict format: {word1:freq1, word2:freq2,...}
Jieba dictionary format : word(required), freq(optional), such as:
word1 freq1