Fix doc of context default value

fary86 5 years ago
parent ec5ba10c82
commit f2432e58d3

@ -497,13 +497,13 @@ def set_context(**kwargs):
=========================== =========================== =================
mode (int): Running in GRAPH_MODE(0) or PYNATIVE_MODE(1).
mode (int): Running in GRAPH_MODE(0) or PYNATIVE_MODE(1). Default: PYNATIVE_MODE(1).
device_target (str): The target device to run, support "Ascend", "GPU", "CPU". Default: "Ascend".
device_id (int): Id of target device, the value must be in [0, device_num_per_host-1],
while device_num_per_host should no more than 4096. Default: 0.
save_graphs (bool): Whether to save graphs. Default: False.
save_graphs_path (str): Path to save graphs. Default: "."
enable_auto_mixed_precision (bool): Whether to enable auto mixed precision. Default: True.
enable_auto_mixed_precision (bool): Whether to enable auto mixed precision. Default: False.
enable_graph_kernel (bool): Whether to enable composition of basic primitives. These primitives would be
compiled into a fused kernel automatically. Default: False.
reserve_class_name_in_scope (bool) : Whether to save the network class name in the scope. Default: True.
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ def set_context(**kwargs):
save_dump_path (str): When the program is executed on Ascend, operators can dump data here.
The root dump path is configured in /home/HwHiAiUser/ide_daemon/ide_daemon.cfg.
So the real dump path is "{configured root dump path}/{`save_dump_path`}". Default: ".".
variable_memory_max_size (str): Sets variable memory max size. Default: "5GB".
variable_memory_max_size (str): Sets variable memory max size. Default: "0GB".
enable_profiling (bool): Whether to open profiling. Default: False.
profiling_options (str): Sets profiling collection options, operators can profiling data here.
Profiling collection options, the values are as follows, supporting the collection of multiple data.
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ def set_context(**kwargs):
The format is "xxGB". Default: "1024GB".
print_file_path (str): The path of print data to save. If this parameter is set, print data is saved to
a file by default, and turn off printing to the screen. If the file already exists, add a timestamp
suffix to the file.
suffix to the file. Default: ''.
enable_sparse (bool): Whether to enable sparsity feature. Default: False.
max_call_depth(int): Specify the function call depth limit. Default: 1000.

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ std::map<std::string, MsBackendPolicy> MsContext::policy_map_ = {{"ge", kMsBacke
MsContext::MsContext(const std::string &policy, const std::string &target) {
set_param<bool>(MS_CTX_SAVE_GRAPHS_FLAG, false);
set_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_SAVE_GRAPHS_PATH, ".");
set_param<bool>(MS_CTX_ENABLE_DUMP, false);
set_param<std::string>(MS_CTX_SAVE_DUMP_PATH, ".");
set_param<uint32_t>(MS_CTX_TSD_REF, 0);
set_param<uint32_t>(MS_CTX_GE_REF, 0);
