This is an example of training Bert with MLPerf v0.7 dataset by second-order optimizer THOR. THOR is a novel approximate seond-order optimization method in MindSpore. With fewer iterations, THOR can finish Bert-Large training in 14 minutes to a masked lm accuracy of 71.3% using 8 Ascend 910, which is much faster than SGD with Momentum.
## Model Architecture
The architecture of Bert contains 3 embedding layers which are used to look up token embeddings, position embeddings and segmentation embeddings; Then BERT basically consists of a stack of Transformer encoder blocks; finally bert are trained for two tasks: Masked Language Model and Next Sentence Prediction.
The architecture of Bert contains 3 embedding layers which are used to look up token embeddings, position embeddings and segmentation embeddings; Then BERT basically consists of a stack of Transformer encoder blocks; finally bert is trained for two tasks: Masked Language Model and Next Sentence Prediction.
- Note:Data will be processed using scripts in
- Note:Data will be processed using scripts in [pretraining data creation](,
with the help of this link users could make the data files step by step.