@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
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# ===========================================================================
"""generate json desc for LayerNormGrad"""
from mindspore._extends.graph_kernel.model import model_builder as builder
def expand_layernormgrad(expand_info):
"""LayerNormGrad expander"""
# get op info.
x_desc = expand_info['input_desc'][0]
dy_desc = expand_info['input_desc'][1]
var_desc = expand_info['input_desc'][2]
mean_desc = expand_info['input_desc'][3]
gamma_desc = expand_info['input_desc'][4]
begin_norm_axis = None
begin_params_axis = None
epsilon = 1e-11
for item in expand_info['attr']:
if 'begin_norm_axis' in item:
begin_norm_axis = item['begin_norm_axis']
if 'begin_params_axis' in item:
begin_params_axis = item['begin_params_axis']
if 'epsilon' in item:
epsilon = item['epsilon']
shape_x = x_desc['shape']
if begin_norm_axis < 0:
begin_norm_axis += len(shape_x)
if begin_params_axis < 0:
begin_params_axis += len(shape_x)
norm_axis = tuple(range(begin_norm_axis, len(shape_x)))
param_axis = tuple(range(0, begin_params_axis))
reduce_size = 1.0
for i in norm_axis:
reduce_size *= shape_x[i]
graph_builder = builder.GraphBuilder()
with graph_builder.graph_scope('main') as graph_scope:
# create input tensors.
x = graph_builder.tensor(x_desc['shape'], x_desc['data_type'], x_desc['format'])
dy = graph_builder.tensor(dy_desc['shape'], dy_desc['data_type'], dy_desc['format'])
variance = graph_builder.tensor(var_desc['shape'], var_desc['data_type'], var_desc['format'])
mean = graph_builder.tensor(mean_desc['shape'], mean_desc['data_type'], mean_desc['format'])
gamma = graph_builder.tensor(gamma_desc['shape'], gamma_desc['data_type'], gamma_desc['format'])
graph_scope.set_input(x, dy, variance, mean, gamma)
# set some constant val.
eps = graph_builder.value(x.dtype, epsilon, x.data_format)
const_one = graph_builder.value(x.dtype, 1.0, x.data_format)
const_neg_half = graph_builder.value(x.dtype, -0.5, x.data_format)
const_neg_two = graph_builder.value(x.dtype, -2.0, x.data_format)
const_two = graph_builder.value(x.dtype, 2.0, x.data_format)
const_neg_one = graph_builder.value(x.dtype, -1.0, x.data_format)
mean_cof = graph_builder.value(x.dtype, (1.0 / reduce_size), x.data_format)
# cal dg db
# dg = np.sum(dy * np.power(var + epsilon, -0.5) * (x - mean), axis=tuple(param_axis), keepdims=True)
# db = np.sum(dy, axis=tuple(param_axis), keepdims=True)
var_eps = graph_builder.emit('TensorAdd', [variance, eps])
sqrt_var_eps = graph_builder.emit('Sqrt', [var_eps])
rsqrt_var_eps = graph_builder.emit('RealDiv', [const_one, sqrt_var_eps])
x_sub_mean = graph_builder.emit('Sub', [x, mean])
x_sub_mean_mul_rsqrt_var_eps = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [rsqrt_var_eps, x_sub_mean])
dg_mul = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [dy, x_sub_mean_mul_rsqrt_var_eps])
dg = graph_builder.emit('ReduceSum', [dg_mul], attrs={'reduce_axis': param_axis, 'keep_dims': False})
db = graph_builder.emit('ReduceSum', [dy], attrs={'reduce_axis': param_axis, 'keep_dims': False})
# cal sum_1
# sum1 = np.sum((-0.5) * dy * gamma * (x - mean) * np.power(var + epsilon, -1.5), axis=tuple(norm_axis),
# keepdims=True)
tmp_var_eps = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [sqrt_var_eps, var_eps])
r_tmp_var_eps = graph_builder.emit('RealDiv', [const_one, tmp_var_eps])
x_sub_mean_mul_r_tmp_var_eps = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [x_sub_mean, r_tmp_var_eps])
dy_mul_gamma = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [dy, gamma])
tmp_mul = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [dy_mul_gamma, x_sub_mean_mul_r_tmp_var_eps])
sum_1_mul = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [const_neg_half, tmp_mul])
sum_1 = graph_builder.emit('ReduceSum', [sum_1_mul], attrs={'reduce_axis': norm_axis, 'keep_dims': True})
# cal sum_2
# sum2 = np.sum(dy * gamma, axis=tuple(norm_axis), keepdims=True)
sum_2 = graph_builder.emit('ReduceSum', [dy_mul_gamma], attrs={'reduce_axis': norm_axis, 'keep_dims': True})
# cal sum_3
# sum3 = np.sum(-2.0 * (x - mean), axis=tuple(norm_axis), keepdims=True)
sum_3_mul = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [const_neg_two, x_sub_mean])
sum_3 = graph_builder.emit('ReduceSum', [sum_3_mul], attrs={'reduce_axis': norm_axis, 'keep_dims': True})
# cal dx = dx1 + dx2 + dx3
# dx1 = dy * gamma * rsqrt_var_eps
# dx2 = sum1 * 2.0 / mean_cof * x_sub_mean
# dx3 = (1.0 / mean_cof) * (-1.0 * rsqrt_var_eps * sum2 + 1.0 / mean_cof * sum1 * sum3)
dx_1 = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [dy_mul_gamma, rsqrt_var_eps])
sum_1_mul_two = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [sum_1, const_two])
sum_1_mul_two_tmp = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [sum_1_mul_two, mean_cof])
dx_2 = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [sum_1_mul_two_tmp, x_sub_mean])
neg_rsqrt_var_eps = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [const_neg_one, rsqrt_var_eps])
neg_rsqrt_var_eps_mul_sum_2 = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [neg_rsqrt_var_eps, sum_2])
sum_1_mul_sum_3 = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [sum_1, sum_3])
mean_cof_mul_sum_1_mul_sum_3 = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [mean_cof, sum_1_mul_sum_3])
add_tmp = graph_builder.emit('TensorAdd', [neg_rsqrt_var_eps_mul_sum_2, mean_cof_mul_sum_1_mul_sum_3])
dx_3 = graph_builder.emit('Mul', [add_tmp, mean_cof])
dx_tmp = graph_builder.emit('TensorAdd', [dx_1, dx_2])
dx = graph_builder.emit('TensorAdd', [dx_tmp, dx_3])
# set graph output.
graph_scope.set_output(dx, dg, db)
graph = graph_builder.get()[0]
return graph
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